
Long-chirp Field Cricket (Gryllus multipulsator)

provided by Singing Insects of North America (text)

In the field, this species is easily identified by its prolonged chirps. Morphologically it is characterized by a pubescent pronotum, a head narrower than the pronotum, and no individuals with hindwings shorter than the forewings. Gryllus assimilis, a closely related species known from south Florida and south-most Texas, is morphologically indistinguishable from G. multipulsator, but its calling song has briefer chirps (8-10 pulses vs. 12-16 for multipulsator). In both species the pulses become more widely spaced (i.e., are produced at a slower rate) as the chirp progresses.

Life cycle: No diapausing stage, possibly making it easy to rear continuously for scientific or commercial purposes.

More information: subfamily Gryllinae, genus Gryllus

References: Weissman, Walker & Gray 2009.


Thomas J. Walker