Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Guettarda abbottii Urban, Rcpcrt. Sp. Nov. 18: M2. 1922
Branches lerclo, dark-fcrruKinous, the young hranchlcts densely i)ilose or hirsute with spreading or ascending, brownish hairs, the internodes short; stijjules triangular, 4 mm. long, soon deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout jietioles 6-12 mm. long, densely pilose with ascending hairs; leaf-blades oblong to oval-elliptic or rarely ovate <jr narrcjwly obovate, 4—7 cm. long, 2-.3 cm. wide, roimded to acutish at the apex, obtuse or rounded at the base, coriaceous, green above, rather sparsely short-pilose or glabrate, the venation closely reticulate and dce[)ly impressed, beneath paler, densely short-pilose, the slender costa prominent, the lateral nerves slender, prominent, 6-8 on each side, ascending at an angle of 40-50 degrees, arcuate, the veins l^rominent and closely reticulate, the margin narrowly recurved; inflorescences axillary, densely ferruginous-villous, capitately 3-5-flowered, on stout peduncles 3-6 mm. long, the bracts linear-fdiform, 3-3.5 mm. long, the flowers sessile; calyx short-tubular, 2.5 mm. long, obsoletely bilobate; corolla 12 mm. long, the tube slightly ampliale above, antrorse-hirsute with short yellowish hairs, minutely pilose within, the 5 lobes obovate, 2.8 mm. long, glabrous within, scarcely one fourth as long as the lul)e; anthers linear, 1.5 min. long; style S mm. long, appressedpilosulous; ovary 3-celled.
Type locality: Mainland opposite San Gabriel, a snial! island west of San Lorenzo, on the south side of Samana Bay. Santo Domingo, at sea level.
Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
- bibliographic citation
- Paul Carpenter Standley. 1934. RUBIALES; RUBIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 32(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY