

provided by Zookeys
Male holotype (Fig. 3). Total length 7.75, Carapace 2.50 long and 2.10 wide. Carapace dark brown suffused with dark grey along radiating striae. Chelicerae dark brown. Sternum and labium pale brown. Eyes, AME area dark. Both eye rows straight. Posterior eyes oval. AME: 0.07; ALE: 0.10; PME: 0.07; PLE: 0.10; AME-AME: 0.07; AME-ALE: 0.02; PME-PME: 0.05; PME-PLE: 0.02. Chelicerae: both margins with three teeth. Sternum with long, dark bristles along margin. Labium 0.9 times longer than wide. Legs pale brown. Metatarsi III and IV with ventral preening comb at tip. Tarsi cylindric. Abdomen Dorsum dark grey; with four pale points in central, longitudinal row in anterior half; venter pale grey. Spinnerets pale grey. Palp Femora strongly curved (Fig. 12); tibia with long, curved, RTA, originating at proximal base of tibia, with flat ventral side, rounded tip (Fig. 13). Retrolateral margin of cymbium with triangular extension. Embolus large, curved, deeply incised at tip; dorsal prong with hooked tip. DTA elongate, with both anterior and posterior extremities pointed.
Epigyne (figs 18, 28): central depression large, slightly longer than broad; copulatory ducts forming an M-shaped pattern in transparency; anterior part with very short, straight side ducts. Spermathecae large, globular, adjacent.
bibliographic citation
An update of Zelotibia (Araneae, Gnaphosidae), a spider genus with a species swarm in the Albertine Rift
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provided by Zookeys
Holotype. Male. BURUNDI: Parc National de la Kibira, Forêt de Rwegura, 02° 55’S 029° 31’E, 28.XII.2004, 1970 m, pitfalls, Nzigidahera Benoît (MRAC 222242).
Paratypes. BURUNDI: Parc National de la Kibira, Forêt de Rwegura, 02° 55’S 029° 31’E, Parinari forest, pitfall, Nzigidahera Benoit; 1♀: 15.VII.2005, 2120 m (MRAC 222241); 1♂: tea plantation, pitfall, 28.VII.2005, 1970 m.
Other material. All from BURUNDI, Parc National de la Kibira, Rwegura, Mt Musumba, 02° 52’S 029° 30’E, Nzigidahera B. site 1, mountain heather, Philippia benguelensis, 2650 m: 1♂: 25.VI.2008, site (MRAC 226272); 1♂: 10.XII.2008, (MRAC 226278); 1♂: 10.VII.2008, site 1, mountain heather Philippia benguelensis (MRAC 226291); 2♂, 1♀: 10.I.2009, (MRAC 226298); 1♀: 25.X.2008, (MRAC 226300); 1♂: 25.VIII.2008, (MRAC 226309); site 2, forest with Hagenia abyssinica, 2548m: 1♀: 10.III.2008, (MRAC 226274); 1♂: 25.V.2008 (MRAC 226285); 2♂: 25.II.2008 (MRAC 226286); 1♀: 10.X.2008 (MRAC 226288); 1♀: 10.I.2008 (MRAC 226292); 1♂: 10.IX.2008 (MRAC 226303); site 3, forest with Hagenia abyssinica, 2444 m: 1♂ 1♀: 10.IX.2008; 1♂ 1♀10.IX.2008, (INECN); site 4, forest with Macaranga neomildbraediana and Polyscias fulva, 2352m: 3♀: 10.III.2008, (MRAC 226270); 1♂: 25.VII.2008, (MRAC 226271); 1♀: 25.XI.2008, (MRAC 226273); 2♂: 10.VIII.2008, (MRAC 226277); 1♂, 1♀: 10.VI.2008, (MRAC 226289); 1♀: 25.XII.2008, (MRAC 226297); 1♀: 10.X.2008, (MRAC 226302); 1♂: 25.VI.2008, (MRAC 226304); 1♀: 25.V.2008, (MRAC 226307); 4♀: 10.II.2008, (MRAC 226308); 3♀: 25.VI.2008, (MRAC 226311); 1♂, 1♀: 10.V.2008, (MRAC 226312); 1♂, 3♀: 25.IV.2008, (MRAC 226313); 1♂: 25.III.2008, (MRAC 226317); 2♀: 26.I.2008 (MRAC 226319); 1♂: 26.I.2008, (MRAC 226320); 1♀: 10.III.2008 MRAC 226321): 3♂, 1♀: 10.III.2008, (MRAC 226323); 1♂: 26.I.2008, (MRAC 226324); 3♂, 4♀: 25.II.2008, (INECN); 3♂: 10.II.2008, (INECN); site 5, forest with Carapa grandifl ora and Polyscias fulva, 2252m: 3♂: 25.VI.2008 (MRAC 226279); 1♂: 25.XI.2008(MRAC 226287); 3♂: 25.VIII.2008(MRAC 226293); 1♀: 10.VIII.2008(MRAC 226299); 2♂: 10.III.2008(MRAC 226301); 1♂, 1♀: 25.XI.2008(MRAC 226305); 1♂: 25.IV.2008(MRAC 226310); 4♀: 10.VI.2008(MRAC 226314); 3♂: 10.V.2008(MRAC 226315); 2♀: 10.III.2008(MRAC 226316); 3♂, 1♀: 25.V.2008(MRAC 226325); 2♂, 1♀: 25.V.2008(MRAC 226326); 2♀: 10.XI.2008(MRAC 226327); 4♀: 10.IV.2008 (MRAC 226328); 1♂: 25.III.2008(MRAC 226329); 1♂: 10.IV.2008(MRAC 226330); 1♀: 25.II.2008(MRAC 226331); 1♂, 1♀: 10.VII.2008 (INECN); 2♀: 10.V.2008 (INECN); 3♀: 25.VII.2008 (INECN); 5♂: 10.26.I.2008 (INECN); 5♂: 25.III.2008 (INECN); site 6, forest with Carapa grandifl ora and Polyscias fulva, 2150m: 1♂: 10.VII.2008, (MRAC 226275); 2♀: 10.III.2008, (MRAC 226276); 1♂, 1♀: 10.V.2008, (MRAC 226280); 1♂: 10.XII.2008, (MRAC 226281); 1♂, 1♀: 10.IV.2008, (MRAC 226282); 2♂: 26.I.2008, (MRAC 226284); 2♂: 25.VI.2008, (MRAC 226290); 1♂: 25.XII.2008, (MRAC 226294); 1♂: 25.X.2008, (MRAC 226296); 1♀: 23.III.2008, (MRAC 226318); 2♀: 25.VII.2008, (MRAC 226322); site 7, tea plantation, 2100m: 2♂: 10.XII.2008, (MRAC 226283); 1♂: 25.IV.2008 (MRAC 226295); 5♂: 25.III.2008 (INECN); 1♂: 10.III.2008 (MRAC 226269).
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