provided by Rotifers of the World
Collection specimen
provided by Rotifers of the World
holotype for Lophocharis turanica Mirabdullaev, 1992
Catalog number: R-13
Collection: Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology and Parasitology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Prepared by: Mirabdullaev, I M
Sex/stage/structure: female ?
Preparation: Slide Preparation; Microscope slide
Collection specimen
provided by Rotifers of the World
paratypes for Lophocharis turanica Mirabdullaev, 1992
Catalog number: 89-61
Collection: Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology and Parasitology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Prepared by: Mirabdullaev, I M
Sex/stage/structure: females ?
Preparation: Slide Preparation; wet collection (vial)