Male horned dace picking up a stone. His lips are grasping it.
Male horned dace about to drop a stone which he carries in his mouth.
Male horned dace pushing along the bottom a stone too big to carry.
Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus).
Semotilus Atromaculatus (Mitchell). Horned Dace; Chub.
Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus).
Horned Dace. Semotilus atromaculatus.
Horned Dace, Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill). Aux Plaines River, Ills. Family Cyprinidae.
Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill)).
Horned Dace (Semotilus atromaculatus Mitchill).
Photograph of the nest of a horned dace (Semotilus atromaculatus), taken with a reflecting camera and by the aid of a cloth screen.... The reflected image of part of the screen is seen over the right and left parts of the nest. In the upper part of the pi.
Male and two females of the horned dace (Semotilus atromaculatus). ONe female is above at the left, the other behind the male. The head of the male bears four organs. Photographed with a reflecting camera, the fish in an aquarium out of doors..