
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harmaclona malgassica Bradley

Harmaclona malgassica Bradley, 1956:133.—Viette, 1990:25.

MALE (Figure 149).—Forewing length 8–12 mm.

Head: Similar in color to H. cossidella; mostly white, irrorated with brownish fuscous; scales mostly 3, rarely 4 dentate. Antenna 50–59-segmented, ~0.35 the length of forewing; color and structure as in H. cossidella; basal 11 or 12 flagellomeres with spherical sensory cavities (Figures 33–36). Labial palpus mostly fuscous laterally; apical segment heavily suffused with brown.

Thorax: Similar to H. cossidella. Forewing appearing generally gray, with costal white, finely irrorated with brown; dorsal predominantly pale golden brown; costal margin and termen without fuscous spots; fringe heavily suffused with brown around termen, gradually becoming more white basad to tornus. Hindwing uniformly pale golden brown; fringe mostly lighter brown becoming whiter along costal margin. Legs with approximately equal mixture of white and brownish fuscous irroration, except more heavily irrorated with fuscous over tarsi.

Abdomen: Similar to H. cossidella in color.


MALE GENITALIA (Figures 265–270).—Anterior margin of vinculum deeply concave on either side of elongate, slender saccus, the latter ~0.44 the length of valva. Apotheca well developed, approximately the length of valva. Valva (Figure 267) relatively slender, similar in form to H. berberea; ventral lobe slender, approximately equal in width at base, 0.84 as long as dorsal lobe, and tapering to an acute, slightly curved apex. Anellus a short tube similar to that of H. berberea but with dorsocaudal margin less extended and ventrocaudal margin not as deeply incised. Aedoeagus very slender; basal keel not developed; distal end slender, terminating in a pair of spinose processes, with a row of ~5–6 minute spines continuing laterally down distal of aedoeagus.

HOLOTYPE.—; MADAGASCAR: Analamazoatra Forest, 910 m, env. de Perinet, (HNMP).

FLIGHT PERIOD.—The relatively few records available suggest an extended emergence period for this species, from February to April, and November.

DISTRIBUTION (Map 7).—Known only from the rainforest along the eastern escarpment of Madagascar at elevations around 900 m.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—MADAGASCAR: Toamasina: Analamazoaltra Forest, near Perinet, 910 m: 1 (paratype), 13 Mar 1955, (BMNH), 1 (paratype), 17 Mar 1955, (BMNH), 1 (holotype), 19 Apr 1955, (MNHP), 1 (paratype), 24 Nov 1954, (MNHP), 1 (paratype), 26 Nov 1954, (USNM), P. Viette, slides BM 4289, 4290, USNM 29866. Route d'Anosibe [? Andasibe], km 57: 1 (paratype), 15 Feb 1955, P. Viette, (MNHP).
bibliographic citation
Davis, Donald R. 1998. "A World Classification of the Harmacloninae, a New Subfamily of Tineidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-81. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.597