Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Castoraeschna longfieldae Tables 9, 13, 19; PI. XXIV. figs. 308-310; Map 4 1929. Coryphaeschna longficldac Kimmins, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 3:
489, figs. 1A (genit. $), ID (abd. pattern), IF, 1G (apps. S), 2A
(head S). 1 1952. Castor aeschna longfieldae Calv., Ent. News 63 : 264. 2
The following from Kimmins' description, 1 based on a single male from Burity, 2850 ft. (868 m.), Chapada, N. E. of Cuyaba, Matto Grosso, Brazil, 10.6.1927, Miss. C. E. Longfield collector, type in Brit. Mus. NH.
Face yellow, upper margin of the frons brownish (representing the top of a T-spot), frontal vesicle (vertex) transverse, black, with fine black hairs, occipital triangle yellow, about one-third as long as the length of contact of the eyes.
Thorax dark brown clothed with fine dark hairs, dorsal (antehumeral) bands green, about 1 mm. wide, interrupted above the middle by a narrow brown line ; lateral bands green, the anterior (mesepimeral) band about 1.5 mm. wide, the metepimeral band triangular, about 2 mm. in width at its broadest part. Legs black.
Abdomen nearly five times as long as the thorax, slender, the third segment moderately, and the fourth and fifth very slightly, constricted; segment 1 raised dorsally to form a transverse tubercle ; tergal margins of segment 1 approximated ventrally, each forming a shining black tooth with a median carina, the tooth being less obliquely truncate than in C. januaria Hag. In front of these projections is a transverse piliferous tubercle. Auricles with three or four teeth. Tergal margins of segment 2 nearly straight, not sinuate nor approximated as in januaria. Spines of the anterior lamina (fig. 1A) (our fig. 310, PI. XXIV) slender, directed caudad and slightly divergent, at the base forming a tubercle bearing a tuft of hairs. Hamular processes large, the posterior margins truncate, apices acute, inner margins straight and narrowly separated. Outer surfaces deeply grooved. Hamular folds small, almost concealed by the hamular processes.
A median dorsal carina present on segment 3, on the apical half of segments 4 and 5, on segments 6-8, a feeble carina on segment 9, and on segment 10 a short median carina, with, on each side, a low tubercle.
Superior appendages (fig. 1 F, G) (our figs. 308, 309, PI. XXIV) about as long as segments 9 and 10 together, slender at the base, expanding gradually to about the middle and thence tapering slightly to the rounded, somewhat truncate apex. The dorsal carina commences before the middle and gradually expands in width towards the apex. In profile, the superior appendage is slightly curved upward, the outer margin moderately sinuate. There is no inferior subbasal tooth.
Inferior appendage triangular, about one-half as long as the superiors, its breadth at the base being about one-half its length. The sides are straight and the apex rounded, bearing on the upper surface two small tubercles. Viewed laterally, it is slightly upcurved, and gradually tapering from base to apex. There are no pale markings at the base of the superior appendages.
Abdomen blackish brown, with pale markings (in life, emerald-green). On segment 1 the dorsal spot is large, the anterior margin sinuate, and the lateral spot large, rectangular. On segment 2 the anterior lateral spot large, covering the sides back to the transverse carina, and narrowly separated from the medio-dorsal spot. Postero-lateral and postero-dorsal spots confluent. On segments 3-8 the antero-lateral spot covers most of the side before the transverse carina, and is curved upwards at the apex. Medio-lateral spot on segments 3-4 small, on segments 5-8 apparently absent. Postero-lateral spot confluent with postero-dorsal. Antero-dorsal spots missing. Medio-dorsal spots on segments 3-5 quadrate, on segments 6-8 triangular. On segments 9 and 10 all spots are absent, except the confluent postero-dorsal and lateral spot, which is deeply emarginate on the ninth segment and divided on the tenth segment.
Wings hyaline, faintly tinged with brown, especially at the tips, the hind wing as long as the first nine abdominal segments. Costal margin brown, pterostigma black ; membranule grey, scarcely reaching the cross-vein of the anal triangle. Venational details on our Tables 9, 13 and 19.
Dimensions. — Length of thorax 12, of abdomen 57, of segment 3 9; depth of segment 2 6, of segment 3 3; length of (superior) appendages 7, of hind wing 53; width of hind wing at nodus 16.25 mm. Front wings with 19-20 antenodals, 14-15 postnodals, hind wings with 13-14 antenodals, 15-16 postnodals.
- bibliographic citation
- Calvert, P.P. 1956. The Neotropical Species of the Subgenus Aeschna Sensu Selysii 1883 (Odonata). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 15. Philadelphia, USA