Image of Coccocypselum guianense (Aubl.) K. Schum.
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Coccocypselum guianense (Aubl.) K. Schum.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Tontanea guianensis Aubl. PI. Guian. 108. 1775
Bellardia repens Willd. Sp. PI. 1: 626. 1797.
Tontanea repens Pers. Syn. PI. 1: 134, 1805.
Coccocipsilum Tontanea H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 316. 1819.
Bellardia Tontanea R. & S. Syst. Veg. 3: 205. 1818.
Coccocipsilum nummular iifolium Cham. & Schlecht. Linnaea 4: 145. 1829.
Stems stout, densely pilose or hirsute with long, spreading, yellowish or purplish hairs;
stipules filiform-subulate, 2-5 mm. long; petioles usually stout, 0.5-3 cm. long; leaf-blades
oval, oval-ovate, ovate, or rounded-ovate, 2.5-7 cm. long, 1.5-4.5 cm. wide, truncate to obtuse
at the base, often short-decurrent, rounded to acutish at the apex, often apiculate, densely
pilose on the upper surface with long and short, mostly appressed, yellow, whitish, or purplish
hairs, scarcely paler beneath, often purplish, densely soft-pilose; heads usually 2-4-flowered,
the peduncles 1-4 cm. long, the bracts linear, 3-7 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium densely
pilose, the calyx-lobes linear, acute, 3-4 mm. long; corolla blue, 7-10 mm. long, copiously
pilose, the lobes lance-oblong, about half as long as the tube; fruit blue, pilose, 6-11 mm. in
diameter; seeds dark-brown, 1.2 mm. broad, minutely tuberculate.
Type locality: Guiana.
Distribution: Veracruz and Oaxaca, southward to Colombia and Brazil; Cuba and Jamaica.
bibliographic citation
Paul Carpenter Standley. 1921. RUBIALES; RUBIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 32(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora