Cymbidium eburneum, the ivory-colored cymbidium, is a species of orchid.
"Cymbidium eburneum, Lindley. - A remarkably handsome evergreen species, one of the finest of the genus. It is of very compact growth, forming graceful tufts of distichous linear-lorate foliage. The spike is erect, about 9 to 12 inches high, the flowers very large and fragrant, with pure white sepals and petals, and a lip of the same colour, with a crispy front lobe, and having a bold band of yellow in the centre, behind which is a long yellow fleshy pubescent crest. It blooms in February and March, and lasts a long time in perfection. ...
There are three varieties; of these a very pretty one grown by the late J. Day, Esq., Tottenham, is of smaller growth than the type, the flowers not so large, but the sepals and petals pure white, as also is the lip, which has a blotch of yellow in the centre and rose-coloured spots on each side. - Khasya: elevation 5,000 - 6,000 feet.
The variety WILLIAMSIANUM, Rchd.F., has the front lobes of the lip and the tips of the side lobes light purple."
Cymbidium eburneum, the ivory-colored cymbidium, is a species of orchid.
"Cymbidium eburneum, Lindley. - A remarkably handsome evergreen species, one of the finest of the genus. It is of very compact growth, forming graceful tufts of distichous linear-lorate foliage. The spike is erect, about 9 to 12 inches high, the flowers very large and fragrant, with pure white sepals and petals, and a lip of the same colour, with a crispy front lobe, and having a bold band of yellow in the centre, behind which is a long yellow fleshy pubescent crest. It blooms in February and March, and lasts a long time in perfection. ...
There are three varieties; of these a very pretty one grown by the late J. Day, Esq., Tottenham, is of smaller growth than the type, the flowers not so large, but the sepals and petals pure white, as also is the lip, which has a blotch of yellow in the centre and rose-coloured spots on each side. - Khasya: elevation 5,000 - 6,000 feet.
The variety WILLIAMSIANUM, Rchd.F., has the front lobes of the lip and the tips of the side lobes light purple."
Cymbidium eburneum Lindl. 1847, es una especie de orquídea epífita o litófita. Es originaria del sur y sudeste de Asia.
Es una especie de orquídea de tamaño medio, que prefiere clima frío a cálido, es epífita o litófita con pseudobulbo envuelto basalmente por varias hojas basales y de 9 a 15 hojas lineales liguladas, de textura fina, muy agudas o bífidas. Florece en una erecta inflorescencia basal de 50 a 70 cm de largo con fragantes flores ceráceas de larga duración. La floración se produce en el invierno y la primavera.
Encontrado en Assam, India, el este de los Himalayas, Nepal, Birmania, el sur de China y Vietnam en los bosques nubosos de altura en los árboles y las rocas en alturas de alrededor de 300 a 2000 metros.
Cymbidium chloranthum fue descrita por John Lindley y publicado en Edwards's Botanical Register 33: , ad pl. 67. 1847.[1]
El nombre deriva de la palabra griega kumbos, que significa "agujero, cavidad". Este se refiere a la forma de la base del labio. Según otros estudiosos derivaría del griego "Kimbe = barco" por la forma de barco que asume el labelo.
eburneum: epíteto latíno que significa "como marfil".[2]
Cymbidium eburneum Lindl. 1847, es una especie de orquídea epífita o litófita. Es originaria del sur y sudeste de Asia.
Cymbidium eburneum (Cymbidium berwarna gading) adalah spesies anggrek dari genus Cymbidium. Spesies ini dapat ditemukan dari Himalaya sampai ke Hainan. Media yang berkaitan dengan Cymbidium eburneum di Wikimedia Commons
Cymbidium eburneum (Cymbidium berwarna gading) adalah spesies anggrek dari genus Cymbidium. Spesies ini dapat ditemukan dari Himalaya sampai ke Hainan. Media yang berkaitan dengan Cymbidium eburneum di Wikimedia Commons
Lan đoản kiếm ngà hay bạch lan (danh pháp hai phần: Cymbidium eburneum) là một loài phong lan.
Cây phân bố ở Nam Á và Trung Quốc. Tại Việt Nam, cây có mặt ở Kon Tum[1].
Lan đoản kiếm ngà hay bạch lan (danh pháp hai phần: Cymbidium eburneum) là một loài phong lan.
Cây phân bố ở Nam Á và Trung Quốc. Tại Việt Nam, cây có mặt ở Kon Tum.
独占春(学名:Cymbidium eburneum)为兰科兰属下的一个种。
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