Onthophagus heterorrhinus, is a species of dung beetle found in India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.[1][2][3][4]
This very small oval, highly convex species has an average length of about 4 mm. Body black in color. Elytra bright orange-yellow, with a black broad irregular median band. Head and pronotum with a coppery or metallic green shine. Antennae and mouthparts are yellowish whereas legs are reddish. Dorsum and ventrum both covered with long yellowish hairs. Head narrow, shiny, with large scanty punctures. Clypeus separated by a curved carina from the forehead. Pronotum very convex, strongly and closely punctured. Elytra very finely striate, with flat intervals and fine double series punctures. Pygidium evenly and fairly strongly punctured. Male has bluntly bilobed clypeus withs straight sides. There is a pair of minute tubercles between the eyes on vertex. Female has gently rounded clypeus which is truncate in front. Vertex with a short straight carina between the eyes.[5]
Onthophagus heterorrhinus, is a species of dung beetle found in India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Onthophagus heterorrhinus es una especie de insecto del género Onthophagus de la familia Scarabaeidae del orden Coleoptera.[3] [4]
Fue descrita científicamente por primera vez en el año 1885 por Lansberge.
Onthophagus heterorrhinus es una especie de insecto del género Onthophagus de la familia Scarabaeidae del orden Coleoptera.
Onthophagus heterorrhinus adalah spesies kumbang yang berasal dari genus Onthophagus dan famili Scarabaeidae. Kumbang ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Coleoptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia.
Kumbang ini memiliki antena yang terdiri dari plat yang disebut lamela.
Onthophagus heterorrhinus adalah spesies kumbang yang berasal dari genus Onthophagus dan famili Scarabaeidae. Kumbang ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Coleoptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia.
Kumbang ini memiliki antena yang terdiri dari plat yang disebut lamela.
Onthophagus heterorrhinus é uma espécie de inseto do género Onthophagus da família Scarabaeidae da ordem Coleoptera.[1][2]
Foi descrita cientificamente pela primeira vez no ano de 1885 por Lansberge.
Onthophagus heterorrhinus é uma espécie de inseto do género Onthophagus da família Scarabaeidae da ordem Coleoptera.
Onthophagus heterorrhinus là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Bọ hung (Scarabaeidae).[1][2]
Onthophagus heterorrhinus là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Bọ hung (Scarabaeidae).