Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Guzmania scherzeriana Mez, in DC. MonoR riuin. 9: 949. 1896.
I.,eaf-blade.s at least 4 dm. long, linear, 43 mm. wide, green, glabrous, submcinbranaccous when dry ; scape creel, short, stout ; scape-bracts erect , densely imbricate, ovale, IrMig-aciiminate, pungent; inflorcKencc paniculate, bipinnate,, probably u]i to 4 dm. long and manyflowered; axes angled, glabrous; primary bracts broadly ovate, about half as long as the axillary branches, strongly convex, brown when dry, glabrous outside, sparsely white-punctulate inside, the lower acuminate, the upper acute; branches suberect to spreading, up to 7 cm. long, about 5-flowered with the flowers 1 cm. apart; floral bracts suberect, broadly ovate, obtuse, 17 mm. long, much shorter than the sepals, strongly convex, the lower ones strongly carinate; flowers 33 mm. long, glabrous; sepals narrowly elliptic, obtuse, 25 mm. long, 8.5 mm. wide, coriaceous, connate for 10 mm.; petals connate for most of their length.
Tyfb locality: Near Cartage, Costa Rica, altitude 1700 meters. DisTRLBrTiON: Known only from the type collection.
- bibliographic citation
- Lyman Bradford Smith. 1938. (XYRIDALES); BROMELIACEAE. North American flora. vol 19(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Guzmania guatemalensis L. B. Smith, Contr Gray Herb. 117: 8. 1937.
Plant 6 dm. high, probably stemless; leaves over 6 dm. long; sheaths large, ovate; blades ligulate, acute, apiculate, 45 mm. wide; scape erect, 7 mm. in diameter; scape-bracts foliaceous, erect, densely imbricate; inflorescence very laxljbipinnate, subpyramidal, 25 cm. long, glabrous; primary bracts very broadly ovate, acute, reaching only the second flower of the axillary branch; racemes ascending or spreading, 10-12 cm. long, very laxly 10-12-flowered; rhachis nearly straight; floral bracts very broadly elliptic, obtuse, 2 cm. long, much exceeded by the sepals, inflated, not at all carinate, subcoriaceous, even, stramineous when dry; flowers spreading; pedicels stout, 4 mm. long; sepals elliptic, obtuse, 25 mm. long, ecarinate, coimate for 10 mm.; petals 33 mm. long.
Type locality: Dept. Alta Verapaz, Chama, Guatemala, altitude 330 meters. DistribuTio.n: Known only from the t>'pe collection.
- bibliographic citation
- Lyman Bradford Smith. 1938. (XYRIDALES); BROMELIACEAE. North American flora. vol 19(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Guzmania scherzeriana: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
Guzmania scherzeriana is a plant species in the genus Guzmania. This species is native to Central America (known from all countries except El Salvador), Colombia and Ecuador.
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