Nocturnal animals, hiding during day between plants or in burrows. Insectivorous, feeding mainly on invertebrates, such as insects and spiders. Nothing known about their breeding.
Flower's shrew is a small shrew. Upperparts and sides pale cinnamon brown while underparts and flank whitish. Tips of the underparts hairs whitish, bases gray. Feet dirty whitish. Nose long and pointed. Tail long, reddish-brown above, whitish below, with thin hairs. Bristle hairs grayish white, indistinct, dispersed, and confined to proximal one-half. Noses long and pointed. Legs short.
Localized (Nile Delta and Valley).
Flower’s shrew prefers to found in moist habitats with dense vegetation.
Length: 57–71 mm.
Native, resident.
Flower's shrew (Crocidura floweri) is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is endemic to Egypt. Its natural habitat is arable land.
Flower's shrew (Crocidura floweri) is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is endemic to Egypt. Its natural habitat is arable land.