Casas de la Dehesilla, Madrid, Spain
Casas de la Dehesilla, Madrid, Spain
Paramoeba (para-me-ba) one of the naked amoebae. The pseudopodia are conical, but may be short or long. They arise from the hyaline zone. The pseudopodia project to the front, the smooth area at the back of the cell is the uroid. They eat bacteria, algae, detritus. There is a paranuclear body located alongside the nucleus, it is the sqare-ish granular structure above the nucleus with its more homogeneous nucleolus. Differential interference contrast.
Paramoeba (para-me-ba) one of the naked amoebae. The pseudopodia are conical, but may be short or long. They arise from the hyaline zone. The pseudopodia project to the front, the smooth area at the back of the cell is the uroid. They eat bacteria, algae, detritus. There is a paranuclear body located alongside the nucleus, but not visible here. Phase contrast.
Paramoeba (para-me-ba) one of the naked amoebae. The pseudopodia are conical, but may be short or long. They arise from the hyaline zone. The pseudopodia project to the front, the smooth area at the back of the cell is the uroid. They eat bacteria, algae, detritus. There is a paranuclear body located alongside the nucleus, it is the granular structure below and to the left of the nucleus with its more homogeneous nucleolus. Differential interference contrast.
Paramoeba (para-me-ba) one of the naked amoebae. The pseudopodia are conical, but may be short or long. They arise from the hyaline zone. The pseudopodia project to the front, the smooth area at the back of the cell is the uroid. They eat bacteria, algae, detritus. Several cells to show the variation in this species. Phase contrast.
Paramoeba (para-me-ba) one of the naked amoebae. The pseudopodia are conical, but may be short or long. This is a picture of the rayed form the cell in which the pseudopodia are long. They arise from the hyaline zone. The pseudopodia project to the front, the smooth area at the back of the cell is the uroid. They eat bacteria, algae, detritus. There is a paranuclear body located alongside the nucleus, but not visible here. Phase contrast.
Korotnevella (caw-rot-know-vell-a) is an amoeba which produces (sometimes) many conical pseudopodia. The most widely encountered genus with conical pseudopodia is Mayorella. This cell contains various food vacuoles with algal particles and other detritus in various stages of digestion. Uroid towards upper left. Phase contrast.
Korotnevella (caw-rot-know-vell-a) is an amoeba which produces (sometimes) many conical pseudopodia. The most widely encountered genus with conical pseudopodia is Mayorella. This cell contains various food vacuoles with algal particles and other detritus in various stages of digestion. Uroid towards upper left. Phase contrast.
Korotnevella (caw-rot-know-vell-a) is an amoeba which produces (sometimes) many conical pseudopodia, although this cell has adopted the limax form - indicating how important it is to observe many cells before attempting an identification. Phase contrast.
Vexillifera (vex-ill-if-err-a) a naked free-living amoeba with irregular thin (sub)pseudopodia emerging from a hyaline region. The front of the cell is to the right. Phase contrast.
Neoparamoeba (knee-o-para-me-ba), naked amoeba, variable in appearance, with short or well developed pseudopodia arising from the hyaline cap. With a paranuclear body visible here above and to the right of the nucleus. Phase contrast.
Neoparamoeba (knee-o-para-me-ba), naked amoeba, variable in appearance, with short or well developed pseudopodia arising from the hyaline cap. With a paranuclear body. Phase contrast.
Neoparamoeba (knee-o-para-me-ba), naked amoeba, variable in appearance, with short or well developed pseudopodia arising from the hyaline cap. With a paranuclear body. Floating form. Phase contrast.
Korotnevella (caw-rot-know-vell-a) is an amoeba which produces (sometimes) many conical pseudopodia. The most widely encountered genus with conical pseudopodia is Mayorella. Phase contrast.
Korotnevella (caw-rot-know-vell-a) is an amoeba which produces (sometimes) many conical pseudopodia. The most widely encountered genus with conical pseudopodia is Mayorella. This cell has adopted the limax form. Phase contrast.