Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Dicaeoma polysorum (Underw.) Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot
Vienne 344. 1906.
Puccinia polysora Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 86. 1897.
O and I. Pycnia and aecia unknown.
Uredinia amphigenous, numerous, oblong, 0.5-1 mm. long, tardily dehiscent by a longitudinal slit, slightly pulverulent, cinnamon-brown; urediniospores globoid, ellipsoid or obovoid, 21-29 by 27-34 fj,; wall moderately thin, 1.5-2 fx, light cinnamon-brown, finely and rather sparsely echinulate, the pores 5, rarely 4, equatorial.
III. Telia amphigenous, rather few, scattered, linear, 0.5—1.5 mm. in length, long covered by the epidermis, compact, chocolatebrown; teliospores irregularly ellipsoid or obovoid, 18-26 by 29-40 ju, rounded or truncate above, narrowed below, moderately or not constricted at septum; wall chestnut-brown, rather thin, 1.5 /u, only slightly thickened at apex, up to 3 li, smooth; pedicel tinted, about one-fourth length of spore or less.
On ,PoacEae :
Tripsacum dactyloides L. (T. monostachyum Willd.), Alabama, Florida, New Jersey; Santo Domingo.
Tripsacum lanceolatum Rupr. (T. acutijlorum Fourn.), Morelos.
Tripsacum latifolium Hitchc, Cuba. Type locality: Auburn, Alabama, on Tripsacum dactyloides. Distribution: New Jersey to Alabama, West Indies, and central Mexico.
- bibliographic citation
- Joseph Charles Arthur and Fred. Denton Fromme. 1920. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio); DICAEOMA ON POACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY