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Often found alone, in pairs, or occasionally seen in small groups, the Madagascar plover feeds on insects (3). It roosts in groups on sand spits facing the sea or a lake, or on dunes covered with creeping vegetation, often with other shorebirds (3). December to April is the most important breeding period for the Madagascar plover, which coincides with the wet season and, presumably, an abundance of food (5). Nests are situated in dry grassland, between 2 and 50 metres from the coast or a lake, and are simple scrapes in the ground lined with dry or fresh plant material, or sometimes small stones and pieces of shell (5). Two clutches of eggs are generally laid every year (2), each consisting of two dull tan-coloured eggs patterned with brown (3). Both parents help incubate their precious brood for a period of around 27 days and will defend the nest from other plovers such as Kittliz's plover (Charadrius pecuarius)and the white-fronted plover (Charadrius marginatus) (5). Madagascar plover chicks have whitish down with black spots (3), and fledge at around a month old. Until they fledge, the eggs and chicks are very vulnerable to predators, such as raptors and possibly mongoose, feral cats and dogs (5).
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The Madagascar plover is known to occur in at least two protected areas: Lake Tsimanampetsotsa and Baly Bay National Park (4), but the majority of its breeding sites remain unprotected (5). It has therefore been suggested that the establishment of new protected areas is vital to prevent habitat loss at critical breeding sites (5). The protection of the nests, young and adults from predators may also be required for the plover's conservation, but the control of predators can often be challenging when they themselves may be endemic and threatened species (5).
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This small, long-legged shorebird has brown-grey plumage on the upperparts. The white underparts, which are tinged yellowish-orange on the belly, contrast starkly with the distinct black band across the breast. The rather square head has a brown crown surrounded by a white band. The front of the head is black, which joins with a black stripe through the eye and extends along the sides of the neck (3). The bill is black, the eyes are brown, and the legs are bluish-grey (3) (4). Male and female Madagascar plovers are similar in appearance, but juveniles differ by having a more greyish-brown breast band (2).
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The Madagascar plover inhabits coastal grasslands at the edges of brackish pools and lagoons. Less frequently, it can be found in mangroves and the muddy or sandy shores of lakes or the ocean (2) (4).
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This plover occurs on the south-west coast of Madagascar. It is also occasionally reported on the east coast (2).
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Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1).
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With just a small population remaining, which is believed to be declining, the Madagascar plover is considered to be vulnerable to extinction (4). These declines may be due to competition with Kittliz's plover and the white-fronted plover (although there is little evidence to support this), or may be a result of modification of its habitat (2) (4). Currently, there is a trend to convert wetlands to shrimp farms and rice paddies which (5), while good for Madagascar's economy, spells disaster for its endemic wetland inhabitants. It may also be impacted by egg collection by local people, although the Madagascar plover's nests are believed to be difficult to find and rarely searched for (4). Whatever the threat, the Madagascar plover is particularly vulnerable to impacts due to its restriction to a handful of breeding sites in specific habitat, and its very low productivity; not only does each nest only usually contain two eggs, but only 9.5 per cent of nests produce a fledged chick (5).
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Madagascar plover

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The Madagascar plover (Charadrius thoracicus), also known as the black-banded plover, is a small (37 g) monogamous shorebird in the family Charadriidae, native to western Madagascar. It inhabits shores of lagoons, coastal grasslands, and breeds in salt marshes. These plovers mainly nest in open grassland and dry mudflats surrounding alkaline lakes.[2][3] The species is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN because of its low breeding success, slow reproductive rate, and weak adaptation to increasing habitat loss, leading to declining population numbers.[1][3]


A Madagascar plover in the hand

Adult males and females have sexually monomorphic plumage, however females are slightly heavier than males and have longer wings, suggesting slight sexual dimorphism. The breeding plumage of the Madagascar plover consists of a white forehead bordered by a black bar and a black crown band, with a white crown band just above. An extra black band is present running from behind the eye, around the hind neck, along with a thick black band across upper chest. The rest of the face is white. Adults weigh 31-43 g, with females weighing on average 37.8 g and males 36.4 g.[4] From the mantle and scapular feathers to the rump, the plumage is greyish brown. The central two feathers of the tail are grey/brown, with the outer feathers a lighter shade with darker distal bands and white tips. The underparts are white, with a rufous lower belly and undertail coverts. The bill, legs and eyes are black during the breeding season. Outside of breeding season, the species' appearance is duller, with the black markings more brown. Downy young weigh about 7.1 g and have a lime-green bill that turns brownish black towards the tip, with brown eyes and dull lime-green legs.[5]


Calling consists of a short ‘pip’ repeated every 2-3 s, as well as a ‘pipipipreeeet’ single note repeated rapidly 3-6 times. Adults call during the breeding season when joining groups, flying, alarming, and attending chicks. The alarm call is a ‘qui qui qui qui’ whilst flapping wings. When the predator is clear a ‘tick tick’ sound can be heard.[5]

Distribution and habitat

Madagascar plover breeding habitat at Lake Antsirabe, Andavadoaka, Madagascar

The Madagascar plover is the only plover species endemic to Madagascar, and is present mainly on the west and south coasts from Andriamandroro to Tapera. It is estimated that this population occupies 139 km2, and breeds from the Mahavavy River delta in the north to Fort-Dauphin in the south-east.[3] Nests are predominantly found in sparsely vegetated habitats such as grasslands, coastal mudflats, salt marshes, edges of alkaline lakes and mangroves, and breeding does not extend more than a few kilometers inland.[5] The Madagascar plover is not known to migrate.

Behaviour and ecology

The breeding success of Madagascar plovers is very low, with an estimated 22.9% nest success, long re-nesting intervals (52 days), and a low rate of re-nesting. Lake Tsimanampetsotsa and Marambitsy Bay have the highest number of nesting plovers. The breeding season is between August and June, with peak egg laying between April and December. Two clutches of eggs are laid each season.[6][5][3] Madagascar plovers are long-lived birds with life-expectancies of approximately 9 years, although there is evidence that individuals can live much longer than this.[7]


Madagascar plover incubates a nest

A Madagascar plover nest comprises a small scrape in the ground, most commonly in dry soil in grasslands, open mudflats, bordering mangroves and alkaline lakes. Scrapes are lined with material from plants, both fresh and dry, and can also include small pebbles and shell debris. One to two eggs are usually laid at 2-3 day intervals. They measure about 33 x 24 mm and have a volume of 8–9 cm3.[5] Nests are commonly found near living vegetation (varying with environment) and are on average located 2–50 m away from the water's edge, as water bodies are vital for feeding. Both parents help to build and defend the nest, with mate site fidelity and pair-bonding being high.[3]

Both sexes contribute to the incubation of the eggs with equal effort, with incubation beginning 1–3 days after the last egg is laid. Eggs may be shaded from the sun before incubation begins. Eggs are incubated for the majority of the day and shaded during the hottest parts of the day. The incubation period lasts for 27–28 days after the last egg is laid. When eggs are unattended they are covered for protection and camouflage, and when approached by predators they are defended by both parents. Eggs take approximately 30 days to hatch, and both parents participate in brood care.[5][3] Chicks are able to fly around 27–37 days after hatching, and fledge 1–5 days later.[3]


Sites with known conservation and research efforts, marked by capital letters.[8]

The Madagascar plover is classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN, and may have to be uplisted to Endangered status soon.[1][2]

The small population is believed to be undergoing continuous decline due to pressure on its wetland habitat. The species is the rarest breeding plover in Madagascar, and it is estimated that the endemic population consists of 3100 ± 396 total individuals, implying 1800-2300 mature birds.[1] Additionally, nesting success is very low, and life history traits do not enable the species to reproduce quick enough to recover.[3]

The main threat is habitat loss or degradation, mainly due to the conversion of many natural plover wetland habitats to rice paddies and shrimp farms. As the population is restricted to specialised wetland habitats, they are especially vulnerable to habitat degradation. Cattle may aid the population by creating space to nest, but present the inevitable risk of trampling of birds and nests. The Madagascar plover's life history traits such as small clutch sizes, long incubation periods, slow chick growth and long re-nesting intervals make it less able to withstand environmental change, and thus very sensitive to habitat threats.[5][2]

Three nesting localities are located in protected national parks: Lake Tsimanampetsotsa, Kirindy Mitea, and Baly Bay. Control of predators has been suggested as a conservation measure, however this may be difficult as the predators themselves may be endemic to Madagascar, endangered, or protected species.[5][3]


  1. ^ a b c d BirdLife International (2016). "Charadrius thoracicus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22693780A93422870. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22693780A93422870.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Long, P.R., Zefania, S., ffrench-Constant, R.H. and Székely, T. (2008) ‘Estimating the population size of an endangered shorebird, the Madagascar plover, using a habitat suitability model’, Animal Conservation, 11(2), pp. 118–127
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i Zefania, S., ffrench-Constant, R., Long, P. and Szekely, T. (2008) ‘Breeding distribution and ecology of the threatened Madagascar Plover Charadrius thoracicus’, Ostrich, 79(1), pp. 43–51
  4. ^ Zefania, S., Emilienne, R., Faria, P.J., Bruford, M.W., Long, P.R. and Székely, T. (2010) ‘Cryptic sexual size dimorphism in Malagasy plovers Charadriusspp’, Ostrich, 81(3), pp. 173–178
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Safford, R., Hawkins, F., Pearson, D.J., Gale, J. and Small, B. (2013) The birds of Africa: Volume VIII: The Malagasy region: Madagascar, Seychelles, Comoros, Mascarenes. London, United Kingdom: Poyser. Pg 311-312
  6. ^ del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. and Sargatal, J. (1996) Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 3: Hoatzin to Auks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona
  7. ^ Jones, W., Eberhart-Hertel, L.J., Freckleton, R.P., Hoffman, J.I., Krüger, O., Sandercock, B.K., Vincze, O., Zefania, S. and Székely, T. (2022), Exceptionally high apparent adult survival in three tropical species of plovers in Madagascar. J Avian Biol, 2022:. https://doi.org/10.1111/jav.02911
  8. ^ Eberhart‐Phillips, L. J., Hoffman, J. I., Brede, E. G., Zefania, S., Kamrad, M. J., Székely, T., & Bruford, M. W. (2015). Contrasting genetic diversity and population structure among three sympatric Madagascan shorebirds: parallels with rarity, endemism, and dispersal. Ecology and evolution, 5(5), 997-1010.

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Madagascar plover: Brief Summary

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The Madagascar plover (Charadrius thoracicus), also known as the black-banded plover, is a small (37 g) monogamous shorebird in the family Charadriidae, native to western Madagascar. It inhabits shores of lagoons, coastal grasslands, and breeds in salt marshes. These plovers mainly nest in open grassland and dry mudflats surrounding alkaline lakes. The species is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN because of its low breeding success, slow reproductive rate, and weak adaptation to increasing habitat loss, leading to declining population numbers.

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