Centotheca is a genus of African, Asian, and Pacific Island plants in the grass family.[3][4]
Centotheca is a genus of African, Asian, and Pacific Island plants in the grass family.
Species Centotheca lappacea (L.) Desv. - tropical western + central Africa; Madagascar, China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, numerous islands of the Pacific aka หญ้า ฮี ยุ่ม hee yum grass in Thai Centotheca philippinensis (Merr.) C.Monod - Philippines, New Guinea Centotheca uniflora Swallen - Vietnam formerly included Centotheca madagascariensis - Megastachya madagascariensis Centotheca malabarica - Diplachne fusca Centotheca maxima - Megastachya mucronata Centotheca mucronata - Megastachya mucronata Centotheca owariensis - Megastachya mucronata Centotheca urekana - Megastachya mucronata