
Micropholcomma junee ( French )

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Micropholcomma junee est une espèce d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Anapidae[1].


Cette espèce est endémique de Tasmanie en Australie[1]. Elle se rencontre dans les grottes Splash Pot et Cauldron Pot.


Le mâle holotype mesure 0,90 mm et la femelle paratype 0,84 mm[2].


Son nom d'espèce lui a été donné en référence au lieu de sa découverte, Junee-Florentine.

Publication originale

  • Rix & Harvey, 2010 : The spider family Micropholcommatidae (Arachnida, Araneae, Araneoidea): a relimitation and revision at the generic level. ZooKeys, vol. 36, p. 1-321 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b WSC, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. Rix & Harvey, 2010 : The spider family Micropholcommatidae (Arachnida, Araneae, Araneoidea): a relimitation and revision at the generic level. ZooKeys, vol. 36, p. 1-321 (texte intégral « Copie archivée » (version du 25 juin 2010 sur l'Internet Archive)).
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Micropholcomma junee: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Micropholcomma junee est une espèce d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Anapidae.

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provided by Zookeys
Description. Holotype male: Total length 0.90. Carapace 0.39 long, 0.32 wide. Abdomen 0.59 long, 0.43 wide. Leg I femur 0.34. Cephalothorax, abdominal sclerites dark tan-brown; legs, abdomen dark tan-yellow. Carapace raised anteriorly, fused to sternum via pleural sclerites; dorsal surface of pars cephalica slightly convex in lateral view. Eyes reduced to four vestigial eye spots on anterior margin of pars cephalica. Chelicerae without bulging anterior projections; promargin with single peg tooth. Legs relatively short (leg I femur-carapace ratio 0.87); macrosetae absent. Abdomen oval, protruding posteriorly, covered with hair-like setae, each seta projecting from small sclerotic spot; dorsal scute large, covering most of dorsal surface of abdomen; lateral sclerotic strips present. Pedipalpal patella with distally-directed, flanged lRPA; tegulum smooth, without processes, with curved ETR; embolus long (length > 5× width), looping once around margin of tegulum (Fig. 17).
Allotype female: Total length 0.84. Carapace 0.36 long, 0.30 wide. Abdomen 0.56 long, 0.37 wide. Leg I femur 0.37. Cephalothorax, abdominal sclerites tan-yellow; legs, abdomen pale cream. Carapace raised anteriorly, fused to sternum via pleural sclerites; dorsal surface of pars cephalica slightly convex in lateral view. Eyes reduced to four vestigial eye spots on anterior margin of pars cephalica. Chelicerae without bulging anterior projections; promargin without peg teeth. Legs relatively short (leg I femur-carapace ratio 1.03); macrosetae absent. Abdomen oval, protruding posteriorly, covered with hair-like setae, each seta projecting from small sclerotic spot; dorsal scute and lateral sclerotic strips absent. Pedipalp small, four-segmented, with fused tibia-tarsus. Epigyne with distinctive external morphology (Fig. 16D); spermathecae globular; insemination ducts coiled around arched fertilisation ducts (Fig. 15D).
bibliographic citation
Rix MG, Harvey MS (2010) The spider family Micropholcommatidae (Arachnida, Araneae, Araneoidea): a relimitation and revision at the generic level. ZooKeys 36: 1–321.
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provided by Zookeys
Distribution. Known only from the caves Splash Pot and Cauldron Pot in the Junee-Florentine karst of south-central Tasmania (Fig. 213).
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