Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Barbacenia flava Martius ex Schultes f
Barbacenia flava Martius ex Schultes f. in Roemer & Schultes, Syst., 7:286, 1826.—Seubert in Martius, Fl. Bras., 3(1):71, 1847.—L. B. Smith, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 35:279, 1962.—Ayensu, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 15:57, figs. 1c–d, 23a–c, pls. 6a, b, 40e–g, 1974.
- bibliographic citation
- Smith, Lyman B. and Ayensu, Edward S. 1976. "A Revision of American Velloziaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-172.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Barbacenia flava Martius ex Schultes f
SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—L. B. Smith 6695, 6856; Segadas-Vianna and Loredo 1100; Maguire et al. 49116; Tryon and Tryon 6836; Maguire et al. 49011; Macedo 3747; Maguire et al. 44691.
SURFACE VIEW.—Hairs: absent. Epidermis: cells circular to rectangular on both surfaces; thin walled. Stomata: paracytic, 21 × 15 μm; present on both surfaces.
TRANSVERSE SECTION OF LAMINA.—Isolateral; V-shaped with margins turned inversely. Both surfaces slightly undulating (except for Tryon & Tryon 6836 which has large ridges on both surfaces). Epidermis: adaxial cells rounded to dome shaped; abaxial cells dome shaped, slightly conical. Subjacent to adaxial epidermis is a distinct layer of parenchyma cells. Cuticle: thick and ridged on both surfaces. Stomata: present on adaxial and abaxial surfaces; small substomatal chamber present; usually flush with epidermis or slightly sunken. Mesophyll: undifferentiated spongy tissue largely composed of translucent cells. Vascular bundle: 25–91; commissural bundles observed. One to two large vessels present in each vascular bundle. Two phloem units laterally arranged in flange of Y-shaped abaxial girder. Inverted Y-shape adaxial girder present on each vascular bundle. Bundle sheath completely surrounding each vascular bundle. Crystals: not observed. Tannins: present, numerous, filling most of mesophyll.
NOTE: The specimen Tryon & Tryon 6836 does not seem to belong to this species.
- bibliographic citation
- Ayensu, Edward S. 1974. "Leaf Anatomy and Systematics of New World Velloziaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-125.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Barbacenia flava var. minor L. B. Smith
Barbacenia flava var. minor L. B. Smith, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 35:279, 1962.
Caudex 1–4 cm long. Leaf-blades 8–13 cm long, to 8 mm wide. Scapes shorter than the leaves. Perianth-tube 15–20 mm long. Tepals 5 mm long.
TYPE.—Ca. 3½ miles from Hotel Chapeu do Sol, Serra do Cipó, Mun. Jaboticatubas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1100 m alt, 19 December 1959, Maguire, Maguire & Pires 44665 (US, holotype; N, isotype).
DISTRIBUTION.—Brazil: Minas Gerais: Jaboticatubas.
- bibliographic citation
- Smith, Lyman B. and Ayensu, Edward S. 1976. "A Revision of American Velloziaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-172.