This is a saprophytic orchid, it doesn't have any leaves and lives of rotting plant materials in the shade of scrub. This one was especially tall reaching 70 cm. In Israel it is a rare and protected species. It was so shady that the only option was to use flash.
Limodorum abortivum is a saprophytic plants, this means that it gets all its nutrients from rotting forest materials, thus it doesn't have any green leaves and it doesn't photosynthesize. It is rather rare in Israel and a protected species.
Limodorum abortivum is a saprophytic plants, this means that it gets all its nutrients from rotting forest materials, thus it doesn't have any green leaves and it doesn't photosynthesize. It is rather rare in Israel and a protected species. Since it grows under scrubby trees there is no option but to photograph it using flash.
Limodorum abortivum is a rare and protected orchid in Israel. It doesn't have any leaves, it feeds on rotting leaf materials.
Limodorum abortivum is a saprophytic plant, it doesn't have any leaves and lives on rotting materials. In Israel it is a protected species that grows in the shade of typical oak scrub and pine forests. Prof. Amotz Dafni says that unlike other orchids its pollen is disintegrating and doesn't stay compact.