Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Duration 7 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 9 seconds
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Duration 8 seconds
Sabellastarte sp. 4 is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Synchiropus morrisoni (Morrison's dragonet). Coral Sea, Duration 14 seconds
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Duration 6 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 13 seconds
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Duration 10 seconds
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Duration 5 seconds
Sessile Sabellid worms, filter feeding. Marine aquarium, Caribbean community. Note the (potentially edible and possibly even tasty) particles getting caught in their crowns. Since the crowns face downstream of the prevailing current, an eddy forms within the crown, where the particles are caught.
ID and explanation courtesy of Kristian Fauchald.
These Sabellid worms have colonized a piece of wood and are filter feeding. When foraging amphipods brush past too close or too quickly, the featherdusters retreat into their tubes for safety. Marine aquarium, Caribbean community.
featherduster ID courtesy of Kristian Fauchald.