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Barbacenia mantiqueirae Goethart & Henrard

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Barbacenia mantiqueirae Goethart & Henrard

Barbacenia mantiqueirae Goethart & Henrard, Blumea, 2:355, 1937—L. B. Smith, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 35:277, 1962.

TYPE.—Pico dos Marins, Serra da Mantiqueira, São Paulo, Brazil, 10 January 1897, Löfgren in Herb. Commissão Geogr. & Geol. S. Paulo 3570 (L, holotype; B, photo 179, 180, 181, 182).

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-collection.

25. Barbacenia spectabilis L. B. Smith & Ayensu, new species

A B. rogieri hortus ex Moore & Ayres, cui affinis, floribus majoribus, ovarii costis multis dense glandulosis differt.

Caudex 8–18 cm long, 20–25 mm thick (including leaf-sheaths). Leaves glabrous, sulcate on both sides; sheaths slightly exposed, brownish, somewhat viscous; blades linear, filiform-attenuate, to 60 cm long, 14 mm wide, dry, laxly serrulate throughout the dark margins and the keel.

Scapes 3 or 4, to 50 cm long above the leaf-sheaths, laxly dark-glandular. Flowers purple. Ovary ellipsoid, 15–20 mm long. Perianth-tube densely vestite on the numerous costae with dark stipitate glands, above the ovary narrowed into a cylinder 2–3 mm high. Tepals to 6 cm long, undulate-margined (!Menezes), the outer oblong, ca. 12 mm wide living (!Menezes), the inner lanceolate, 25 mm wide living (!Menezes). Anthers 25 mm long; coronoid appendages subspatulate, the lobes short, subacute, slightly exceeding the anthers. Style subulate with a long sterile apex and median stigmas.

LEAF ANATOMY (Menezes & Sazima 57).—Surface View: Hairs: none observed. Epidermis: cells on both surfaces square to rectangular; thin-walled. Stomata: tetracytic; 21 × 18 μm; present in rows on both surfaces.

Transverse Section of Lamina: Dorsiventral or ?isolateral; widely V-shaped, almost horizontal. Both surfaces slightly ridged; more so on adaxial surface. Epidermis: cells on both surfaces rounded to dome-shaped; thin-walled. One layer of thin-walled, rounded parenchyma subjacent to adaxial epidermis. Cuticle: slightly thickened and ridged over entire surface. Stomata: present on both surfaces, mostly on abaxial surface; stomata flush with epidermal surface; large subsidiary cells flanking stomata; substomatal chamber present. Mesophyll: 7 or 8 layers of small palisade cells; first 1–4 layers containing few translucent cells. This is followed by 5 or 6 layers of rounded, thin-walled, obliterated cells; below this is 4 layers of rounded, thin-walled cells. Translucent cells with wavy walls above broadly extended midvein. Vascular bundles: 75; commissural bundles observed. One large xylem vessel present in each bundle. Two phloem units lying laterally in flanges of Y-shaped abaxial girder. Inverted Y-shaped adaxial girder present on each bundle. Both girders slightly extended laterally along epidermis. Bundle sheath completely surrounding each bundle. Crystals: none observed. Tannins: few present.

Note: Obliterated mesophyll cells occur near abaxial surface. The sclerenchyma below midvein is conspicuously extended.

FLORAL ANATOMY.—Menezes, Bol. Zool. & Biol. Mar., ser. 2, no. 30:721, 732, 733 (fig.), 1973.

TYPE.—Morro de Agá, Piuma, Espírito Santo, Brazil, 10 July 1967, Oliveira Filho & Dias 3 (US, holotype; SP, isotype).

DISTRIBUTION.—Brazil: Espirito Santo: type-locality, 8 August 1969, Menezes & Sazima 56 (SPF, US); 57 (SPF, US).
bibliographic citation
Smith, Lyman B. and Ayensu, Edward S. 1976. "A Revision of American Velloziaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-172. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.30