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Southern Bogbutton

Lachnocaulon beyrichianum Sporl. ex Körn.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Lachnocaulon beyrichianum Sporleder; Korn. Linnaea 27: 567
Stems abbreviated; leaves tufted, mostly olivaceous, very narrowly linear or linear-filiform, 1.5-5 cm. long, mostly less than 1 mm. wide at the middle, plane, gradually attenuate toward the rather obtuse apex, nervose-striatulate, varying from densely ciliate to nearly glabrous; peduncles aggregate, 3-22, mostly numerous, 3-20 cm. long, rather rigid, 3-sulcate, twisted, sparingly hairy with long soft erect hairs; sheaths 2-2.5 cm. long, obliquely split at apex, the mouth ciliate, the blade elongate, attenuate, sparsely pilose; heads globose, becoming somewhal elongate, 3-3.5 mm. in diameter, grayishvillose; involucral bractlets, fuscous, obovate-oblnn-. obtuse, comose-pilose toward apex; receptacle conspicuously pilose; receptacular bractlets fuscous, spatulate, narrowed from the middle to the base, rounded and comose-pilose or ciliate at apex; florets very short-pedicellate; staminate florets: sepals free, obovate, rather thick, fuscous, rounded-obtuse and comose-pilose at apex with conspicuously clavate hairs (not merely ciliate); anthers whitish, oblong; pistillate florets: longer than the receptacular hairs; sepals free, whitish, spatulate, rounded-obtuse and comose-pilose at apex with conspicuously clavate hairs; style slightly shorter than the ovary, its appendages 3, rather heavy, non-papillose, coherent at apex; stigmas 3, simple, very slender, slightly longer than the style-appendages; ovary 3-locular; seeds fuscous, ovate, slightly apiculate, not cancellate.
Type locality: Very abundant at the edges of a swamp near Ebenezer. Effingham County, Georgia (Beyrich).
Distribution: Sandy shores and springy places on the Coastal Plain of Georgia and Florida.
bibliographic citation
Albert Charles Smith, Harold Norman Moldenke, Edward Johnston Alexander. 1937. XYRIDALES. North American flora. vol 19(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora