
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Stygobromus baroodyi

Stygobromus sp. E.—Holsinger, 1969a:29–31.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—VIRGINIA. Rockbridge Co.: Bathers Cave, holotype (USNM 168791), 20 and 4 juv. paratypes (USNM), 1 paratype on slide mounts (JRH), J. R. Holsinger, R. A. Baroody, R. M. Norton, and R. W. Burnette, 17 Apr 1965; Billy Williams Cave, 1 paratype (JRH), J. R. Holsinger and J. E. Cooper, 27 May 1961, and 6 paratypes (JRH), J. R. Holsinger, R. W. Burnette and R. M. Norton, 17 Apr 1965; Buck Hill Cave, 2 paratypes (JRH), T. C. Barr, Jr., 2 Jan 1959; cave between Lexington and Buena Vista (probably Bell Cave), 5 paratypes (USNM), J. A. Fowler, 31 Oct 1943; Grahams Cave, 1 paratype (JRH), J. Tichenor, Dec 1970; Showalters Cave, 1 , 1 juv. paratypes (JRH), R. M. Norton, 17 Apr 1965, and 2 , 3 paratypes (JRH), J. R. Holsinger, J. H. Carpenter and T. G. Marsh, 13 July 1969.

DIAGNOSIS.—A medium-sized cavernicolous species distinguished by rather long, nonsetose posterior margin and slightly concave palm of gnathopod propod 1, small rastellate setae on segment 5 of gnathopods, small, often acute posterior corners of pleonal plates, and relatively short, unnotched telson. Largest males, 7.0 mm; largest female, 11.9 mm.

FEMALE.—Antenna 1, 50–60 percent length of body, 50 percent longer than antenna 2; primary flagellum with up to 32 segment. Antenna 2, flagellum with up to 9 segments. Mandibles subequal; spine row with 9 spines; segment 2 of palp with row of rather long setae on inner margin, segment 3 with 1 long seta on outer margin, row of short setae on inner margin and 4 long setae on apex. Maxilla 1: inner plate with 9 apical, plumose setae; palp with 2 spines and 5 setae apically and subapically. Maxilla 2, inner plate with oblique row of 8 or 9 plumose setae on inner margin. Maxilliped: inner plate with 3 bladelike (often serrate) spines, 2 plumose spines and 2 naked setae apically, 3 plumose spines (or coarse setae?) on inner margin distally; outer plate with naked setae on inner margin and apex, and 2 or 3 spines (or thick setae) and 1 plumose seta apically. Inner lobes of lower lip small to vestigial.

Propod of gnathopod 1 slightly smaller than 2nd propod; palm slightly concave, armed with double row of 9 spine teeth; defining angle with 5 spine teeth on outside, 5 spine teeth on inside; posterior margin about 50 percent length of palm, without setae; medial setae singly and doubly inserted. Dactyl nail of gnathopod 1 relatively short. Segment 5 of gnathopod 1 with several small, poorly developed rastellate setae. Coxal plate of gnathopod 1 longer than broad, margin with 4 setae. Gnathopod propod 2: palm oblique, margin nearly straight, armed with double row of 11 or 12 spine teeth; defining angle with 1 long spine tooth on outside, 1 short spine tooth on inside; posterior margin with 4 sets setae; inferior medial setae singly inserted, superior medial setae singly, doubly, and triply inserted. Dactyl nail of gnathopod 2 relatively short. Segment 5 of gnathopod 2 with several very small, poorly developed rastellate setae. Coxal plate of gnathopod 2 longer than broad, margin with 1 or 2 small spines and 4 or 5 setae. Coxal plate of pereopod 3 longer than broad, margin with 3 short spines and 6 setae. Coxal plate of pereopod 4 about as broad as long, reaching about 45 percent length of basis, margin with 10 setae. Pereopod 7 usually a little longer than, but occasionally about equal to, pereopod 6, 45–55 percent length of body, 20–30 percent longer than pereopod 5. Bases of pereopods 5–7 a little broader proximally than distally, distoposterior lobes distinct, bluntly rounded. Dactyls of pereopods 6 and 7 about 25 percent length of corresponding propods; dactyl of pereopod 5 about 33 percent length of corresponding propods. Coxal gill present on pereopd 7. Three median sternal gills on pereonites 2–4; 2 pairs bifurcate lateral sternal gills on pereonites 6 and 7; 1 pair sternal gills on pleonite 1. Brood plates relatively narrow but somewhat expanded distally.

Pleonal plates: posterior margins slightly convex, each with 1 setae inserted well above posterior corner; posterior corners small, subacute to acute; ventral margin of plate 1 with 5 spines, that of plate 2 with 3 spines. Uronites free. Uropod 1: inner ramus equal in length to outer ramus, about 60 percent length of peduncle, armed with 12 spines; outer ramus with 13 spines; peduncle with 11 spines. Uropod 2: inner ramus longer than outer ramus, subequal in length to peduncle, armed with 11 spines; outer ramus with 8 spines; peduncle with 4 spines. Uropod 3: ramus about 30 percent length of peduncle, with 3 rather short apical spines. Telson about as broad as long; apical margin entire but with small break in spine row, armed with 14–16 moderately short spines.

MALE.—Differing from female as follows: Propod of gnathopod 2 with 3 or 4 more spine teeth. Peduncular process of uropod 1 rounded apically, margin of distal half serrate. Uropod 3: ramus, 20–25 percent length of peduncle, with 3 rather long apical spines; peduncle with 1 small spine distolaterally. Telson slightly longer than broad; apical margin entire, armed with 16 spines, most of which are relatively long.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Bathers Cave, located 3.2 km north of Lexington in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, is a medium-sized cave developed in Middle Ordovician limestone. In this cave, amphipods are fairly abundant in a series of small, mud-bottom stream pools about 91 m from the entrance.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY.—The range of this species, which as presently known is limited to Rockbridge County, lies within the James River drainage basin and covers a linear distance of about 42 km. Stygobromus baroodyi is commonly associated with small, slow-flowing cave streams with mud or silt bottoms. It has also been taken from mud-bottom drip and seep pools. Females with setose brood plates, ranging in size from 7.5–11.9 mm, have been collected during all seasons of the years.
bibliographic citation
Holsinger, John R. 1978. "Systematics of the subterranean amphipod genus Stygobromus (Crangonyctidae) : Part II. Species of the eastern United States." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-144. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.266