

provided by Zookeys
Description (sex unknown). Length: 0.646 mm; pronotal width: 0.228 mm; elytral width: 0.266 mm. Body elongate, slender, weakly convex, amber yellow, evenly moderately pubescent, pubescence golden, slender, moderate in length (Fig. 1F). Head small, deflexed, sparsely pubescent; frons flat; eyes absent. Antenna setose, antennomeres I and II longer than broad, antennomeres III-VI quadrate and smaller than antennomeres II and VII, antennomere VIII smaller than antennomeres VII and IX, antennomeres IX-XI gradually clavate forming a loose club. Pronotum moderately pubescent, broadest between middle and anterior third, disc very convex medially and weakly flattened near each posterior angle; anterior margin not visible from above; anterior and posterior margin lacking marginal bead; marginal bead complete laterally, gradually widening towards base; lateral edge broadly rounded to posterior third, then slightly sinuate to base (Fig. 1F). Hypomeron smooth, sparsely setose towards upper quarter and along outside (lateral) edge, hypomeral bead anterolaterad procoxae sinuate. Prosternum with prominent, bluntly triangular nodules anterolaterad procoxal cavities (Fig. 2F). Elytra impunctate, as pubescent as pronotum, covering all abdominal segments, weakly truncate at apex; elytral suture flat; elytral striae absent; basomedial fovea present on each elytron, fovea large, with moderately dense inwardly directed setae (Figs. 1F, 3F). Humeral angles of elytron raised, dorsal plateau apically rounded, slender, barely reaching beyond anterior portion of the elytral fovae (Fig. 3F). Scutellum roundly triangular, with two short setae, one on each side of the midline (Fig. 3F). Mesosternal keel setose with scalelike microsculpture over most of length, abruptly smooth near meso-metasternal junction, apex weakly divergent, angulate (Fig. 2F). Metathoracic wings vestigial. Femora strongly clavate in distal half, tibiae expanded and becoming more densely setose towards distal half. Six visible abdominal sternites (fusion between ventrites V and VI not evident).
bibliographic citation
Seven new species of Cephennium Muller et Kunze (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae, Cephenniini) from California with a key to native North American species
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Distribution. This species is known from a single locality five miles east of Glennville, at about 1800m in the southern Sierra Nevada of Kern County, CA (Fig. 6).
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