Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Colaspis floridana Schaeffer
Colaspis brunnea var. floridana Schaeffer, 1933:471.
DESCRIPTION.—Between 4.0 and 5.5 mm in length, oblong oval, yellow brown, sometimes pale reddish brown, usually with deeper brown elytral punctures, dark epipleura and dark apical joints of the antennae, first two elytral costae wider than rest with single lines of punctures between, sixth and seventh lines single in basal part and eighth single.
Head with interocular space more than half its width, usually densely punctate throughout with clypeus clearly outlined, labrum emarginate anteriorly, jaws large and dark brown. Antennae varying considerably in color, some with apical joints from 7 to 11 dark, others with only joints 7, 10, and 11 dark, infrequently only last joint dark. Prothorax with sides somewhat undulate, not very clearly angulate below middle, moderately convex and densely, not coarsely punctate. Scutellum pale. Elytra a little wider than prothorax, yellowish or reddish brown with deeper brown suture and usually dark epipleura, rows of punctures usually darker brown, often alternating rather than being geminate, and generally uneven in rows 1 and 2 singly punctate, rows 6 and 7 single in basal part and row 8 entirely single. The two costae nearest suture much wider than rest. Body beneath and legs pale. Length 4.0–5.5 mm; width 2.2–2.5 mm.
Type and five paratypes in National Museum of Natural History.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Ft. Myers, Florida, August, M. D. Leonard. Paratypes from Gainesville, Florida, 1927, J. S. Rogers.
OTHER LOCALITIES AND HOSTS.—North Carolina: Southern Pines; near Wilmington, on soybeans; Richmond County. South Carolina: Charleston, on roses, dahlias, hibiscus, geranium, cabbage; Clemson College; Johns Island, on peanuts; Florence, on cotton; Saluda County. Georgia: Seminole County, on beans and peas; Waycross, on rose; Thomasville; Head River; Richland; Stewart County; Savannah, on tomato, watermelon, okra, peanuts; Lake Park; Tifton, on cotton; Albany, on peanuts. Florida: Miami, on beans; Homestead, on avocado; Green Cove Springs; Lakeland; Tampa, on Clathidium versicarium; Hillsboro Beach, on Mirabila jalaba; Cedar Key, on peanuts; Daytona Beach; LaCrosse; Rock Bluff; Live Oak; Altha; Madison; Vernon; Tallahassee; Quincy; Hilliard; Sanford; Yankeetown; Fruitville; Hudson.
- bibliographic citation
- Blake, Doris Holmes. 1975. "The costate species of Colaspis in the United States (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-24.