
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Glossobius anctus

MATERIAL.—All from Euleptorhamphus viridis (van Hasselt). PACIFIC OCEAN: Australia: Western Australia, North West Shelf, 18°25′S, 118°52′E, 150 m depth, coll. F.R.V. Soela, 17 May 1979, ovigerous , 28.0 mm (holotype, AM P35743) and , 9.5 mm (paratype, AM P35744). New South Wales, Bryon Bay, 28°38′S, 153°37′E, 26 Jun 1910, , 8.0 mm (AM P35745). Japan: Iozu Sea, non-ovigerous , 26.0 mm (paratype, USNM 227113). Wahasa Bay, Yoroo, 1929, ovigerous , 30.0 mm and immature, 4.0 mm (paratypes, USNM 227110). Hawaii: Honolulu, ovigerous , 25.5 mm and , 8.2 mm (paratypes, USNM 227112). Honolulu, coll. Albatross, ovigerous , approximately 34 mm, head missing, (USNM 227111).

TYPES.—Holotype, AM P35743; paratypes, AM P35744, USNM 227110,227112,227113.

TYPE LOCALITY.—North West Shelf of Western Australia, 18°25′S, 118°52′E.

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin anctus, meaning choke, alluding to the buccal-filling size of this species.

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE.—Body straight, about 4 times as long as wide, sides subparallel; dorsum strongly vaulted. Rostrum anterior margin bluntly rounded; eyes very small, triangular, facets indistinct. Pereonite 1 anterolateral angles scarcely produced. Pereonites 1–3 subequal in length; pereonites 4–6 progressively decreasing in length, pereonite 7 distinctly shorter than pereonite 6, about 25% length of pereonite 1. Coxae all shorter than pereonites; widest anteriorly, between half and two-thirds as wide as long. Pleonites 1 and 5 subequal in length, longer than pleonites 2–4; posterior margin of pleonite 5 not lobed. Pleotelson lateral margins converging slightly; posterior margin truncate, with medial emargination.

Antennule extending to posterior of cephalon, composed of 7 articles. Antenna extending to posterior of cephalon, composed of 9 articles.

Labrum prominent, fleshy, anterior margin rounded, posterolateral margins produced. Mandible palp article 3 with 6 terminal setae, medial margins with microtrichs. Maxillule with 4 terminal spines. Maxilla with 14 spines on lateral lobe, 10 on endopod. Maxilliped article 3 with 2 terminal spines.

Pereopods 1 and 2 of similar proportions, but pereopods 2 and 3 longer than pereopod 1 and pereopod 3 less robust than l and 2.

Pleopods same as G. impressus. Uropod rami both bluntly rounded, extending just beyond posterior of pleotelson.

DESCRIPTION OF MALE.—About one-third length of female. Antennule with 6 or 7 articles, antenna with 7 or 8. Maxilla lateral lobe with 4 spines, endopod with 3. Mandible palp article 2 with about 6 stout setae at mediodistal angle; article 3 medially constricted, with 8 stiff setae on mediodistal margin. Maxillule with 4 terminal spines. Maxilliped article 3 with 4 terminal hooked spines; medial margins with fine serrate scales. Pereopods less robust than in female; pereopods 5–7 basis with moderately developed expansions. Penes elongate.

COLOR.—Pale to tan in alcohol.

SIZE.—Ovigerous females between 25.5 and 34.0 mm, one non-ovigerous female was 26.0 mm, males between 8.0 and 9.5 mm.

DISTRIBUTION.—Tropical and subtropical Pacific and Indian Ocean, with records from Hawaii, Japan, and eastern and western Australia.
bibliographic citation
Bowman, Thomas E. and Bruce, N. L. 1989. "Species of the parasitic isopod genera Ceratothoa and Glossobius (Crustacea: Cymothoidae) from the mouths of flying fishes and halfbeaks (Beloniformes)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.489