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Oregon Alder

Alnus rubra Bong.


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Foodplant / parasite
hypophyllous uredium of Melampsoridium betulinum parasitises live leaf of Alnus rubra
Remarks: season: 8-10
Other: unusual host/prey



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Alnus rubra is the largest alder in North America north of Mexico; it often forms extensive stands along streams and on low-lying flood plains in the Pacific Northwest. The strongly revolute margins of its leaf blades make it easily distinguished from all of the other alders in the flora. It is an important commercial tree; the wood is used to make inexpensive furniture, small wooden items, and paper pulp.

Native Americans used various parts of plants of Alnus rubra medicinally as a purgative, an emetic, for aching bones, headaches, coughs, biliousness, stomach problems, scrofula sores, tuberculosis, asthma, and eczema, and as a general panacea (D. E. Moerman 1986).

Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by eFloras
Trees , to 28 m; trunks often several, crowns narrow or pyramidal. Bark gray, smooth, darkening and breaking into shallow rectangular plates in age; lenticels inconspicuous. Winter buds stipitate, ellipsoid, 6--10 mm, apex rounded, long; stalks 2--8 mm; scales 2--3, outer 2 equal and valvate, usually heavily resin-coated. Leaf blade ovate to elliptic, 6--16 × 3--11 cm, leathery, base broadly cuneate to rounded, margins strongly revolute, deeply doubly serrate or crenate, with distinctly larger secondary teeth, apex acute to obtuse; surfaces abaxially glabrous to sparsely pubescent. Inflorescences formed season before flowering and exposed during winter; staminate catkins in 1 or more clusters of 2--6, 3.5--14 cm; sistillate catkins in 1 or more clusters of 3--8. Flowering before new growth in spring. Infructescences ovoid to nearly globose, 1--3.5 × 0.6--1.5 cm; peduncles 1--10 mm. Samaras ovate or elliptic, wings much narrower than body, irregularly elliptic to obovate, leathery. 2 n = 28.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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B.C., Yukon; Alaska, Calif., Idaho, Oreg., Wash.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Flowering early spring.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Stream banks, moist flood plains, lake shores, wet slopes, and sandy, open coasts; 0--300m.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Alnus oregona Nuttall; A. rubra var. pinnatisecta Starker
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
red alder
Oregon alder
western alder
Pacific Coast alder
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Cover Value

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Red alder dominated early seral communities within recently clearcut
Douglas-fir forests are favorable habitat for black-tailed deer. Red
alder/thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus) stands in Oregon are preferred by
black-tailed deer during the summer and early fall when daytime
temperatures are highest [30]. These stands are generally avoided in
the winter.
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: tree

Red alder is the largest American alder. It is a rapidly growing,
short-lived, medium-sized, deciduous tree, generally with one straight
distinct trunk. Red alder reaches a maximum height of about 120 feet
(37 m) with a maximum trunk diameter of about 32 inches (80 cm).
However, mature trees are typically from 80 to 100 feet (24-30 m) tall
and 14 to 18 inches (36-46 cm) in diameter [14,25,34,59]. Maximum age is
one hundred years [58]. Trees growing in the Puget Sound area exhibit
the following age-growth characteristics [14,34]:

Age Height Diameter Breast Height
(years) (feet/meters) (inches/centimeters)

5 18 / 5.5 ------
10 40 / 12.2 ------
20 65 / 19.8 ------
30 82 / 25.0 11 / 27.9
40 90 / 27.4 13 / 33.0
50 98 / 29.9 16 / 40.6
60 105 / 32.0 18 / 45.7

Red alder has thin (less than 0.75 inch [1.9 cm]), smooth gray-whitish
mottled bark, which is often covered with green moss. The root system
is shallow, but wind throw is seldom a problem, since the leaves are
absent during winter and early spring when winds are the strongest and
when soils are saturated with moisture [59]. Male and female flowers
occur on the same tree in catkins. The drooping staminate catkins are
up to 5 inches (12 cm) long and clustered near the end of a twig. The
pistillate catkins are erect, 0.6 to ).8 inch (1.5-2 cm) long, turning
woody and conelike at maturity [14,26].

Red alder is closely related to white alder (Alnus rhombifolia), and the
two species are difficult to differentiate when growing together.
However, their distribution and habitats do not overlap to any great
extent. In the summer, leaf characteristics can be used to separate
these alders, but in the winter proper identification is based on many
subtle points. Several keys exist for proper identification.
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Red alder is confined to the Pacific Coast region from southeast Alaska
to southern California. Although there is an isolated population
growing along streams in northern Idaho, it ordinarily occurs no further
inland than 100 miles (160 km) at elevations below 2,500 feet (762 m)
[16,24,33]. Red alder is cultivated in Hawaii [71].
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Ecology

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fire regime, litter, seed

Red alder's bark, although thin, is sufficiently fire resistant to
protect trees from light surface fires. The foliage and leaf litter do
not carry fires well [1,16]. Red alder stands often lack flammable
understory debris and are often on moist sites which burn infrequently
[14,16]. Red alder revegetates burned areas via seed from off-site plants

Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this
species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: litter, natural

Fire hazard is generally low in red alder stands. Stands may be used as
natural fire breaks [67]. The thin litter permits easy construction of
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)

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More info for the term: phanerophyte

bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat characteristics

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: density, forest, mesic, organic soils, shrubs, vine

Historical evidence suggests that the distribution of red alder was much
more restricted than it is today; it occurred chiefly along streams and
in other wet areas [18]. Continual disturbance over the past 100 years,
primarily from logging, has created an abundance of open areas with bare
mineral soil (both are required for seedling establishment) which red
alder has colonized, thus increasing its acreage dramatically. This is
especially true of uplands, where it was previously infrequent.

Red alder is found primarily within Douglas-fir, western hemlock,
western redcedar, Sitka spruce, and grand fir forests in the Pacific
Northwest [16,66,67]. Individual trees or clumps of trees may occur to
varying degrees of mixture within these coniferous forests, but stand
development is best along streams, moist bottomlands, and moist lower
slopes [14,35,66,67]. In these mesic locations, pure stands are nearly
always even-aged. Along the southern portion of its range in California
and in the dry interior valleys of Washington and Oregon, red alder is
restricted to riparian deciduous forests [8,19]. In these areas it may
mix with white alder.

Soils: Red alder occurs on a wide variety of soil types ranging from
well-drained gravels and sands to poorly drained clay or organic soils
[25]. The best stands are found on deep, well-drained loams or sandy
loams of alluvial origin [14,16]. Stands also grow well on residual or
colluvial soils of volcanic origin [14]. Soils under red alder stands
develop higher available and total nitrogen contents than soils under
adjacent coniferous stands because of red alder's ability to fix
nitrogen. Nitrogen accretion rates vary with stand location, vigor,
age, and density, with rates varying from 40 to 300 pounds of nitrogen
per acre (45-355 kg/ha) per year [14,25]. As soil nitrogen increases,
soil pH under red alder stands drops. In coastal Oregon, pure alder
stands had soil pH values averaging 4.3 to 4.4, while adjacent conifer
stands had pH values averaging 5.3 [20]. Red alder leaves also contain
significant amounts of nitrogen. Leaves decompose rapidly, forming a
deep humus and thus improving soil structure [16].

Climate: Red alder grows in humid coastal climates characterized by
cool wet winters and warm dry summers. Mean annual precipitation ranges
from 16 to 220 inches (40-560 cm) [25]; precipitation occurs chiefly as
rain during the winter. Trees need more than 25 inches (64 cm) of
precipitation annually, and most stands are located on sites receiving
in excess of 40 inches (102 cm) [16].

Coniferous forest associates: Red alder grows both in pure stands and
in mixtures with native conifers [67]. Pure and mixed stands are mostly
even aged. Trees generally become established in forest openings
created from a disturbance. As stands develop and trees mature, they
prevent other red alder seedlings from becoming established, due to the
seedlings' shade intolerance. Common coniferous associates include:
Douglas-fir, western redcedar, western hemlock, grand fir, and Sitka
spruce. Red alder communities within coniferous forests contain a
number of deciduous trees and shrubs also. Deciduous trees and shrubs
include bigleaf maple, vine maple (Acer circinatum), Pacific willow
(Salix lasiandra), and bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata). Understory
shrubs and herbs include salmonberry, western thimbleberry, American
devilsclub (Oplopanax horridus), black elderberry (Sambucus racemosa),
trailing blackberry (Rhubus ursinus), Siberian minerslettuce (Montia
sibirica), and false lily-of-the-valley (Maianthemum dilatatum)

Deciduous riparian forest associates: In California, red alder chiefly
occurs in riparian forests where it often codominates with Sitka spruce,
redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), black cottonwood, bigleaf maple, and
Pacific willow [54,56]. Along larger rivers in Oregon and Washington,
red alder typically codominates with bigleaf maple, Oregon ash (Fraxinus
latifolia), black cottonwood, and willows (Salix spp.) [18,19]. Other
deciduous forest associates include Pacific wax-myrtle (Myrica
californica), Pacific red elder (Sambucus callicarpa), and California
laurel (Umbellularia californica) [18,56].

Elevation: Red alder is generally found no farther inland than 100
miles, at elevations below 2,500 feet. Elevational ranges for several
western states are presented below [16,33,34,48,66]:

from sea level to 500 feet (0-152 m) in CA
1,030-3,600 feet (314-1,097 m) in ID
sea level to 2,500 feet (0-762 m) in OR
sea level to 2,500 feet (0-762 m) in WA
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Cover Types

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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

210 Interior Douglas-fir
221 Red alder
222 Black cottonwood - willow
223 Sitka spruce
224 Western hemlock
225 Western hemlock - Sitka spruce
226 Coastal true fir - hemlock
227 Western redcedar - western hemlock
228 Western redcedar
229 Pacific Douglas-fir
230 Douglas-fir - western hemlock
231 Port Orford-cedar
232 Redwood
244 Pacific ponderosa pine - Douglas-fir
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Ecosystem

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

FRES20 Douglas-fir
FRES21 Ponderosa pine
FRES22 Western white pine
FRES23 Fir - spruce
FRES24 Hemlock - Sitka spruce
FRES27 Redwood
FRES28 Western hardwoods
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Plant Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the term: forest

K001 Spruce - cedar - hemlock forest
K002 Cedar - hemlock - Douglas-fir forest
K003 Silver fir - Douglas-fir forest
K005 Mixed conifer forest
K006 Redwood forest
K012 Douglas-fir forest
K013 Cedar - hemlock - pine forest
K025 Alder - ash forest
K029 California mixed evergreen forest
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Immediate Effect of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Information regarding the effects of fire on red alder is lacking.
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Red alder grows rapidly, often reaching heights of 35 feet (10 m) in 10
years; therefore, only young plants are available as browse. Leaves and
twigs of saplings are eaten by cattle, sheep, and goats [64], sometimes
in preference to other fairly good browse [57]. Deer and elk eat the
leaves, twigs, and buds of young red alder trees in fall, winter, and
early spring. Beavers eat the bark, and build dams and lodges with the
stems [64]. Alder (Alnus spp.) seeds are eaten by redpolls, siskins,
and goldfinches [42]. Red alder seeds are an important food for deer
mice, especially when other primary foods are difficult to obtain.
Seeds eaten off the snow after being dispersed [66].
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Key Plant Community Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: climax, codominant, forest, hardwood, shrub, woodland

Red alder communities, both upland and riparian, generally are found
within coniferous forests dominated by Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga
menziesii), western redcedar (Thuja plicata), western hemlock (Tsuga
heterophylla), grand fir (Abies grandis), and Sitka spruce (Picea
sitchensis) [18,19,67], or as components of deciduous forests of
floodplains or swamps [18,19]. Generally, five types of red alder
communities have been described [18,19,21,32,67]:

(1) Upland, pure even aged stands of red alder, with a dense shrub
undergrowth dominated by salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) or
elderberry (Sambucus melanocarpa), occurring within coniferous

(2) Upland mixed stands of red alder/other deciduous trees and
shrubs/conifers within coniferous forests less than 100 years
old, with red alder occurring as a dominant or codominant.

(3) Riparian red alder communities within coniferous forests.

(4) Mixed stands within deciduous riparian forests, red alder
occurring as codominant with black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)
and bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum).

(5) In swamps often occurring with, or codominant with, western
redcedar. In this type of community, red alder appears to be a
climax species.

Red alder communities were primarily restricted to streams and wet areas
during presettlement times. Since then, disturbances such as logging
have provided an abundance of open sites with bare mineral soil, which
favor red alder colonization. Today red alder communities are common
throughout much of coastal Oregon and Washington.

Published classification schemes listing red alder as an indicator
species or as a dominant part of the vegetation in community types (cts)
or plant associations (pas) are presented below:

Area Classification Authority

AK general veg. cts Viereck & others 1992

CA hardwood forest & Barbour 1987
woodland cts

CA general veg. cts Thorne 1976

s CA general veg. cts Paysen & others 1980

nw CA,w Or,w WA general veg. cts Franklin 1979

OR: Siuslaw NF general veg. pas Hemstrom & Logan 1986

OR postburn veg. cts Bailey & Poulton 1968

s OR: Cascade Mtns forest pas Atzet & McCrimmon 1990

OR, WA general veg. cts Franklin & Dyrness 1973

Pacific NW general veg. cts Hall 1984
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: tree

bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: forest

Although long-term economic returns are higher with conifer crops than
red alder, under certain conditions red alder should be considered as an
alternative forest crop [29]. Upland sites too wet for Douglas-fir and
hemlock (Tsuga spp.) are well suited for red alder. Red alder may also
be planted onto areas infected with laminated root rot fungus, since
hardwoods are immune to this infection. In Oregon, before an area can
be reforested with red alder, regulations require that permission be
obtained from the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Due to red alder's ability to symbiotically fix atmospheric nitrogen, it
has been proposed for use as a rotation crop before growing conifers
[12,44]. Soil nitrogen accretion rates have shown increases ranging from
40 to 300 pounds per acre (45-355 kg/ha) per year under red alder stands
[25]. Conifer stands which follow red alder exhibit increased growth and
yields [2,67]. Studies have shown that Douglas-fir grown with red alder
had increased heights and diameters compared to Douglas-fir grown
without alder [43]. Research on aboveground biomass accretion rates in
red alder stands suggests that for crop rotations, red alder should be
harvested before age 20 [69]. This is because maximum annual
productivity occurs between 10 and 15 years, and stands older than 20
years show signs of deterioration. Red alder stands reach an
aboveground biomass plateau between ages 40 and 50.

Herbicides have been used both to promote the growth of alder and to
kill alder to promote the growth of conifers. To achieve desired
stocking and distribution in potentially harvestable red alder stands,
thinning and culling of selected red alder trees may be desirable.
Numerous chemical applications are available to control red alders which
are competing with Douglas-fir or other valuable conifers. Stands
may be aerially sprayed, or individual trees can be spot sprayed or
injected. The most common chemicals used for control of red alder are
2,4-D, Tordon 101, triclopyr ester, and triclopyr amine [9,29,49].
Proper guidelines for the use and application of chemicals should be
followed [9,29,49,62].
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Occurrence in North America

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Other uses and values

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest extracted a red dye from the
inner bark of red alder, which was used to dye fish nets, making the net
"invisible" to fish. Red alder contains salicin, which chemically is
closely related to acetylsalicylic acid (commonly known as aspirin).
This is probably why Native Americans used various preparations for
medicinal purposes. Native Americans also used the wood for various
utensils. Red alder coals are currently used in the Northwest to smoke
salmon [1].
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
The leaves and young twigs of red alder are generally considered to be a
fair browse for cattle and sheep [11]. Red alder may be slightly less
palatable to cattle than to sheep or goats. However, cattle make
greater use of red alder, as they tend to frequent moist sites where red
alder occurs [64]. The degree of use shown by livestock and wildlife
species for red alder is rated as follows [30,57]:


Cattle fair-poor ----
Sheep fair-poor ----
Horses fair-poor ----
Mule deer fair-useless fair
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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More info for the terms: fresh, fruit, tree

Red alder is a deciduous tree. Flowers begin to form in the spring
before the leaves expand. Flowering in Oregon and Washington generally
begins in late February and continues until early May [58]. Fruits
ripen in late summer and early fall; seeds are dispersed during fall and
winter [58] and can often be seen on fresh snow. The following dates
have been recorded for phenological events in Oregon and Washington

Phenological Event 17 locations throughout Snohomish County
Oregon and Washington Washington

Leaf bud bursts March 21 - April 23 April 3
Completely leafed out April 9 - May 16 May 2
Flowering begins February 19 - May 4 March 29
Flowers all fallen March 18 - June 5 April 12
Fruit ripe August 5 - October 29 August 27
Leaves mostly fallen September 18 - November 24 November 13

In the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, red alder is one of the first
deciduous trees to lose its leaves. The majority of leaves fall during
October, with virtually all leaves lost by the first week in November
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Plant Response to Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, root collar, seed

Red alder is an early seral species which quickly invades burned areas.
Off-site plants inhabiting fire resistant draws and streambeds provide
an abundance of seed, which reportedly can travel several hundred yards
via wind. Thus red alder quickly colonizes soils exposed after forest
fires. Red alder along with Douglas-fir are often the dominant postfire
vegetation on low to middle elevation sites throughout the Pacific
Northwest [41]. Red alder may dominate and suppress conifers following
a fire for 20 to 25 years, after which the conifers overtop the alder

Information regarding the sprouting response of red alder after
aboveground plant parts have been killed by fire is lacking. However,
responses after cutting show that red alder tends to sprout at the root
collar or along the lower stem no matter where the stem is cut [27]. For
detailed information regarding the sprouting response of red alder after
cutting, refer to the Regeneration Slot.
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration

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More info for the term: root sucker

Tree with adventitious-bud root crown/soboliferous species root sucker
Initial-offsite colonizer (off-site, initial community)
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regeneration Processes

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: duff, monoecious, natural, seed

Sexual reproduction: Red alder regenerates primarily by seed. Plants
are monoecious and are primarily wind pollinated. Flowering generally
occurs from late February to early May depending on latitude and climate
[36]. After fertilization female catkins develop into woody cones about
0.5 to 1 inch (1.2-2.5 cm) long, containing 50 to 100 small, flattened,
winged, nutlike seeds [16,67].

Seed dispersal and production: Seed dispersal begins soon after
ripening in late summer, but most seeds are shed during fall and winter
[14,66]. The seeds are very lightweight (about 666,000/pound
[1,465,000/kg]) and are normally carried up to several hundred yards in
the direction of the prevailing winds. Seed production begins at about
10 years [58] (but sometimes sooner), and continues throughout maturity,
with optimum production at about 25 years of age [36]. A prolific
seeder, red alder produces peak crops about every 4 years, with moderate
to light crops produced in between [36]. Total seed crop failure is
very rare; however, a total crop failure did occur following a severe
freeze in November 1955 [16,36].

Germination: Under natural conditions, germination occurs in the
spring. Germination is best on moist mineral soil in full sunlight
[14,36]. Seed also germinates well on rotten wood and duff [45], and to
a lesser extent on soil organic horizons and on rock-surfaced logging
roads, but the roots must quickly penetrate to a moist nutritious
substrate if seedlings are to survive [14]. Sunlight is required for
germination [36]. Seeds under thick vegetation or buried deeply in the
soil, will not germinate until the site is disturbed, exposing the seeds
to sunlight. Germination percentages range from 59 to 84 percent
[52,58]. Germination rates of stratified and nonstratified seeds are
about equal. Low germination percentages may be due to a high
proportion of empty seeds known to occur in red alder [52]. Seeds
remain viable in storage for about 3 years [25].

Seedling establishment: Generally, exposed mineral soil is needed for
seedling establishment. Seed production is normally so prolific that
dense stands quickly develop on exposed soils of logging roads,
clearcuts, and burned over areas [25]. These areas may have from
several hundred thousand to several million red alder seedlings per
hectare in the spring of the first year after the disturbance [69].
Regeneration and establishment in dense, thick, brush fields is
infrequent due to the lack of exposed sights, but any disturbance which
removes the brush and exposes the soil will favor red alder
establishment [67]. Plants often reach 6 to 18 inches (15-45 cm) in 1
year and may reach 18 feet (5.5 m) in 5 years [16]. This rapid juvenile
growth gives the shade-intolerant red alder a competitive edge over
conifers, as it quickly overtops them.

Vegetative reproduction: Red alder will sprout following an injury to a
stem, but in the absence of disturbance, sprouting is infrequent. Red
alder's sprouting ability following cutting is summarized as follows

(1) Sprouting vigor is greatest on trees 1 to 3 years old. Vigor falls
off dramatically after 15 years. Trees 15 years or older
rarely have live sprouts 2 years after cutting.

(2) The average number of sprouts per cut stem increases significantly
as stump height is increased.

(3) Stumps with the cut surface facing south or west have the least
mortality and are most likely to sprout.

(4) Level cuts have higher mortality and fewer sprouts than angled

(5) Stems cut in January have the lowest mortality; stems cut during the
growing season, especially July or August, have the highest

(6) The number of sprouts per cut stem is not affected by the season of

Propagation: Cuttings of red alder do not root easily [66].
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regional Distribution in the Western United States

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This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):

1 Northern Pacific Border
2 Cascade Mountains
3 Southern Pacific Border
8 Northern Rocky Mountains
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Successional Status

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More info for the terms: forest, tree

Red alder is common on many disturbed areas. Many of the stands which
exist today were created because of the pioneering habit of red alder.
Red alder quickly invaded lands clearcut and burned during the 1920's to
1940's [3,39]. In 1920 there was an estimated 1/3 of a billion board
feet of red alder, but by the mid 1960's, red alder acreage increased
dramatically, containing an estimated 12 billion board feet [39]. By
1988, red alder covered an estimated 13 percent of commercial forest
lands along the Pacific Coast of Washington and Oregon [55].

Red alder is an early seral species. It quickly invades forest
openings, such as those created from fires, logging, wind throws, or
road cuts, and it also pioneers volcanic mud flows [19,46]. Red alder
and Douglas-fir are reported as the principal pioneer tree species of
lower and middle elevation forests from southwestern British Columbia to
northwestern California [41]. Thus they often dominate the first
postfire community in the Pacific Northwest. Disturbed areas are
naturally seeded by numerous wind-dispersed seeds, resulting in stands
that start out with several thousand alder trees per acre [3]. Due to
red alder's shade intolerance, stands are self-thinning; trees that do
not maintain their height in the canopy die, resulting in even-aged
stands [17,66]. Conifers such as Douglas-fir that become established at
the same time are quickly overtopped by this extremely fast growing
species. These early seral red alder communities suppress competing
conifers, but after about 25 years, conifers equal red alder height and
begin to overtop them. After about 40 years, Douglas-fir becomes
dominant. Few red alder trees remain in stands past 60 years [16,67].
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


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Alnus oregona
Alnus incana var. rubra
Alnus rubra var. pinnatisecta
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
The currently accepted scientific name of red alder is Alnus rubra Bong.
[31,34,40]. There are no recognized subspecies, varieties, or forms.
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites

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More info for the terms: cover, litter, seed

Red alder is useful for erosion control on steep slopes where soil has
been disturbed because the heavy cover and litter layer which forms
within 3 to 5 years effectively protects the soil [67]. Plants may be
established by direct seeding or transplanting, but not by cuttings, as
they seldom root [16]. To obtain seed, proven seed collection and seed
extraction procedures should be followed [36,58]. Transplanted
container-grown seedlings have shown a first year survival rate of about
75 to 80 percent [36]. Carefully dug wild seedlings also transplant well

Recent research suggests that cuttings from 1- to 3-year-old plants can
be induced to root by dipping the cutting for 10 seconds in a 8,000 p/m
solution of indole-3 butyric acid and then dusting with 10 percent
benomyl [47]. However, cuttings took 6 weeks to root in a warm
greenhouse environment between 72 and 77 degrees F (22-25 deg C).
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Wood Products Value

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: density, fuel, hardwood

Red alder is considered the most important commercial hardwood of the
Pacific Northwest. The fine even texture and moderate density of red
alder wood make it easy to work with. It sands and polishes easily,
holds paints and coatings well, stains readily, and seldom splits
[3,38]. Due to these favorable characteristics, and the fact that it is
much less expensive than other hardwoods used in furniture
manufacturing, red alder wood is extensively for furniture making and
cabinetry [55]. It is also used in the manufacture of novelties, trim,
paneling, pallets, veneers, plywoods, and paper roll plugs [3,67].
Smaller manufactured items include brush handles, spools, trays, shoe
soles, and boxes. Red alder is an important source of pulp for paper
products. Research is being conducted to determine the feasibility of
producing 4x8 foot (1.2-2.4 m) sheets of waferboard from chips [29].

Trees less than 8 inches (20.3 cm) in diameter are generally chipped or
cut for fuel wood. Sawmill logs need to be greater than 7 or 8 inches
(17.8-20.3 cm) in diameter at the small end and over 30 feet (9.1 m)
long [29].

Red alder is also an important source of firewood.
bibliographic citation
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Associated Forest Cover

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Red alder grows in both pure and mixed stands. Pure stands are typically confined to stream bottoms and lower slopes. Red alder is, however, much more widely distributed as a component of mixed stands. It is a major component of the forest cover type Red Alder (Society of American Foresters Type 221) and occurs as a minor component in most of the other North Pacific cover types (11).

Common tree associates are Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), western redcedar (ThuJa plicata), grand fir (Abies grandis), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), and willow (Salix spp.). Occasional tree associates include cascara buckthorn (Rhamnus purshiana), Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), and Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia). Western paper birch (Betula papyrifera var. commutata) is an occasional associate in the northern portion of the range of alder, and redwood (Sequoia semperuirens) in the southern portion.

Common shrub associates include vine maple (Acer circinatum), red and blue elder (Sambucus callicarpa, S. cerulea), Indian plum (Osmaronia cerasiformis), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), western thimbleberry (R. parviflorus), dlevilsclub (Oplopanax horridum), Oregongrape (Berberis nervosa), and salal (Gaultheria shallon).

Herbaceous associates include stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), skunkcabbage (Lysichitum americanum), blackberries (Rubus laciniatus, R. leucodermis), California dewberry (R. ursinus), swordfern (Polystichum munitum), lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina), Pacific water parsley (Oenanthe sarmentosa), youthon-age (Tolmiea menziesii), Oregon oxalis (Oxalis oregana), and western springbeauty (Montia sibirica).

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Red alder grows in climates varying from humid to superhumid. Annual precipitation ranges from 400 to 5600 mm (16 to 220 in); most of the precipitation is rain in winter. Summers are generally cool and dry. Temperature extremes range from -30° C (-22° F) in Alaska and Idaho to 46° C (115° F) in California. Low winter temperatures and lack of precipitation during the growing season appear to be the main limits to the range of red alder. For good development of trees, either annual precipitation should exceed 630 mm (25 in) or tree roots should have access to ground water.

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Damaging Agents

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Red alder is fairly free from most insect and disease problems, especially when young (age 40 or 50) and uninjured (21,45). Phellinus igniarius, a white heart rot, is probably the major cause of cull in older trees. Three canker-causing stem diseases-Didymosphaeria oregonensis, Hymenochaete agglutinans, and Nectria galligena-cause some damage, especially in young stands, but their overall impact is slight. Red alder has a number of foliage and catkin diseases, but none are economically important. Many species of fungi have been identified on alder; but, except for those discussed above, they tend to be secondary invaders on dead or dying tissue. Wood stain and decay proceed rapidly in cut trees, and logs should be processed soon after harvest unless they are stored in fresh water (43). During intermediate cuts, care must be taken to avoid injuring residual trees; once trees are injured, decay organisms can invade rapidly.

Insect pests are not usually a major concern, but serious outbreaks of some defoliators can cause growth reductions. The forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria), western tent caterpillar (M. californicum), alder woolly sawfly (Eriocampa ovata), striped alder sawfly (Hemichroa crocea), the alder flea beetle (Altica ambiens), and a leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta punctipennis) have caused substantial damage; but reports of mortality are rare (5,13,45). A flatheaded wood borer (Agrilus burkei) can kill twigs and branches (5,13). The alder bark beetle (Alniphagus aspericollis) breeds primarily in slash and in young stressed trees; however, healthy trees can be attacked when bark beetle populations are high (5). Ambrosia beetles (Gnathotrichus retusus, 7~-ypodendron lineatum, Xyleborus saxeseni) attack logs and slash left on the ground, causing rapid degrade in quality. Insect holes can also serve as entry sites for fungi. Merchantable material should be removed rapidly, and large accumulations of slash should be avoided.

Animals cause only minor damage in alder stands. Young trees are occasionally browsed by black-tailed deer, especially during the late summer and fall (6), but alder is not a preferred species. 'Mountain beaver sometimes girdle small stems and branches; their use of alder foliage for food is minor and sporadic except in late September when use is fairly heavy (38). In years of high populations, meadow mice girdle young stems. Damage by meadow mice has been most commonly observed in grassy or very wet areas.

Climatic factors can damage red alder. Mortality and top damage have been documented in natural stands after ice storms or unseasonable frosts (10,45). Fire is rarely a damaging agent because of the scarcity of flammable debris in alder stands; in fact, the species sometimes has been planted as a firebreak to protect adjacent conifers (45). Alder bark is thin but sufficiently fire resistant to prevent damage during light surface fires (43). Windthrow is not common in alder because of the intermingling of roots and branches, the absence of leaves during winter storms when soils can be waterlogged, and the relatively deep-rooting habit of the species on well-drained soils. Uprooted trees are most commonly observed along cutting boundaries or where established root systems have been undercut by flooding or erosion.

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Flowering and Fruiting

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Red alder reaches sexual maturity at age 3 to 4 years for individual trees and age 6 to 8 for most dominant trees in a stand (5). It is generally monoecious, with separate male and female catkins developing on the previous year's twigs (22). Staminate catkins occur in pendulous clumps. In late winter they elongate, changing from green to reddish brown and from 2 to 3 cm (1 in) long to about 7 or 8 cm (3 in). Pistillate catkins also occur in clumps but are borne upright. They are 5 to 8 min (0.2 to 0.3 in) long and reddish green when receptive. Flowering occurs in late winter or early spring; peak shedding of pollen generally precedes peak receptivity by only a few days. Most alder seed is probably the result of outcrossing, but some selfpollination does occur (5).

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Population Differences Population differences in height growth, diameter growth, stem form, bark thickness, and resistance to frost or insect attack have been demonstrated in a provenance trial in coastal Oregon involving 10 sources from the range of red alder (5). High growth rates were positively correlated with good form but negatively correlated with resistance to spring frosts. Differences among provenances in bole volume or aboveground biomass were greater than differences in height or diameter alone (24). Specific gravity did not differ significantly among provenances, nor was it correlated with growth rate (17).

The fastest growing trees in the provenance trial were from northwestern Washington, but trees from British Columbia, southwestern Washington, and Oregon also grew well. The slowest growing trees were from Alaska and Idaho. Thus, it appears reproductive material of red alder can be moved to mild sites over fairly long distances along the Pacific coast.

Differences in form and in characteristics of branch, bark, and wood among eight stands in western Washington have also been assessed (5). Variability among trees in a stand was high; only bark thickness, a branch diameter index, branch angle, and a crown-width index differed significantly among stands.

A cut-leaf variety (Alnus rubra var. pinnatisecta) is found in a few isolated areas in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. The cut-leaf characteristic is caused by a single recessive gene (42); thus, the cut-leaf variety can be used as a marker in genetic breeding studies (5).

Families varied in their height-growth response to water-table depth in a 24-family progeny trial in western Washington (23). Use of genotypes tolerant of waterlogging may enhance growth of red alder on wet sites.

Phenotypic variation between trees is high. Studies are underway to assess genotypic variation and the heritability of various traits. An individual tree approach for selection has been recommended for tree improvement programs. Because red alder has extensive populations of even-aged stands and because of its reproductive and growth characteristics, the species has the potential for rapid genetic gains (5).

Races No races of red alder have been described. Races may exist, however, especially in the disjunct populations or in the extremes of the range. One researcher has divided the species into three populations (northern, central, and southern) on the basis of vegetative and reproductive features from herbarium specimens (12).

Hybrids No natural hybrids have been documented, but possible hybrids with Alnus tenuifolia and A. rhombifolia have been described where the ranges of these species overlap in Idaho (36). Red alder has been successfully crossed with A. cordata, A. glutinosa, A. japonica, and A. sinuata (5).

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Growth and Yield

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Red alder has rapid juvenile growth; of its associates, only black cottonwood grows as much or more during the juvenile phase. On good sites, trees may be 9 in (30 ft) at age 5, 16 in (52 ft) at age 10, and 24 in (79 ft) at age 20. One tree was 9.8 in (32.1 ft) tall and 16.3 cm (6.4 in) in d.b.h. 5 years from seed (36). Mean annual production in 7to 12-year-old thickets has been estimated (oven-dry) at 15.4 t/ha (6.8 tons/acre) (5).

Growth slows after the juvenile stage, the decrease beginning much sooner on poor sites. Site index as determined at base age 20 years ranges from 10 to 25 in (33 to 82 ft) (16); at base age 50, it ranges from 18 to 37 in (60 to 120 ft) (44). Associated conifers have much slower juvenile growth, but they sustain height growth years longer than alder. On an average site, both Douglas-fir and red alder can attain the same height at about age 45 (36). Beyond that age, Douglas-fir surpasses red alder in height.

Red alder is a relatively short-lived species, maturing at about 60 to 70 years; maximum age is usually about 100 years (45). On favorable sites, trees can be 30 to 40 m (100 to 130 ft) tall and 55 to 75 cm (22 to 30 in) in diameter. A record-size tree measured 198 cm (78 in) in d.b.h., but trees over 90 cm (35 in) in diameter are rare. Maximum cubic volume is attained at age 50 to 70 (500 m'/ha or 7 ' 150 ft'/acre) (5,44). In pure stands on good sites, it has been estimated that red alder can achieve annual cubic volume growth rates of 21 m'/ha (300 ft'/acre) in pulpwood rotations of 10 to 12 years, and 14 m/ha (200 ft'/acre) in saw-log rotations of 30 to 32 years (5). Most of the existing alder volume is in mixed stands where growth and yield are variable.

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Reaction to Competition

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Red alder requires more light than any of its tree associates except black cottonwood and is classed as intolerant of shade. Young seedlings can withstand partial shade for a few years but will grow very little; if not released, the seedlings will die. The only trees that survive are those that maintain dominant or codominant crown positions. Self-thinning or mortality caused by competition is rapid, and mean densities in natural stands decrease from 124,000 seedlings per hectare (50,000/acre) at age 5 (7) to 1,665 seedlings per hectare (675/acre) at age 20 (44). Red alder also selfprunes extremely well. Shaded lower branches rapidly die and fall off; alder holes are typically clear and slightly tapered (fig. 3). Live crown ratios in crowded, pure stands are very low, and narrow, domelike crowns are characteristic.

Early control of spacing is necessary to keep live crown ratios high enough to maintain good growth beyond the juvenile phase. Saw-log yields can be maximized on short rotations by combining early spacing control with pulpwood thinnings (5). Thinnings in previously unthinned stands are most effective in stimulating growth of residual trees if done before height growth slows-about age 15 to 20 (5,28,39). Thinning in older stands can salvage mortality and help maintain the vigor of residual trees but does not usually accelerate diameter growth (25,40).

Epicormic branching has been reported after thinning, especially when thinning has been late or drastic (1,40). Epicormic sprouting is most commonly observed on the south side of stressed trees. Epicormic branches appearing after early thinning are usually ephemeral and not cause for concern.

Red alder can be grown in either pure or mixed stands. Creation or maintenance of mixed stands requires careful attention to the respective heightgrowth patterns and tolerances of the species. Alder must be kept in the upper canopy to survive in mixed stands.

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Rooting Habit

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Red alder forms extensive, fibrous root systems. Root growth of seedlings is rapid; 2-year-old nursery-grown seedlings have to be planted using a shovel because of their wide-spreading, large, woody roots.

Red alder roots are commonly ectomycorrhizal. Only a few species of fungi, however, are capable of forming ectomycorrhizal associations with alder. Fungal symbionts include an alder-specific fungus (Alpova diplophloeus) and fungi capable of mycorrhizal associations with other hosts (Paxillus inuolutus, Astraeus pteridis, and Scleroderma hypogaeum) (26).

Red alder also has root nodules that fix atmospheric nitrogen. The nodules are a symbiotic association between the tree and an actinomycete (Frankia spp.). Nodulation occurs soon after seed germination; root systems of seedlings a few months old commonly have dozens of visible nodules, ranging from the size of a pinhead up to 25 min (1 in) in diameter. Mature trees have nodules on both the large woody roots and the smaller new roots. Nodules found on large trees can be as large as 80 or 90 mm (3.1 or 3.5 in) in diameter.

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Seed Production and Dissemination

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Red alder is a prolific and consistent producer of seed. Moderate seed crops are produced almost annually and bumper crops occur every 3 to 5 years. Complete failure of a seed crop is rare, but after a severe freeze in November 1955, almost no seed was produced in 1956 (43).

The seeds are small, winged nuts borne in pairs on the bracts of woody, conelike strobili (33). The strobili are 11 to 32 mm (0.4 to 1.3 in) long, and 8 to 15 min (0.3 to 0.6 in) wide. Seed dispersal begins in late September in the middle of the species'range, somewhat earlier in Alaska, and several weeks later in California. Most of the seeds are shed during late fall and winter. For minimum loss of seeds, cone collection should begin in September in Alaska and continue until December in California.

Red alder seeds are very light, numbering 800 to 3,000/g (22,900 to 85,700/oz), and wind dissemination is effective. The seed can be carried long distances by wind, and abundant seed for natural regeneration is usually present throughout the range of red alder.

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Seedling Development

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Red alder germinates and grows well on moist mineral soil with full sunlight. Germination is epigeal. Seedlings can become established from seeds that fall on a highly organic surface, such as forest litter. Because the seeds are so small, however, their food reserves are minimal and the tender radicle must encounter a moist, nutritious substrate almost immediately after germination if the seed is to become an established plant. Seedlings can tolerate partial shade for several years, but after that full sun is required for normal development.

Red alder can be regenerated by any method that provides full sunlight and exposed mineral soil. The species is an aggressive pioneer on avalanche paths, road cuts, log landings, skid trails, or other areas where mineral soil has been freshly exposed to seed fall. Clearcutting and large-group selection are feasible regeneration systems. During harvesting or in a subsequent site preparation treatment, the site must be disturbed sufficiently to expose mineral soil. Fire can probably substitute for mechanical disturbance on most sites. To exclude red alder from the next rotation stand, some forest managers try to reduce the supply of alder seed by cutting possible alder seed trees in the vicinity before or at the time of final harvest, and also to avoid creating favorable seedbed conditions by disturbing the site as little as possible during logging and, if feasible, by not burning the logging slash.

Artificial regeneration can be accomplished with either bare-root or containerized seedlings. Dried, stored seed need not be stratified (2,29). Nursery production of seedlings is fairly trouble free if standard techniques are used; sowing should generally be done fairly late (in June), however, to prevent the development of seedlings too large to be easily handled by planting crews. If the soil is sterilized, it may be necessary to reinoculate it to speed formation of mycorrhizae and root nodules. Guidelines for producing containerized seedlings are available (2), covering seed treatment, inoculation methods, and growth media. Survival and growth of planted seedlings are usually excellent.

Height growth of red alder seedlings is exceptionally rapid. On favorable sites, seedlings can grow 1 m (3.3 ft) or more the first year and on all but the poorest sites, seedlings surpass breast height (1.37 m; 4.5 ft) the second year (16). Maximum annual height growth of more than 3 m (9.8 ft) a year can be achieved by 2- to 5-year-old seedlings (16).

Seasonal growth of red alder is under strong climatic control and consequently quite variable. The timing of radial growth is similar for red alder and its common associate Douglas-fir; in the Puget Sound area of Washington State, growth Begins about midApril and continues until mid-September (32). Height growth begins slightly later in the season than radial growth. Red alder has indeterminate height growth; thus, height growth continues through the growing season until soil moisture, temperature, or light conditions become unfavorable.

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Special Uses

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Red alder wood is diffuse-porous, moderately dense, and uniformly textured. It is used in the production of solid wood products, such as furniture, cabinets, case goods, pallets, and novelties (31); composite products, including plywood and flakeboard (5); and fiberbased products, such as tissues and writing paper.

Alder is a common fuelwood and is burned both in home fireplaces and stoves, and in mills that use residues to produce heat for drying and other processes (31). Because of its rapid juvenile growth and ability to coppice, red alder has been evaluated for use in biomass farms for energy conversion (5); some experimental plantings have been made to evaluate yields under intensive management.

The ability of red alder to fix atmospheric nitrogen can result in increases in both nitrogen content and its availability in the soil. Nitrogen fixed irr the nodules is added to the soil in four ways: direct excretion from living roots or nodules, decomposition of dead roots or nodules, leaching from foliage, and decomposition of litter rich in nitrogen. Fixation rates vary diurnally and seasonally (37) and with site and stand age (3,36). Maximum annual fixation rates of 320 kg/ha (290 lb/acre) (36, based on accretion) in pure stands and 130 kg/ha (120 lb/acre)(3, based on acetylene reduction assays) in mixed stands have been reported.

Red alder also increases the organic matter content in the soil (34,36). Concomitant with increases in soil organic matter, decreases in soil bulk density and pH have been reported (4,34,36).

Red alder has been proposed for use alone and in both crop rotation and mixture with other species (8). Because of its ability to add nitrogen and organic matter to a site and its rapid juvenile growth on a variety of sites, the species has been experimentally planted as follows: (a) to serve as a nitrogen source for other species (particularly Douglas-fir and black cottonwood) (5,9); (b) on coal mine spoils, landslides, and other eroded or low fertility areas (20,35); (c) for streambank or roadside protection; (d) in areas of poor drainage; (e) as a firebreak or windbreak (5,34); and M for wildlife areas.

An additional experimental use of red alder in a crop rotation system is to plant it in areas containing coniferous root pathogens, such as Phellinus weiri, which can survive for many years in organic materials in the soil (14). The only known control is to replace the disease-susceptible species with a nonsusceptible species for 40 to 50 years. Red alder is a good candidate for such an interim species.

Other experimental uses of alder include addition of foliage, twigs, and sawdust to grain or alfalfa for cattle feed and addition of sawdust to nursery soils to increase organic matter.

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Vegetative Reproduction

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Red alder sprouts vigorously from the stump when young. It can be repeatedly coppiced on short cycles but rootstock mortality increases with each harvest (17). Age, time of year, and cutting height influence the likelihood of obtaining stump sprouts and the vigor of the sprouts (15). Stumps will sprout best when trees are cut in the winter and when stump height exceeds 4 in (10 cm). Older trees rarely sprout and coppice regeneration cannot be expected after polesize or saw-log-size material is harvested (15).

Greenwood cuttings from young trees can be readily rooted. More than 50 percent of cuttings from 1to 3-year-old plants took root within 6 weeks after treatment with 4,000 to 8,000 p/m indole-3-butyric acid and 10 percent benomyl (27). The cuttings were set in a well-aerated planting mix and placed in a warm environment (22° to 25° C; 72° to 77° F) in the daytime and 16° to 22° C (61° to 72° F) at night with high relative humidity and a 16-hour photoperiod.

Cuttings of succulent new spring growth from shoots of 3- to 6-year-old trees and epicormic sprouts from 27- to 34-year-old trees have also been rooted successfully (30). Best results were obtained with a 10-second dip in 2,000 or 4,000 p/m indole-3-butyric acid. The extent of rooting and root vigor on the cuttings varied greatly among ortets and treatments.

Red alder can also be propagated by mound layering (41). For this technique the seedlings are first coppiced. When the sprouts are a few months old, the stump and the base of the sprouts are covered with soil. The sprouts soon form roots; they can be severed from the stump and planted at the end of the first growing season.

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Red alder is most often observed as a lowland species along the northern Pacific coast. Its range extends from southern California (lat. 34° N.) to southeastern Alaska (60° N.). Red alder is generally found within 200 km (125 mi) of the ocean and at elevations below 750 m (2,400 ft). It seldom grows east of the Cascade Range in Oregon and Washington or the Sierra Nevada in California, although several isolated populations exist in northern Idaho (36).

-The native range of red alder.

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Alnus rubra

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Alnus rubra, the red alder,[3][4] is a deciduous broadleaf tree native to western North America (Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho and Montana).[2][5][6]


Alnus rubra is the largest species of alder in North America and one of the largest in the world, reaching heights of 20 to 30 metres (66 to 98 ft). The official tallest red alder (as of 1979) stands 32 m (105 ft) tall in Clatsop County, Oregon (US).[7] The trunks range from 25 to 50 centimetres (10 to 19+12 in) in diameter.[8] The bark is mottled, ashy-gray and smooth, often colonized by white lichen and moss.[8] The leaves are ovate, 7 to 15 centimetres (2+34 to 6 in) long, with bluntly serrated edges and a distinct point at the end; the leaf margin is revolute, the very edge being curled under, a diagnostic character which distinguishes it from all other alders. The leaves turn yellow in the autumn before falling. The male flowers are dangling reddish catkins 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 in) long in early spring. Female flowers occur in clusters of (3) 4–6 (8). Female catkins are erect during anthesis, but otherwise pendant. They develop into small, woody, superficially cone-like oval dry fruit 2 to 3 cm (34 to 1+14 in) long. The seeds develop between the woody bracts of the 'cones' and are shed in late autumn and winter. Red alder seeds have a membranous winged margin that allows long-distance dispersal.[7]

Specimens can live to about 60 years of age before being seriously afflicted by heart rot.[8]


The name derives from the bright rusty red color that develops in bruised or scraped bark.[7]


Alnus rubra grows from Southeast Alaska to central coastal California, nearly always within about 200 kilometres (120 mi) of the Pacific coast, except for an extension 600 km (370 mi) inland across Washington and Oregon into northernmost Montana.[5][9] It can be found from sea level to elevations of 900 m (3,000 ft).[8]


In southern Alaska, western British Columbia and the northwestern Pacific Coast Ranges of the United States, red alder grows on cool and moist slopes; inland and at the southern end of its range (California) it grows mostly along the margins of watercourses and wetlands.[10] It is shade intolerant.[8]

In moist forest areas, Alnus rubra will rapidly cover a former burn or clearcut, often preventing the establishment of conifers. It is a prolific seed producer,[8] but the small, wind-dispersed seeds require an open area of mineral soil to germinate, and so skid trails and other areas disturbed by logging or fire are ideal seedbeds. Such areas may host several hundred thousand to several million seedlings per hectare in the first year after landscape disturbance.[11]

Twigs and buds of alder are only fair browse for wildlife, but deer and elk browse the twigs in fall and twigs and buds in the winter and spring. Beaver occasionally eat the bark, though it is not a preferred species. Several finches eat alder seeds, notably common redpoll and pine siskin, and as do deer mice. Tent caterpillars often feed on the leaves, but the trees usually recover within a year.[8]

The tree hosts the nitrogen-fixing actinomycete Frankia in nodules on roots. This association allows alder to grow in nitrogen-poor soils, and makes the species an important early colonizer of disturbed forests and riparian areas. This self-fertilizing trait allows red alder to grow rapidly, and makes it effective in covering disturbed and/or degraded land, such as mine spoils. Alder leaves, shed in the fall, decay readily to form a nitrogen-enriched humus.

Common associates

Red alder is associated with coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii subsp. menziesii), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), grand fir (Abies grandis), western redcedar (Thuja plicata), and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forests.

Along stream banks, it is commonly associated with willows (Salix spp.), red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera), Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia), and bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum).

To the southeast of its range it is replaced by white alder (Alnus rhombifolia), which is a tree of similar stature, but which differs in the leaf margins not being rolled under, lack of distinct lobes, and lack of membranous wings on seed margins. In the high mountains it is replaced by the smaller and more shrub-like Sitka alder (Alnus viridis subsp. sinuata), and east of the Cascade Mountains by thinleaf alder (Alnus incana subsp. tenuifolia).


Broken branch showing red weathered bark
Typical leaf discoloration caused by ozone pollution

As dye

A russet dye can be made from a decoction of the bark, apparently due to the tannin it contains,[8] and was used by Native Americans to dye fishing nets so as to make them less visible underwater.[8]


Native Americans used red alder bark to treat poison oak reactions, insect bites, and skin irritations. Blackfeet Indians used an infusion made from the bark of red alder to treat lymphatic disorders and tuberculosis. Recent clinical studies have verified that red alder contains betulin and lupeol, compounds shown to be effective against a variety of tumors.[12]


In addition to its use as a nitrogen fixer, red alder is occasionally used as a rotation crop to discourage the conifer root pathogen Phellinus weirii (causing laminated root rot).

Alnus rubra are occasionally planted as ornamental trees and will do well in Swales, riparian areas, or on stream banks, in light-textured soils that drain well. Red alder does not thrive in heavy, wet clay soils. If planted domestically, alders should be planted well away from drainpipes, sewage pipes, and water lines, as the roots may invade and clog the lines.


Alder lumber is not considered to be a durable option for outdoor applications, but due to its workability and ease of finishing it is increasingly used for furniture and cabinetry. Because it is softer than other popular hardwoods such as maple, walnut and ash, alder has historically been considered of low value for timber. However it is now becoming one of the more popular hardwood alternatives as it is economically priced compared to many other hardwoods. In the world of musical instrument construction, red alder is valued by some electric guitar / electric bass builders for its balanced tonality. Alder is frequently used by Native Americans for making masks, bowls, tool handles, and other small goods.

The appearance of alder lumber ranges from white through pinkish to light brown, has a relatively soft texture, minimal grain, and has medium luster. It is easily worked, glues well, and takes a good finish.

Fish smoking

Because of its oily smoke, A. rubra is the wood of choice for smoking salmon.[13]

As an environmental indicator

Red alder is often used by scientists as a biomonitoring organism to locate areas prone to ozone pollution, as the leaves react to the presence of high ozone levels by developing red to brown or purple discolorations.[14]


Red alder, western hemlock, and bigleaf maple forest

With a current inventory of about 7.4 billion cubic feet, red alder comprises 60 percent of the total hardwood volume in the Pacific Northwest, and is by far the most valuable hardwood in term of diversity of products, commercial value, and manufacturing employment.[15] Increasing value of alder logs, combined with a better understanding of the species' ecological role, has led some land managers to tolerate and, in some cases, manage for alder. Since most forest land in the Northwest is managed for conifer production, however, over 80,000 hectares of timberland are sprayed with herbicides annually in Oregon alone to control red alder and other competing hardwood species.[16] Red alder's rapid early growth can interfere with establishment of conifer plantations[17] Herbicide spraying of red alder over large areas of coastal Oregon and Washington has resulted in a number of lawsuits claiming this spraying has caused health problems, including birth defects and other human health effects.[18][19]

In addition to adding soil nitrogen, rotations of red alder are used to reduce laminated root rot (introduced via Phellinus weirii) in Douglas-fir forests. Nurse stands of red alder may also reduce spruce weevil damage in Sitka spruce stands on the Olympic Peninsula[20] Alder continues to attract interest as log values approach and often exceed those of Douglas-fir.[21] This interest is limited by red alder's total stand productivity, which is significantly lower than that of Douglas-fir and western hemlock.



  1. ^ Stritch, L. (2014). "Alnus rubra". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 208. e.T194598A2351803. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2014-3.RLTS.T194598A2351803.en.
  2. ^ a b Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  3. ^ USDA Plants Profile: Alnus rubra
  4. ^ BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  5. ^ a b Biota of North America Program, 2013 county distribution map
  6. ^ "Alnus rubra". Plants of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.
  7. ^ a b c Furlow, J. (1979). The systematics of the American species of Alnus. Rhodora, v81-825: 1-248.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i Arno, Stephen F.; Hammerly, Ramona P. (2020) [1977]. Northwest Trees: Identifying & Understanding the Region's Native Trees (field guide ed.). Seattle: Mountaineers Books. pp. 208–215. ISBN 978-1-68051-329-5. OCLC 1141235469.
  9. ^ "Alnus rubra". efloras.org. Flora of North America.
  10. ^ "Alnus rubra". Jepson Flora. Berkeley, CA: University of California.
  11. ^ Zavitkovski, J.; Stevens, R.D. (1972). "Primary productivity of red alder ecosystems". Ecology. 53 (2): 235–242. doi:10.2307/1934076. JSTOR 1934076.
  12. ^ Tilford, Gregory L. (15 June 1997). Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West (1st ed.). Mountain Press. ISBN 0-87842-359-1.
  13. ^ Ewing, Susan (1996). The Great Alaska Nature Factbook. Portland, OR: Alaska Northwest Books.
  14. ^ Jeannie Allen (2003-08-22). "Watching Our Ozone Weather". NASA Earth Observatory. Archived from the original on 2008-10-20. Retrieved 2008-10-11.
  15. ^ Hibbs, D.E.; DeBell, D.S.; Tarrant, R.F. (1995). The Biology and Management of Red Alder. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press.
  16. ^ Oregon Dept of Forestry 2014
  17. ^ Haeussler, S.T.J. (1995). "Germination, survival and early growth of red alder seedlings in the central Coast Range of Oregon". Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 25 (10): 1639–1651. doi:10.1139/x95-178.
  18. ^ "In Oregon, Residents Struggle to Solve a Pesticide Mystery". 14 August 2012. Retrieved 2 February 2021.
  19. ^ "Basal Spraying of Red Alder" (PDF). Retrieved 2 February 2021.
  20. ^ Almond, Lyle. "The value of red alder as an integrated pest management tool for controlling weevil damage to sitka spruce" (PDF). In Deal, R.L.; Harrington, C.A. 2006 (eds.). Red Alder: A State of Knowledge. Pacific Northwest Research Station (Report). Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-669 – via Department of Forestry, Province of British Columbia, Canada.
  21. ^ Bluhm, Andrew A. (25 March 2017) [31 July 2010]. Red alder management: Silviculture to marketing (PDF) (Report). Tree School. Oregon City, OR. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-12-07. Retrieved 2017-12-07 – via Oregon State University Agricultural Extension Service.
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Alnus rubra: Brief Summary

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Alnus rubra, the red alder, is a deciduous broadleaf tree native to western North America (Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho and Montana).

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