Mecyclothorax Sharp, 1903 è un genere di Coleoptera della famiglia Carabidae.
Il genere comprende circa 400 specie, delle quali circa la metà è stata scoperta e descritta dall'entomologo della Cornell University James Liebherr[1][2].
Il genere Mecyclothorax è originario dell'Australia[1].
La maggioranza delle specie australiane di Mecyclothorax è in grado di volare, mentre le specie individuate nelle isole Hawaii e nelle Isole della Società sono prive di ali a causa del fenomeno della radiazione adattativa[1][2].
I Mecyclothorax sono piccoli coleotteri predatori. Essi subiscono una metamorfosi completa entro il primo mese di vita, cui seguono gli stadi di larva, pupa e adulto. Gli adulti possono vivere fino ad un anno[2].
Distribuzione e habitat
Esemplari del genere Mecyclothorax sono stati trovati in Australia, Nuova Zelanda e nell'isola di Giava, nelle Isole della Società e a Maui (Isole Hawaii)[1][3]. In Australia, sede di origine del genere, sono presenti 25 specie, mentre tra Nuova Zelanda e Giava ve ne sono circa 40[1]. Nelle Hawaii sono state scoperte 239 specie, mentre altre 100 sono state scoperte nelle Isole della Società[1].
Il genere Mecyclothorax al novembre 2012 comprende circa 400 specie[1], ma le nuove scoperte si susseguono velocemente.
Al 2011, esso includeva le seguenti 246 specie[4]:
Mecyclothorax aa Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax abax Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax acutangulus Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax aeneipennis Liebherr, 2005
Mecyclothorax aeneus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax altiusculoides Perrault, 1987
Mecyclothorax altiusculus (Britton, 1938)
Mecyclothorax amaroides Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax ambiguus (Erichson, 1842)
Mecyclothorax angulosus Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax angusticollis (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax annae Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax aorai Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax apicalis (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax arcuatus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax argutor (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax ata Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax ataraensis Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax ater Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax balli Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax ballioides Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax basipunctus Louwerens, 1953
Mecyclothorax bembidicus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax bembidioides (Blackburn, 1879)
Mecyclothorax bicolor Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax bilaianus Baehr, 1998
Mecyclothorax blackburni (Sloane, 1898)
Mecyclothorax blackburnianus Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax bougainvillei Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax bradycellinus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax bradyderus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax brevipennis Perrault, 1984
Mecyclothorax brevis (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax brittoni Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax bryobioides Perrault, 1987
Mecyclothorax bryobius (Britton, 1938)
Mecyclothorax carteri (Perkins, 1917)
Mecyclothorax castaneus Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax chalcosus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax cognatus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax comma Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax consobrinus Liebherr, 2005
Mecyclothorax constrictus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax convexicollis (Emden, 1937)
Mecyclothorax convexus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax cooki Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax cordaticollis (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax cordicollis (Sloane, 1900)
Mecyclothorax cordithorax Liebherr, 2005
Mecyclothorax crassus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax cuccodoroi Baehr, 2002
Mecyclothorax cupreoides Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax cupreus Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax cupripennis Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax curtipes (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax curtus (Sloane, 1895)
Mecyclothorax cymindicus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax cymindoides Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax dannieae Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax daptinus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax debiliceps Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax debilis (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax deverilli (Blackburn, 1879)
Mecyclothorax discedens (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax doesburgi Louwerens, 1949
Mecyclothorax ducalis (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax dunbarorum Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax eipomeki Baehr, 1995
Mecyclothorax eliti Baehr, 1995
Mecyclothorax ewingi Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax exilis Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax externestriatus Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax eyrensis (Blackburn, 1892)
Mecyclothorax fairmairei Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax ferruginiosus Perrault, 1987
Mecyclothorax filipes (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax flavolateralis Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax flavomarginatus Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax fleutiauxi (Jeannel, 1944)
Mecyclothorax footei Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax fortis (Blackburn, 1889)
Mecyclothorax fosbergi Perrault, 1979
Mecyclothorax fosbergioides Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax funebris Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax fuscus Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax gagnei Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax georgettae Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax gerardi Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax giffardi Liebherr, 2005
Mecyclothorax giffini Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax globicollis (Mandl, 1969)
Mecyclothorax globosoides Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax globosus (Britton, 1948)
Mecyclothorax globulosus Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax gourvesi Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax gourvesioides Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax goweri Moore, 1992
Mecyclothorax gracilis (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax granulatus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax granulipennis Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax haleakalae (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax hamatus Perrault, 1987
Mecyclothorax hemisphaericus Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax hephaestus Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax howei Moore, 1992
Mecyclothorax impressipennis Baehr, 2003
Mecyclothorax impunctatus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax inaequalis (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax incompositus Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax inflatus Baehr, 2003
Mecyclothorax insolitus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax interruptus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax irregularis Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax iteratus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax jarrigei Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax jiwikae Baehr, 1995
Mecyclothorax joni Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax julianae Baehr, 1995
Mecyclothorax karschi (Blackburn, 1882)
Mecyclothorax kaukukini Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax kavanaughi Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax konanus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax kubor Baehr, 2008
Mecyclothorax lackneri Baehr, 2008
Mecyclothorax laetus (Blackburn, 1881)
Mecyclothorax laevilateralis Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax lahainae Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax langdae Baehr, 1995
Mecyclothorax lateralis (Castelnau, 1867)
Mecyclothorax latissimus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax latus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax lewisensis Moore, 1984
Mecyclothorax lisae Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax lissopterus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax lissus (Andrewes, 1933)
Mecyclothorax loebli Baehr, 2002
Mecyclothorax longulus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax lophoides (Chaudoir, 1854)
Mecyclothorax macrops (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax mahina Perrault, 1984
Mecyclothorax mapura Perrault, 1984
Mecyclothorax marau Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax marginatus Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax maunakukini Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax micans (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax microps Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax minor Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax minutus (Castelnau, 1867)
Mecyclothorax molokaiae (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax molops (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax monteithi Moore, 1985
Mecyclothorax montivagus (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax multipunctatus (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax mundanus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax munroi (Perkins, 1937)
Mecyclothorax muriauxi Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax muriauxioides Perrault, 1984
Mecyclothorax najtae Deuve, 1987
Mecyclothorax negrei Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax nitidus Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax nubicola (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax oahuensis (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax obscuricolor (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax obscuricornis Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax obscurus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax obtusus Perrault, 1984
Mecyclothorax occultus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax oculatus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax oopteroides Liebherr & Marris, 2009
Mecyclothorax otagoensis Liebherr & Marris, 2009
Mecyclothorax otundicollis (White, 1846)
Mecyclothorax ovalipennis Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax ovalis Sloane, 1915
Mecyclothorax ovipennis Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax palustris (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax paradoxus (Blackburn, 1879)
Mecyclothorax paraglobosus Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax paraltiusculus Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax parovalipennis Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax parvus Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax pele (Blackburn, 1879)
Mecyclothorax perivariipes Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax perkinsi (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax perkinsianus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax perpolitus Perkins, 1917
Mecyclothorax perstriatus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax peryphoides (Blackburn, 1889)
Mecyclothorax platysminus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax polhemusi Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax pomarei Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax profondestriatus Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax proximus Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax pseudaltiusculus Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax punakukini Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax punctatostriatus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax punctatus (Sloane, 1895)
Mecyclothorax punctipennis (Macleay, 1871)
Mecyclothorax pusillus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax quadraticollis Perrault, 1984
Mecyclothorax quadratus Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax rectangulus Louwerens, 1953
Mecyclothorax riedeli Baehr, 1992
Mecyclothorax robustus (Blackburn, 1881)
Mecyclothorax rotundatus Lorenz, 1998
Mecyclothorax rufipennis Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax rusticus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax sabulicola (Britton, 1948)
Mecyclothorax sapei Baehr, 1995
Mecyclothorax scaritoides (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax sculptonotatus (Enderlein, 1909)
Mecyclothorax sedlaceki Darlington, 1971
Mecyclothorax sharpi Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax simiolus (Blackburn, 1878)
Mecyclothorax sinuatus Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax sinuosus Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax sobrinus Sharp, 1903
Mecyclothorax spinosus Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax stenolophinus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax storeyi Moore, 1984
Mecyclothorax striatopunctatus Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax subater Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax subconstrictus (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax subquadratus Perrault, 1984
Mecyclothorax subsinuatus Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax subunctus (Perkins, 1917)
Mecyclothorax superstriatus Liebherr, 2005
Mecyclothorax swezeyi Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax tahitiensis Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax taiarapu Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax tantalus Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax teatara Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax terminalis (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax toxopei Darlington, 1962
Mecyclothorax trisetifer Liebherr, 2006
Mecyclothorax tuberculatus Perrault, 1988
Mecyclothorax unctus (Blackburn, 1881)
Mecyclothorax urpuripennis Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax vaifaufa Perrault, 1989
Mecyclothorax variipes (Sharp, 1903)
Mecyclothorax villiersi Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax viridis Perrault, 1978
Mecyclothorax vitreus Britton, 1948
Mecyclothorax vulcanus (Blackburn, 1879)
Mecyclothorax wallisi Perrault, 1986
Mecyclothorax williamsi Liebherr, 2008
Mecyclothorax zimmermani Perrault, 1978
^ a b c d e f g Scoperte nuove specie del genere Mecyclothorax (notizia AGI del 22 novembre 2012)
^ a b c Krishna Ramanujan, Researcher discovers 14 new beetle species, su, 21-11-2012
^ James K. Liebherr, The Mecyclothorax beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Moriomorphini) of West Maui, Hawaii: taxonomy, biogeography, and conservation, in Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, vol. 58, n. 1, 2011, pp. 15–76, DOI:10.1002/mmnd.201100005.
^ Mecyclothorax Sharp, 1903 , in Carabidae of the World, 2011. URL consultato il 27 marzo 2012.
- M.Baehr, 1992: A new Mecyclothorax Sharp from New Guinea (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Psydrinae). ISSN 0341-8391 (Spixiana), 15(3): 249-252. BHL
- M.Baehr, 1995: The genus Mecyclothorax Sharp, 1903 in New Guinea (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Psydrinae). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 85: 3-19. ISSN 0340-4943 Internet Archive BHL
- M.Baehr, 1998: A further new species of the genus Mecyclothorax Sharp from western New Guinea (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Psydrinae). ISSN 0341-8391 (Spixiana), 21: 21-24.
- M.Baehr, 2000: A new species of the genus Lestignathus Erichson from Tasmania with a note on the Tasmanian species of Mecyclothorax Sharp (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: Licininae, Psydrinae). Records of the South Australian Museum, 33: 123-126. PDF
- M.Baehr, 2002: Two new species of the genus Mecyclothorax Sharp from Papua New Guinea (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Psydrinae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 109(4): 695-704.
- M.Baehr, 2003: Psydrine ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Psydrinae), excluding Amblytelini, of eastern Queensland rainforests. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 49: 65-109.
- M.Baehr, 2008: Two new species of the genus Mecyclothorax Sharp from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Psydrinae). ISSN 0040-7496 (Tijdschrift voor entomologie), 151(1): 133-140. abstract and pdf
- M.Baehr, 2009: A new species of the genus Mecyclothorax Sharp from New South Wales (Insecta: Coleoptera, Carabidae: Psydrinae). ISSN 0067-1975 (Records of the Australian Museum), 61(1): 89–92. DOI: 10.3853/j.0067-1975.61.2009.1519
- E.B.Britton, 1948: A revision of the Hawaiian species of Mecyclothorax (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Occasional papers of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 19(4): 107–166. PDF missing pp.108-109
- J.K.Liebherr, 2005: New species of Mecyclothorax (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Psydrini) from Polipoli, Maui define an area of endemism on Halacakala Volcano, Hawaii. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 113: 97-128.
- J.K.Liebherr, 2006: Taxonomic revision of the Mecyclothorax beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Psydrini) of Molokai, Hawaii and recognition of areas of endemism on Kamakou Volcano. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 114: 179-281.
- J.K.Liebherr, 2008: Taxonomic revision of Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Hawaii Island: abundant genitalic variation in a nascent island radiation. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, 55: 19-78. DOI: 10.1002/mmnd.200800004
- J.K.Liebherr, 2008: Mecyclothorax kavanaughi sp. n. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the Finisterre Range, Papua New Guinea., 151: 147-154. ISSN 0040-7496
- J.K.Liebherr, 2009: Taxonomic revision of the Mecyclothorax beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Oahu: epithets as epitaphs for an endangered fauna? Systematic entomology, 34: 649-687. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2009.00477.x
- J.K.Liebherr, 2009: Native and Alien Carabidae (Coleoptera) Share Lanai, an ecologically devastated Island. Coleopterists bulletin, 63(4): 383-411. DOI: 10.1649/1176.1
- J.K.Liebherr, 2011: The Mecyclothorax beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) of West Maui, Hawaii: taxonomy, biogeography, and conservation. ISSN 1435-1951 (Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift), 58(1): 15–76. DOI: 10.1002/mmnd.201100005
- J.K.Liebherr, 2012: New Mecyclothorax spp. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) define Mont Mauru, eastern Tahiti Nui, as a distinct area of endemism. ZooKeys 227: 63–99, DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.227.3797
- B.P.Moore, 1984: Taxonomic notes on some Australasian Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Psydrinae) and descriptions of new species. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 23(3): 161-166.
- B.P.Moore, 1985: The Carabidae of Norfolk Island. pp. 236–256 in G.E.Ball (ed.) Taxonomy, phylogeny and zoogeography of beetles and ants. Series entomologica (Dordrecht), 33.
- B.P.Moore, 1992: The Carabidae of Lord Howe Island (Coleoptera: Carabidae). pp. 159–173 in G.R.Noonan, G.E.Ball; N.E.Stork (eds.) The biogeography of ground beetles of mountains and islands. Intercept Limited, Andover, Hampshire.
- G.G.Perrault, 1978: La faune des Carabidae de Tahiti. 2. - Genre Mecyclothorax (Sharp). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie, 8(2): 133-162.
- G.G.Perrault, 1979: La faune des Carabidae de Tahiti. 3. - Mecyclothorax fosbergi n. sp. Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie, 9(1): 9-10.
- G.G.Perrault, 1987: La faune des Carabidae de Tahiti. 7. Revision du genre Mecyclothorax (Sharp) (Psydrini). 2. Les groups de M. striatopunctatus n. sp. M. dannieae Perrault, M. marginatus Perrault et M. viridis Perrault (Coleoptera). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie, 3(4): 439-455.
- G.G.Perrault, 1988: Microendemisme et speciation du genre Mecyclothorax (Coleoptera-Carabidae Psydrini) a Tahiti (Polynesie francaise). Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 112(3-4): 419-427.
- G.G.Perrault, 1988: La faune des Carabidae de Tahiti. 8. Revision du genre Mecyclothorax Sharp (Psydrini) 3. Les groupes de M. altiusculus Britton et de M. gourvesi Perrault (Coleoptera). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie, 5(3): 229-245.
- G.G.Perrault, 1989: Le faune des Carabidae de Tahiti: 9. Revision du genre Mecyclothorax (Sharp) (Psydrini). 4. Le groupe de M. globosus Britton (Coleoptera). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie, 6(1): 57-70.