Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Chrysopogon pauciflorus (Chapm.) Benth.; Vasey,
Grasses U. S. 20. 1883.
Sorgum paucijlorum Chapm. Bot. Gaz. 3: 20. 1878.
Chrysopogon Wrighiii Munro ; Vasey, Descr. Cat. Grasses U, S. 29. 1885. Andropogon pauciflorus Hack, in DC. Monog. Phan. 6 : 548. 1889. Rhap his pauciflorus Nash, in Small, Fl. SEU. S. 67. 1903.
Annual. Stems 6-12 dm. tall, simple or somewhat branched; leaf-blades 2 dm. long or less, 2-10 mm. wide, papillose-hirsute above; panicle 2-3 dm. long, its branches erect or PRT 2, 1912] POACHAE 133
ascending, slender, the lower in whorls of 2-5, rarely divided, the longer, exclusive of the spikelets and awn, 5-8 cm. long; sessile spikelet laterally compressed, about 1.5 cm. long, including the callus which is 6-7 mm. long and densely barbed, the first and second scales dark-brown , shining and coriaceous at maturity, hispidulous at the apex, the fourth scale with a flexuous more or less contorted usually geniculate perfect awn 14-16 cm. long; pedicellate spikelets 10-12 mm. long, on slender glabrous pedicels about reaching the apex of the sessile spikelet, empty or containing a staminate flower.
Type locality : Sandy pine barrens, near Jacksonville, Florida.
Distribution : Florida and Cuba.
- bibliographic citation
- George Valentine Nash. 1912. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Physical Description
provided by USDA PLANTS text
Annuals, Terrestrial, not aquatic, Rhizomes present, Stems nodes swollen or brittle, Stems erect or ascending, Stems geniculate, decumbent, or lax, sometimes rooting at nodes, Stems solitary, Stems terete, round in cross section, or polygonal, Stem internodes hollow, Stems with inflorescence less than 1 m tall, Stems with inflorescence 1-2 m tall, Stems, culms, or scapes exceeding basal leaves, Leaves mostly basal, below middle of stem, Leaves conspicuously 2-ranked, distichous, Leaves sheathing at base, Leaf sheath mostly open, or loose, Leaf sheath smooth, glabrous, Leaf sheath and blade differentiated, Leaf blades linear, Leaf blades 2-10 mm wide, Leaf blades mostly flat, Leaf blade margins folded, involute, or conduplicate, Leaf blades mostly glabrous, Ligule present, Ligule a fringe of hairs, Inflorescence terminal, Inflorescence an open panicle, openly paniculate, branches spreading, Inflorescence solitary, with 1 spike, fascicle, glomerule, head, or cluster per stem or culm, Inflorescence a panicle with narrowly racemose or spicate branche s, Inflorescence with 2-10 branches, Inflorescence branches more than 10 to numerous, Rachis or rachillae sparsely to densely villous, with stiff yellow or red hairs, Flowers bisexual, Spikelets pedicellate, Spikelets dorsally compressed or terete, Spikelet less than 3 mm wide, Spikelets with 1 fertile floret, Spikelets with 3-7 florets, Spikelet with 1 fertile floret and 1-2 sterile florets, Spikelets 3 per node, Spikelets with 1 terminal fertile floret and 2 lateral staminate or sterile florets, Spikelets in paired units, 1 sessile, 1 pedicellate, Pedicellate spikelet rudimentary or absent, usually sterile, Spikelets bisexual, Spikelets disarticulating above the glumes, glumes persistent, Rachilla or pedicel glabrous, Glumes present, empty bracts, Glumes 2 clearly present, Glumes equal or subequal, Glumes equal to or longer than adjacent lemma, Glume equal to or longer than spikelet, Glumes 4-7 nerved, Lemmas thin, chartaceous, hyaline, cartilaginous, or membranous, Lemma 1 nerved, Lemma 3 nerved, Lemma glabrous, Lemma apex acute or acuminate, Lemma distinctly awned, more than 2-3 mm, Lemma with 1 awn, Lemma awn 2-4 cm long or longer, Lemma awned from tip, Lemma awn twisted, spirally coiled at base, like a corkscrew, Lemma awn once geniculate, bent once, Lemma margins thin, lying flat, Lemma straight, Callus or base of lemma evidently hairy, Callus hairs shorter than lemma, Stamens 3, Styles 2-fid, deeply 2-branched, Stigmas 2, Fruit - caryopsis.