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Winged Insects
Scarab Beetles
Winged Insects
Scarab Beetle
Scarab Beetles
Onthophagus affinis Gillet 1930
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Onthophagus affinis Gillet 1930
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Scarabaeidae Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Onthophagus affinis
Species recognized by
wikipedia VI
wikipedia ID
, and
wikipedia MIN
Onthophagus affinis
Gillet 1930
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) affinis Gillet 1930
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Onthophagus affinis
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Onthophagus affinis Gillet 1930
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Onthophagus affinis Gillet 1930
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Onthophagus affinis Gillet 1930
(this page)
Onthophagus (Amphionthophagus) melitaeus (Fabricius 1798)
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) piffli Petrovitz 1961
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) thai Kabakov 1994
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) triceratops Arrow 1913
Onthophagus (Furconthophagus) karenensis Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2008
Onthophagus (Hikidaeus) leknamnaous Masumoto & Ochi 2015
Onthophagus (Hikidaeus) sauteri Gillet 1924
Onthophagus (Indachorius) baenzigeri Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2007
Onthophagus (Indachorius) heterorrhinus Lansberge 1885
Onthophagus (Indachorius) subsapaensis Kabakov 1994
Onthophagus (Matashia) fossor Arrow 1931
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) collinsi Krikken & Huijbregts 1987
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) liui Masumoto, Ochi & Lee 2014
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) vanofwegeni Krikken & Huijbregts 2008
Onthophagus (Onthophagiellus) thanwaakhomus Masumoto 1992
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) clitellifer Reitter 1894
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) kolenatii Reitter 1892
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) nikolajevi Kabakov 2006
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) parmatus Reitter 1892
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) pygargus Motschulsky 1845
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) rachelis Martin-Piera 1985
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) vacca (Linnaeus 1767)
Onthophagus (Paraphanaeomorphus) jeannelianus Paulian 1945
Onthophagus (Parentius) nigellus (Illiger 1803)
Onthophagus (Phanaeomorphus) gagatoides Kabakov 2006
Onthophagus (Sinonthophagus) rugulosus Harold 1886
Onthophagus (Trichonthophagus) mediofuscatus D' Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus (Trichonthophagus) triacanthus Castelnau 1840
Onthophagus abyssinicus Gillet 1925
Onthophagus annulopunctatus Krikken & Huijbregts 2017
Onthophagus atridorsis D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus atriglabrus Howden & Gill 1987
Onthophagus axillaris Boheman 1860
Onthophagus baiyericus Krikken & Huijbregts 2013
Onthophagus batesi Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus birugifer D' Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus bituberifrons Josso 2018
Onthophagus bocandei D' Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus carpophilus Pereira & Halffter 1961
Onthophagus centurio Lansberge 1885
Onthophagus ceylonicus Harold 1859
Onthophagus chryses Bates 1887
Onthophagus civettae Cambefort 1984
Onthophagus convexicollis Boheman 1858
Onthophagus cribratus Lansberge 1883
Onthophagus crinitus Harold 1869
Onthophagus cruciger MacLeay 1888
Onthophagus cuniculus MacLeay 1864
Onthophagus diversus Reiche 1847
Onthophagus ebenicolor D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus egenus Harold 1877
Onthophagus evae Balthasar 1944
Onthophagus excisiceps D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus flavimargo D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus foulliouxi Cambefort 1971
Onthophagus gabonensis Walter 1989
Onthophagus gibbus D' Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus grandivigilans Masumoto 1995
Onthophagus gurburra Storey & Weir 1990
Onthophagus hemipygus Frey 1964
Onthophagus hircus Billberg 1815
Onthophagus hulstaerti Boucomont 1932
Onthophagus imbutus Sharp 1875
Onthophagus impunctatus D' Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus impurus Harold 1868
Onthophagus inermicollis D' Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus juncticornis D' Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus koebelei Blackburn 1903
Onthophagus mexicanus Bates 1887
Onthophagus miles D' Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus mimikanus Balthasar 1969
Onthophagus mongana Storey & Weir 1990
Onthophagus naevuliger D' Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus nigriceps Raffray 1877
Onthophagus novaeirlandiae Balthasar 1969
Onthophagus orientalis Harold 1868
Onthophagus palamoui Biswas & Chatterjee 1986
Onthophagus paravinctus Tagliaferri & Moretto 2012
Onthophagus pseudoconvexicollis Bai & Yang 2016
Onthophagus puberulus D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus pugnax Harold 1868
Onthophagus pullus Roth 1851
Onthophagus pupillatus Kolbe 1886
Onthophagus pygidialis Lansberge 1883
Onthophagus sansibaricus Harold 1878
Onthophagus savanicola Cambefort 1984
Onthophagus sculptilis Gerstaecker 1871
Onthophagus solomonensis Krikken & Huijbregts 2012
Onthophagus spiculatus Boucomont 1914
Onthophagus tamworthi Blackburn 1903
Onthophagus tatsienluensis Balthasar 1942
Onthophagus tessulatus Harold 1871
Onthophagus thainuaensis Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2008
Onthophagus tirapensis Biswas & Chatterjee 1985
Onthophagus toraut Krikken & Huijbregts 2011
Onthophagus tricariniger D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus tripolitanus Heyden 1890
Onthophagus tshuapae Balthasar 1964
Onthophagus undaticeps D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus viridivinosus Kohlmann & Solis 2001
2069 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Scarabaeidae Latreille 1802
Scarabaeinae Latreille 1802
Onthophagini Streubel 1846
Onthophagus Latreille 1802
Onthophagus subgen. Onthophagus Latreille 1802
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) affinis Gillet 1930
(this page)
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) abacus Boucomont 1921
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) abas Balthasar 1946
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) abmisibilus Krikken & Huijbregts 2012
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) abreui Arrow 1931
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) abruptus Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) absyrtus Balthasar 1946
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) abyssinicus Gillet 1925
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) academus Balthasar 1946
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aceroides Krikken & Huijbregts 2013
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) acerus Gillet 1930
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aciculatulus Blatchley 1928
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) acrisius Balthasar 1946
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) acuminatus Harold 1880
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) adelaidae Hope 1846
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) adelphus Gillet 1930
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) admetus Balthasar 1946
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) adornatus Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aegrotus Balthasar 1967
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aemulus Gillet 1930
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aeneoniger Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aeneopiceus Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aequepubens Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aereidorsis Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aeremicans Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aereomaculatus Boucomont 1914
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aerestriatus Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aeruginosus Roth 1851
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aesopus Lansberge 1882
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) africanus Lansberge 1886
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) agaricophilus Arrow 1931
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) ahenicollis Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) ahenomicans Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) akamineae Moretto & Génier 2020
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) akhaus Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2007
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) alaindrumonti Krikken & Huijbregts 2012
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) albicomus Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) albicornis (Palisot de Beauvois 1805)
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) albipennis Péringuey 1908
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) albipodex Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) alfuricus Huijbregts & Krikken 2012
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aliceae Josso 2019
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) alienus Frey 1958
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) allojavanus Huijbregts & Krikken 2011
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) alluaudi Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) alluvius Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) aloysiellus Zunino 1977
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) alquirta Matthews 1972
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) alternans Raffray 1877
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) altilamina Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) altivagans Howden & Génier 2004
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) ambang Krikken & Huijbregts 2011
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) amoenus Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) amphicoma Boucomont 1914
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) amphinasus Arrow 1931
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) amphioxus Arrow 1933
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) amplipennis Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) arnetti Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) batesi Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) brevifrons Horn 1881
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) browni Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) canelasensis Howden & Génier 2004
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) cartwrighti Howden 1973
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) cavernicollis Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) chevrolati Harold 1869
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) coahuilae Zunino & Halffter 1988
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) cochisus Brown 1927
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) concinnus Castelnau 1840
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) coproides Horn 1881
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) cuevensis Howden 1973
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) cyanellus Bates 1887
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) cynomysi Brown 1927
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) fuscus Boucomont 1932
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) hajimei Masumoto 1984
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) hayashii Masumoto 1991
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) hecate (Panzer 1794)
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) hidalgus Zunino & Halffter 1988
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) hoepfneri Harold 1869
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) incensus Say 1835
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) knausi Brown 1927
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) landolti Harold 1880
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) lecontei Harold 1871
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) masumotoi Ochi 1985
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) mcclevei Howden & Génier 2004
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) medorensis Brown 1929
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) mendicus Gillet 1924
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) mextexus Howden & Cartwright 1970
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) oklahomensis Brown 1927
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) orpheus (Panzer 1794)
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) pennsylvanicus Harold 1871
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) polyphemi Hubbard 1894
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) pseudofuscus Zunino & Halffter 1988
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) sakainoi Masumoto 1991
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) schaefferi Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) setchan Masumoto 1984
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) subopacus Robinson 1940
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) subtropicus Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) taurus (Schreber 1759)
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) tuberculifrons Harold 1871
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) velutinus Horn 1875
Onthophagus (Onthophagus) yangi Masumoto, Tsai & Ochi 2006
1593 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Onthophagus affinis Gillet 1930
(this page)
Onthophagus (Amphionthophagus) melitaeus (Fabricius 1798)
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) piffli Petrovitz 1961
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) thai Kabakov 1994
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) triceratops Arrow 1913
Onthophagus (Furconthophagus) karenensis Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2008
Onthophagus (Hikidaeus) leknamnaous Masumoto & Ochi 2015
Onthophagus (Hikidaeus) sauteri Gillet 1924
Onthophagus (Indachorius) baenzigeri Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2007
Onthophagus (Indachorius) heterorrhinus Lansberge 1885
Onthophagus (Indachorius) subsapaensis Kabakov 1994
Onthophagus (Matashia) fossor Arrow 1931
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) collinsi Krikken & Huijbregts 1987
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) liui Masumoto, Ochi & Lee 2014
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) vanofwegeni Krikken & Huijbregts 2008
Onthophagus (Onthophagiellus) thanwaakhomus Masumoto 1992
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) clitellifer Reitter 1894
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) kolenatii Reitter 1892
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) nikolajevi Kabakov 2006
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) parmatus Reitter 1892
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) pygargus Motschulsky 1845
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) rachelis Martin-Piera 1985
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) vacca (Linnaeus 1767)
Onthophagus (Paraphanaeomorphus) jeannelianus Paulian 1945
Onthophagus (Parentius) nigellus (Illiger 1803)
Onthophagus (Phanaeomorphus) gagatoides Kabakov 2006
Onthophagus (Sinonthophagus) rugulosus Harold 1886
Onthophagus (Trichonthophagus) mediofuscatus D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus (Trichonthophagus) triacanthus Castelnau 1840
Onthophagus abyssinicus Gillet 1925
Onthophagus annulopunctatus Krikken & Huijbregts 2017
Onthophagus atridorsis D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus atriglabrus Howden & Gill 1987
Onthophagus axillaris Boheman 1860
Onthophagus baiyericus Krikken & Huijbregts 2013
Onthophagus batesi Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus birugifer D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus bituberifrons Josso 2018
Onthophagus bocandei D'Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus carpophilus Pereira & Halffter 1961
Onthophagus centurio Lansberge 1885
Onthophagus ceylonicus Harold 1859
Onthophagus chryses Bates 1887
Onthophagus civettae Cambefort 1984
Onthophagus convexicollis Boheman 1858
Onthophagus cribratus Lansberge 1883
Onthophagus crinitus Harold 1869
Onthophagus cruciger MacLeay 1888
Onthophagus cuniculus MacLeay 1864
Onthophagus diversus Reiche 1847
Onthophagus ebenicolor D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus egenus Harold 1877
Onthophagus evae Balthasar 1944
Onthophagus excisiceps D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus foulliouxi Cambefort 1971
Onthophagus gabonensis Walter 1989
Onthophagus gibbus D'Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus grandivigilans Masumoto 1995
Onthophagus gurburra Storey & Weir 1990
Onthophagus hemipygus Frey 1964
Onthophagus hircus Billberg 1815
Onthophagus hulstaerti Boucomont 1932
Onthophagus imbutus Sharp 1875
Onthophagus impunctatus D'Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus impurus Harold 1868
Onthophagus inermicollis D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus juncticornis D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus koebelei Blackburn 1903
Onthophagus mexicanus Bates 1887
Onthophagus miles D'Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus mimikanus Balthasar 1969
Onthophagus mongana Storey & Weir 1990
Onthophagus naevuliger D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus nigriceps Raffray 1877
Onthophagus novaeirlandiae Balthasar 1969
Onthophagus orientalis Harold 1868
Onthophagus palamoui Biswas & Chatterjee 1986
Onthophagus paravinctus Tagliaferri & Moretto 2012
Onthophagus piceiceps D'Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus pseudoconvexicollis Bai & Yang 2016
Onthophagus puberulus D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus pugnax Harold 1868
Onthophagus pullus Roth 1851
Onthophagus pupillatus Kolbe 1886
Onthophagus pygidialis Lansberge 1883
Onthophagus sansibaricus Harold 1878
Onthophagus savanicola Cambefort 1984
Onthophagus sculptilis Gerstaecker 1871
Onthophagus solomonensis Krikken & Huijbregts 2012
Onthophagus spiculatus Boucomont 1914
Onthophagus sylvipapuanus Krikken & Huijbregts 2012
Onthophagus tamworthi Blackburn 1903
Onthophagus tatsienluensis Balthasar 1942
Onthophagus tessulatus Harold 1871
Onthophagus thainuaensis Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2008
Onthophagus tirapensis Biswas & Chatterjee 1985
Onthophagus toraut Krikken & Huijbregts 2011
Onthophagus tricariniger D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus tripolitanus Heyden 1890
Onthophagus tshuapae Balthasar 1964
Onthophagus viridivinosus Kohlmann & Solis 2001
2034 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Onthophagus affinis Gillet 1930
(this page)
Onthophagus (Amphionthophagus) melitaeus (Fabricius 1798)
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) piffli Petrovitz 1961
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) thai Kabakov 1994
Onthophagus (Colobonthophagus) triceratops Arrow 1913
Onthophagus (Furconthophagus) karenensis Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2008
Onthophagus (Hikidaeus) leknamnaous Masumoto & Ochi 2015
Onthophagus (Hikidaeus) sauteri Gillet 1924
Onthophagus (Indachorius) baenzigeri Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2007
Onthophagus (Indachorius) heterorrhinus Lansberge 1885
Onthophagus (Indachorius) subsapaensis Kabakov 1994
Onthophagus (Matashia) fossor Arrow 1931
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) collinsi Krikken & Huijbregts 1987
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) liui Masumoto, Ochi & Lee 2014
Onthophagus (Micronthophagus) vanofwegeni Krikken & Huijbregts 2008
Onthophagus (Onthophagiellus) thanwaakhomus Masumoto 1992
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) clitellifer Reitter 1894
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) kolenatii Reitter 1892
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) nikolajevi Kabakov 2006
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) parmatus Reitter 1892
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) pygargus Motschulsky 1845
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) rachelis Martin-Piera 1985
Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) vacca (Linnaeus 1767)
Onthophagus (Paraphanaeomorphus) jeannelianus Paulian 1945
Onthophagus (Parentius) nigellus (Illiger 1803)
Onthophagus (Phanaeomorphus) gagatoides Kabakov 2006
Onthophagus (Sinonthophagus) rugulosus Harold 1886
Onthophagus (Trichonthophagus) mediofuscatus D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus (Trichonthophagus) triacanthus Castelnau 1840
Onthophagus abyssinicus Gillet 1925
Onthophagus annulopunctatus Krikken & Huijbregts 2017
Onthophagus atridorsis D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus atriglabrus Howden & Gill 1987
Onthophagus axillaris Boheman 1860
Onthophagus baiyericus Krikken & Huijbregts 2013
Onthophagus batesi Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus birugifer D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus bituberifrons Josso 2018
Onthophagus bocandei D'Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus carpophilus Pereira & Halffter 1961
Onthophagus centurio Lansberge 1885
Onthophagus ceylonicus Harold 1859
Onthophagus chryses Bates 1887
Onthophagus civettae Cambefort 1984
Onthophagus convexicollis Boheman 1858
Onthophagus cribratus Lansberge 1883
Onthophagus crinitus Harold 1869
Onthophagus cruciger MacLeay 1888
Onthophagus cuniculus MacLeay 1864
Onthophagus diversus Reiche 1847
Onthophagus ebenicolor D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus egenus Harold 1877
Onthophagus evae Balthasar 1944
Onthophagus excisiceps D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus foulliouxi Cambefort 1971
Onthophagus gabonensis Walter 1989
Onthophagus gibbus D'Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus grandivigilans Masumoto 1995
Onthophagus gurburra Storey & Weir 1990
Onthophagus hemipygus Frey 1964
Onthophagus hircus Billberg 1815
Onthophagus hulstaerti Boucomont 1932
Onthophagus imbutus Sharp 1875
Onthophagus impunctatus D'Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus impurus Harold 1868
Onthophagus inermicollis D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus juncticornis D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus koebelei Blackburn 1903
Onthophagus mexicanus Bates 1887
Onthophagus miles D'Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus mimikanus Balthasar 1969
Onthophagus mongana Storey & Weir 1990
Onthophagus naevuliger D'Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus nigriceps Raffray 1877
Onthophagus novaeirlandiae Balthasar 1969
Onthophagus orientalis Harold 1868
Onthophagus palamoui Biswas & Chatterjee 1986
Onthophagus paravinctus Tagliaferri & Moretto 2012
Onthophagus piceiceps D'Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus pseudoconvexicollis Bai & Yang 2016
Onthophagus puberulus D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus pugnax Harold 1868
Onthophagus pullus Roth 1851
Onthophagus pupillatus Kolbe 1886
Onthophagus pygidialis Lansberge 1883
Onthophagus sansibaricus Harold 1878
Onthophagus savanicola Cambefort 1984
Onthophagus sculptilis Gerstaecker 1871
Onthophagus solomonensis Krikken & Huijbregts 2012
Onthophagus spiculatus Boucomont 1914
Onthophagus sylvipapuanus Krikken & Huijbregts 2012
Onthophagus tamworthi Blackburn 1903
Onthophagus tatsienluensis Balthasar 1942
Onthophagus tessulatus Harold 1871
Onthophagus thainuaensis Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2008
Onthophagus tirapensis Biswas & Chatterjee 1985
Onthophagus toraut Krikken & Huijbregts 2011
Onthophagus tricariniger D'Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus tripolitanus Heyden 1890
Onthophagus tshuapae Balthasar 1964
Onthophagus viridivinosus Kohlmann & Solis 2001
2034 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Onthophagus Latreille 1802
Onthophagus affinis Gillet 1930
(this page)
Onthophagus akhaus Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2007
Onthophagus amicus (Gillet 1925)
Onthophagus anthracinus Harold 1873
Onthophagus antoinei Walter 1990
Onthophagus apunneea Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2007
Onthophagus aztecus Zunino & Halffter 1988
Onthophagus babaulti D' Orbigny 1915
Onthophagus babirussa (Eschscholtz 1822)
Onthophagus bambra Matthews 1972
Onthophagus basilewskyi Frey 1961
Onthophagus bassariscus Zunino & Halffter 1988
Onthophagus batesi Howden & Cartwright 1963
Onthophagus bayeri Balthasar 1942
Onthophagus bennigseni Paulian 1937
Onthophagus bidentatus Drapiez 1819
Onthophagus bilingula Balthasar 1965
Onthophagus bituberifrons Josso 2018
Onthophagus campestris Masumoto, Kiuchi & Ho 2018
Onthophagus canescens Zunino & Halffter 1988
Onthophagus chilapensis Gasca-Álvarez, Zunino & Deloya 2018
Onthophagus curvicornis Latreille 1812
Onthophagus curvifrons D' Orbigny 1906
Onthophagus curvispina Reitter 1892
Onthophagus cyaneiceps D' Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus cyanellus Bates 1887
Onthophagus cyaneoniger D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus cyanochlorus D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus dorsofasciatus Fairmaire 1893
Onthophagus flaviclava D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus formosanus Gillet
Onthophagus fukuyamai Ochi, Kon & Ueda 2018
Onthophagus gagates Hope 1831
Onthophagus genuinus Kohlmann & Solis 2001
Onthophagus gibbicollis Lansberge 1885
Onthophagus ginyunensis Všetečka 1942
Onthophagus glasunowi Koshantschikov 1894
Onthophagus graniceps D' Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus granosus D' Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus granulatus Boheman 1858
Onthophagus granulifer Harold 1886
Onthophagus granulifrons Frey 1961
Onthophagus granulum D' Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus granum Lansberge 1885
Onthophagus graphicus Wallengren 1881
Onthophagus grataehelenae Kohlmann & Solis 2001
Onthophagus hingstoni Arrow 1931
Onthophagus hiroyukii Ochi 2007
Onthophagus inediapterus Kohlmann & Solis 2001
Onthophagus iumienus Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2007
Onthophagus japonicus Harold 1875
Onthophagus kachinicus Kabakov 2006
Onthophagus kawaharai Ochi & Kon 2007
Onthophagus khonkaenus Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2008
Onthophagus kivuensis Walter 2018
Onthophagus kuraruanus Matsumura 1938
Onthophagus lenzii Harold 1875
Onthophagus limonensis Kohlmann & Solis 2001
Onthophagus longipilis D' Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus luctuosus Boucomont 1914
Onthophagus ludio Boucomont 1914
Onthophagus lugens Fahraeus 1857
Onthophagus lugubris Fahraeus 1857
Onthophagus lunulifer Boucomont 1914
Onthophagus marginipennis Josso 2018
Onthophagus millingeni D' Orbigny 1898
Onthophagus monforti Josso & Prévost 2006
Onthophagus mycetorum Zunino & Halffter 1988
Onthophagus nemorivagus Kohlmann & Solis 2001
Onthophagus nubilus Kohlmann & Solis 2001
Onthophagus obenbergeri Balthasar 1965
Onthophagus oberthueri d'Orbigny 1898
Onthophagus obliquus (Olivier 1789)
Onthophagus papulatorius Kabakov 2008
Onthophagus parachandrai Ochi, Kon & Tsubaki 2009
Onthophagus pexatus Harold 1869
Onthophagus philippinensis Boucomont 1919
Onthophagus phoenicocerus Lea 1923
Onthophagus picatus D' Orbigny 1902
Onthophagus piceiceps D' Orbigny 1904
Onthophagus picipennis Hope 1841
Onthophagus pictus Reitter 1892
Onthophagus pseudoarai Ochi & Kon 2018
Onthophagus rojkoffianus Josso 2018
Onthophagus schoolmeestersi Ochi & Kon 2007
Onthophagus seniculus (Fabricius 1781)
Onthophagus shimba Cambefort 1980
Onthophagus shinichii Ochi & Kon 2018
Onthophagus simplex Raffray 1877
Onthophagus simpliciceps D' Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus simplicifrons Reitter 1892
Onthophagus simulator D' Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus sinuosicollis D' Orbigny 1905
Onthophagus sinuosus D' Orbigny 1913
Onthophagus sisyphoides Krikken 1977
Onthophagus skelleyi Sanchez-Huerta, Zunino & Halffter 2018
Onthophagus tigrinus D' Orbigny 1908
Onthophagus tungkamangensis Masumoto, Ochi & Hanboonsong 2007
Onthophagus ulula Balthasar 1966
Onthophagus zimmermanni Balthasar 1959
Onthophagus zumpti Frey 1954
2113 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.