
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Chaetomium spirochaete Palliser, sp. nov
Perithecia more or less gregarious, broadly ellipsoid, 300 X225/i, thin, brittle, darkbrown, often appearing black, thickly clothed with hairs ; basal and lateral hairs remotely septate, smooth, brown, flexuous, 3 ^ thick ; apical hairs numerous, often forming a denselyentangled, dark spherical mass 800// in diameter, straight for about 350^ from the base, then becoming extremely flexuous or irregularly spirally twisted several times, dark-brown, at the base 4-5 (i thick, more or less thickly incrusted, toward the end becoming paler and less incrusted, although scabrous throughout ; spores subhyaline to brown, broadly ovoid, slightly apiculate at either end, 7-11 X 6-9^.
On moist decayed paper and cotton root in moist chamber.
Type collected on cotton root kept in a moist chamber, Ames, Iowa, June, 1890, L. H. Pammel
(herb. N. Y. Bot. Gard.),
Distribution : New Jersey to Iowa.
bibliographic citation
Fred Jay Seaver, Helen Letitia Palliser, David Griffiths. 1910. HYPOCREALES, FIMETARIALES. North American flora. vol 3(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora