
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harmaclona berberea Bradley

Harmaclona berberea Bradley, 1956:134.—Viette, 1990:25.

MALE (Figure 148).—Forewing length 9.5 mm.

Head: Almost entirely white, faintly irrorated with light brown mostly over vertex and with heavier suffusion of light brown across occiput. Antenna 47-segmented, ~0.35 the length of forewing; dorsum of basal white irrorated with fuscous, distal becoming abruptly brown; basal bifasciculate, gradually becoming serrulate over distal basal 7 flagellomeres with spherical sensory cavities. Labial palpus mostly white, lightly irrorated with light brown; contrastingly dark brownish fuscous dorsolaterally with slight suffusion of light brown.

Thorax: Similar to H. cossidella. Forewing mostly white, faintly irrorated with light brown; dorsal with pale golden brown luster as in H. cossidella; a series of 4 small fuscous spots along subapex of costa and 3 or 4 larger fuscous spots at termen that extend into mostly white fringe at 4 points along outer margin of wing. Hindwing pale brownish gray with a faint golden luster; fringe mostly pale buff, but white along costal margin. Legs mostly white, faintly irrorated with brown; tarsi darker, more brown.

MAP 7.—Distribution of Micrerethista africana, Harmaclona afrotephrantha, H. berberea, H. hilethera, H. malgassica, and H. natalensis.

Abdomen: Scale color not examined (on slide).

FEMALE.—Forewing length 10.2 mm. Body color similar to male. Abdomen not studied; it was missing from the one specimen available.

MALE GENITALIA (Figures 259–264).—Anterior margin of vinculum slightly concave on either side of elongate saccus, the latter ~0.4 the length of valva. Apotheca well developed, approximately the length of valva. Valva (Figure 261) relatively slender, with slender dorsal lobe of constant width to rounded apex; ventral lobe ~1.6× the width, 0.9× the length of dorsal lobe at base, then tapering to an acute, triangular apex. Anellus a simple tube, with ventral margin deeply V-shaped (Figure 259); caudal arms absent. Aedoeagus with basal keel reduced, ~0.28 the length of entire aedoeagus; distal slightly spatulate with a serrulate, bifid apex and 6 pairs of serrations along broadest region of lateral margins (Figures 263, 264).

HOLOTYPE.—; MADAGASCAR: env. de Ranomafana, 700 m, district d'Ifanadiana (NMHP).

FLIGHT PERIOD.—Poorly sampled; records from October to November, February, and March.

DISTRIBUTION (Map 7).—Known only from the rainforest along the eastern escarpment of Madagascar at elevations around 700 m.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—MADAGASCAR: Ifanadiana: near Ranomafana, 700 m: 1 (holotype), 31 Mar 1955, P. Viette, slide 4291, (NMHP). Toamasina: Station Perinet, 149 km E of Tananarivo: 1 Jan 1933, 1, 20 Oct-10 Mar, 1930, d'Olsoufieff, (BMNH).
bibliographic citation
Davis, Donald R. 1998. "A World Classification of the Harmacloninae, a New Subfamily of Tineidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-81. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.597