
Long-chirp Field Cricket (Gryllus multipulsator)

provided by Singing Insects of North America (text)

In the field, this species is easily identified by its prolonged chirps. Morphologically it is characterized by a pubescent pronotum, a head narrower than the pronotum, and no individuals with hindwings shorter than the forewings. Gryllus assimilis, a closely related species known from south Florida and south-most Texas, is morphologically indistinguishable from G. multipulsator, but its calling song has briefer chirps (8-10 pulses vs. 12-16 for multipulsator). In both species the pulses become more widely spaced (i.e., are produced at a slower rate) as the chirp progresses.

Life cycle: No diapausing stage, possibly making it easy to rear continuously for scientific or commercial purposes.

More information: subfamily Gryllinae, genus Gryllus

References: Weissman, Walker & Gray 2009.


Thomas J. Walker

Gryllus multipulsator ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL


Gryllus multipulsator is een rechtvleugelig insect uit de familie krekels (Gryllidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van deze soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2009 door Weissman.

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