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Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Cercospora resedae Fuckel 1866
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Cercospora resedae Fuckel 1866
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Cercospora resedae
Species recognized by
Canada Species List
Germany Species List
New Zealand Species List
South Africa Species List
, and
wikipedia SZL
Cercospora resedae
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Cercospora cf. resedae Cbs
Species recognized by
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Cercospora resedae
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Global Biotic Interactions
, and
Global Biotic Interactions
Cercospora resedae
Recognized by
iDigBio type specimen records
BHL data coverage
Cercospora resedae Fuckel
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Cercospora resedae Fuckel 1866
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cercospora resedae Fuckel 1866
Recognized by
BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis
Recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cercospora resedae var. luteae
Recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis
Recognized by
iDigBio type specimen records
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cercospora resedae var. resedae
Recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Alternative Names
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis Losa 1954
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Cercospora resedae var. luteae Lobik 1928
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis Gonz. Frag. 1920
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Cercospora resedae var. resedae Fuckel 1866
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis Losa
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis Losa 1954
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cercospora resedae var. luteae Lobik
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Cercospora resedae var. luteae Lobik 1928
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis Gonz. Frag.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis Gonz. Frag. 1920
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cercospora resedae var. resedae Fuckel 1866
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Cercospora resedae Fuckel 1866
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Cercospora resedae Fuckel 1866
(this page)
Cercospora achilleae (Jaap) U. Braun 1993
Cercospora adeniae J. M. Yen & Gilles 1975
Cercospora adiantigena U. Braun & Crous 2003
Cercospora aegles-marmelos R. S. Mathur, L. S. Chauhan & S. C. Verma 1965
Cercospora aervae-lanatae Raghu Ram & Mallaiah 1996
Cercospora alpiniigena To-anun, Meeboon & Hidayat 2014
Cercospora alysicarpi Munjal, Lall & Chona 1960
Cercospora amberboae Narain & B. S. Mehrotra 1971
Cercospora amorphophallicola U. Braun 2001
Cercospora arthraxonis M. S. Patil & Sawant 1991
Cercospora atractylidis C. K. Pai & P. K. Chi 1965
Cercospora atylosiicola Bagyan., Jagad. & U. Braun 1991
Cercospora bixicola Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh 2001
Cercospora bizzozeriana Sacc. & Berl. 1888
Cercospora blepharidicola U. Braun 2015
Cercospora browalliae Chupp & Barrus 1954
Cercospora bunii Annal. 1978
Cercospora canavaliae-gladiatae J. M. Yen & Lim 1982
Cercospora canavaliana J. M. Yen & Lim 1970
Cercospora carbonacea Miles 1917
Cercospora caricigena Bhartiya, A. N. Singh bis, N. Kumari & P. N. Singh 1998
Cercospora carotae (Pass.) Kazn. & Siemaszko 1929
Cercospora chrysanthemi Heald & F. A. Wolf 1911
Cercospora chusqueae Chupp 1954
Cercospora clematidis Boedijn 1962
Cercospora crossandrae Jagan., Palan. & Narayanas. 1972
Cercospora cyclosori Goh & W. H. Hsieh 1989
Cercospora cynarae Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang 2001
Cercospora cyperi-fusci Sandu 1960
Cercospora digitalis P. K. Chi & C. K. Pai 1966
Cercospora echinodori Chupp 1954
Cercospora eleusines Munjal, Lall & Chona 1962
Cercospora epilasiae Annal. 1978
Cercospora eucalyptorum Crous 1998
Cercospora eupatorii-fortunei P. K. Chi & Z. D. Jiang 1994
Cercospora europaea (Gonz. Frag.) Constant. 1967
Cercospora exochordicola U. Braun & Bulgakov 2009
Cercospora ferulae Annal. 1975
Cercospora garugaicola Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh 2001
Cercospora glycinicola Cheew., Crous & U. Braun 2015
Cercospora glycyrrhizae-echinatae (Săvul. & Sandu) U. Braun & Crous 2003
Cercospora granadillae Chupp 1954
Cercospora guineensis J. Kranz 1965
Cercospora handroanthus U. Braun & Urtiaga 2012
Cercospora hederae Togashi & Katsuki 1952
Cercospora ilicis-opacae Chupp 1954
Cercospora ischaemi R. G. Shivas, Marney & Y. P. Tan 2014
Cercospora isoplexidis Jørst. 1962
Cercospora jatrophiphila A. C. Dianese & Dianese 2014
Cercospora kalanchoes Boedijn 1962
Cercospora kigeliae Lall & H. S. Gill 1963
Cercospora kyllingicola J. M. Yen & Gilles 1970
Cercospora launaeicola S. A. Khan & M. Kamal 1974
Cercospora lawsoniae-albae Thirum. & Govindu 1963
Cercospora leucaenae A. N. Shukla & Sarmah 1984
Cercospora lippiae Ellis & Everh. 1887
Cercospora longispora Peck 1884
Cercospora malayensis F. Stevens & Solheim 1931
Cercospora mandira S. Chowdhury 1958
Cercospora manevalii Chupp 1954
Cercospora melongenae Welles 1922
Cercospora mikaniicola F. Stevens 1917
Cercospora mimosae G. P. Agarwal & N. D. Sharma 1973
Cercospora moghaniicola Bhartiya, Narayan, A. N. Singh bis & N. Kumari 2003
Cercospora moracearum A. N. Rai & Kamal 1987
Cercospora musigena J. Nguanhom, Crous & U. Braun 2015
Cercospora neomaricae D. M. Macedo & R. W. Barreto 2014
Cercospora nothosaervae M. S. Patil 1975
Cercospora oxyphylli Pavgi & U. P. Singh 1971
Cercospora panacicola P. K. Chi & C. K. Pai 1965
Cercospora paridis Erikss. 1883
Cercospora pariensis Chupp 1954
Cercospora pellioniae Togashi & Katsuki 1952
Cercospora peristrophes Thirum. & Govindu 1953
Cercospora piaropi Tharp 1917
Cercospora plucheae-tomentosae Tripathi & R. S. Mathur 1965
Cercospora pouzolziae-auriculatae Bagyan., U. Braun & Jagad. 1995
Cercospora psophocarpicola J. M. Yen 1967
Cercospora puerariae-thomsonii S. Q. Chen & P. K. Chi 1990
Cercospora rhynchosiae Pavgi & U. P. Singh 1964
Cercospora rigidipes Munt.-Cvetk. 1960
Cercospora rottboelliigena Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang 2000
Cercospora roxburghii Purkay. & Mallik 1976
Cercospora sambucicola U. Braun 2015
Cercospora saudii Mohammed 1987
Cercospora scopariae Lacy & Thirum. 1951
Cercospora sesami Zimm. 1904
Cercospora solanicola G. F. Atk. 1892
Cercospora spathulata Liberato & McTaggart 2008
Cercospora stephaniae Sawada & Katsuki 1959
Cercospora styracicola X. J. Liu & Y. L. Guo 1984
Cercospora subhyalina H. D. Shin & U. Braun 1995
Cercospora taccae (Syd. & P. Syd.) Chupp 1954
Cercospora tithoniicola J. M. Yen 1966
Cercospora trapae Thirum. & Govindu 1954
Cercospora trematis-orientalicola R. K. Srivast., A. K. Srivast. & Kamal 1995
Cercospora tridacis-procumbentis Thirum. & Govindu 1953
Cercospora triumfettae-rhomboideae R. K. Srivast., Narayan & N. Kumari 2001
Cercospora triumfetticola Munjal, Lall & Chona 1960
Cercospora typhoidis N. D. Sharma & A. C. Jain 1967
645 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Cercospora resedae Fuckel
(this page)
Cercospora acaciae-mangii Crous, Pongpan. & M. J. Wingf.
Cercospora aeruae R. K. Srivast., Narayan & N. Kumari
Cercospora albiziicola Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh
Cercospora atylosiicola Bagyan., Jagad. & U. Braun
Cercospora barleriae-cristatae Govindu & Thirum.
Cercospora bothriochloae U. Braun & Crous
Cercospora browalliae Chupp & Barrus
Cercospora brunfelsiicola Hidayat & Meeboon
Cercospora buteae Munjal, Lall & Chona
Cercospora cacaliae Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang
Cercospora caenophana Munt.-Cvetk.
Cercospora carbonacea Miles
Cercospora cheiranthi Sacc.
Cercospora chrozophorina Raghv. Singh, Sh. Kumar, V. K. Pal, Upadhyaya & D. K. Agarwal
Cercospora codonopsidis Nelen
Cercospora coffeae-olivaceae Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh
Cercospora coicicola Kamal
Cercospora colei Boedijn
Cercospora colocasigena S. Narayan, Kharwar, R. K. Singh & Bhartiya
Cercospora comari Peck
Cercospora combreti-ovalifolii Patw. & Sathe
Cercospora commelinicola Chupp ex U. Braun
Cercospora convolvulicola Bakhshi, Arzanlou, Babai-ahari, Crous & U. Braun
Cercospora conyzoidis Thirum. & Govindu
Cercospora crataegi Sacc. & C. Massal.
Cercospora crinicola R. K. Srivast., N. Srivast. & A. K. Srivast.
Cercospora crossandrae Jagan., Palan. & Narayanas.
Cercospora cryptocorynes Chidd.
Cercospora curcumina R. K. Srivast., N. Srivast. & A. K. Srivast.
Cercospora cyclosori Goh & W. H. Hsieh
Cercospora cymbopogonicola U. Braun
Cercospora cymbopogonis J. M. Yen
Cercospora cyperacearum Cheew., Crous & U. Braun
Cercospora cyperi-fusci Sandu
Cercospora cyperigena U. Braun & Crous
Cercospora cyperina Nguanhom, Crous & U. Braun
Cercospora daemiicola A. K. Kar & M. Mandal
Cercospora dalbergiigena R. K. Srivast., S. Narayan & A. K. Srivast.
Cercospora delaireae C. Nakash., Crous, U. Braun & H. D. Shin
Cercospora digitalis P. K. Chi & C. K. Pai
Cercospora dioscoreae-pyrifoliae J. M. Yen
Cercospora diospyricola Munjal, Lall & Chona
Cercospora donnell-smithii (Speg.) Chupp
Cercospora dryopteridis Y. L. Guo
Cercospora duranticola Phengs., Chukeat., McKenzie, K. D. Hyde & U. Braun
Cercospora gundeliae Annal.
Cercospora haematoxyli Chupp
Cercospora hamiltoniae Munjal, Lall & Chona
Cercospora hederae Togashi & Katsuki
Cercospora hitcheniae Chidd.
Cercospora hosackiae Chupp
Cercospora hostae Hori ex Katsuki
Cercospora humuligena Y. L. Guo & Li Xu
Cercospora hydrangeae Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora iphigeniae Patw. & Sathe
Cercospora jamuensis Pandotra
Cercospora jatrophiphila A. C. Dianese & Dianese
Cercospora juncicola (Kasai) Vassiljevsky
Cercospora kakiivora Hara ex W. Yamam. & Maeda
Cercospora kamatensis Chidd.
Cercospora kashiensis Bharadwaj
Cercospora krugiana A. S. Mull. & Chupp
Cercospora kyllingicola J. M. Yen & Gilles
Cercospora lagenariae M. A. Salam & P. N. Rao
Cercospora lantanae-camarae J. M. Yen & Gilles
Cercospora leeae-aecidiicola Karan & Manohar.
Cercospora leucaenae-leucocephalae Raghu Ram & Mallaiah
Cercospora lindericola W. Yamam.
Cercospora maculicola Thirum. & Govindu
Cercospora malvacearum Chidd.
Cercospora manevalii Chupp
Cercospora martyniicola R. K. Chaudhary, S. Narayan, U. C. Upadhyay & G. P. Rao
Cercospora medicaginis Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora mehran S. A. Khan & M. Kamal
Cercospora meliae Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora mercurialis Pass.
Cercospora mikaniae-cordatae J. M. Yen
Cercospora mikaniicola F. Stevens
Cercospora miscanthi Sawada ex Goh & W. H. Hsieh
Cercospora modiolae Tharp
Cercospora monsterae Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh
Cercospora moravica (Petr.) U. Braun
Cercospora neosphaeranthi Bhartiya, A. N. Singh bis, N. Kumari & P. N. Singh
Cercospora pantoleuca Sacc.
Cercospora passiflorae-foetidae J. M. Yen
Cercospora pellioniae Togashi & Katsuki
Cercospora peregrina Chupp
Cercospora taccae (Syd. & P. Syd.) Chupp
Cercospora tagetea Cif.
Cercospora tarrii Deighton
Cercospora tectonigena Kamal & V. K. Pal
Cercospora tephrosiicola Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh
Cercospora tetracerae Bat., J. L. Bezerra & Cavalc.
Cercospora tezpurensis Meghvansi, M. H. Khan & V. Veer
Cercospora trewiae A. K. Kar & M. Mandal
Cercospora typhae N. P. Golovina
Cercospora verbesinicola U. Braun, Delhey & Kiehr
Cercospora vignigena C. Nakash., Crous, U. Braun & H. D. Shin
Cercospora waltheriae-indicae J. M. Yen & Gilles
Cercospora zebrina Pass.
651 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Cercospora resedae Fuckel 1866
(this page)
Cercospora achilleae (Jaap) U. Braun 1993
Cercospora adeniae J. M. Yen & Gilles 1975
Cercospora adiantigena U. Braun & Crous 2003
Cercospora aegles-marmelos R. S. Mathur, L. S. Chauhan & S. C. Verma 1965
Cercospora aervae-lanatae Raghu Ram & Mallaiah 1996
Cercospora ageraticola Goh & W. H. Hsieh 1989
Cercospora alpiniigena To-anun, Meeboon & Hidayat 2014
Cercospora alysicarpi Munjal, Lall & Chona 1960
Cercospora amberboae Narain & B. S. Mehrotra 1971
Cercospora amorphophallicola U. Braun 2001
Cercospora arthraxonis M. S. Patil & Sawant 1991
Cercospora atractylidis C. K. Pai & P. K. Chi 1965
Cercospora atylosiicola Bagyan., Jagad. & U. Braun 1991
Cercospora bixicola Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh 2001
Cercospora bizzozeriana Sacc. & Berl. 1888
Cercospora blepharidicola U. Braun 2015
Cercospora browalliae Chupp & Barrus 1954
Cercospora bunii Annal. 1978
Cercospora canavaliae-gladiatae J. M. Yen & Lim 1982
Cercospora canavaliana J. M. Yen & Lim 1970
Cercospora carbonacea Miles 1917
Cercospora caricigena Bhartiya, A. N. Singh bis, N. Kumari & P. N. Singh 1998
Cercospora chrysanthemi Heald & F. A. Wolf 1911
Cercospora chusqueae Chupp 1954
Cercospora crossandrae Jagan., Palan. & Narayanas. 1972
Cercospora cyclosori Goh & W. H. Hsieh 1989
Cercospora cynarae Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang 2001
Cercospora cyperi-fusci Sandu 1960
Cercospora digitalis P. K. Chi & C. K. Pai 1966
Cercospora echinodori Chupp 1954
Cercospora eleusines Munjal, Lall & Chona 1962
Cercospora epilasiae Annal. 1978
Cercospora eucalyptorum Crous 1998
Cercospora eupatorii-fortunei P. K. Chi & Z. D. Jiang 1994
Cercospora europaea (Gonz. Frag.) Constant. 1967
Cercospora exochordicola U. Braun & Bulgakov 2009
Cercospora ferulae Annal. 1975
Cercospora garugaicola Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh 2001
Cercospora glycinicola Cheew., Crous & U. Braun 2015
Cercospora glycyrrhizae-echinatae (Săvul. & Sandu) U. Braun & Crous 2003
Cercospora granadillae Chupp 1954
Cercospora guineensis J. Kranz 1965
Cercospora handroanthus U. Braun & Urtiaga 2012
Cercospora hederae Togashi & Katsuki 1952
Cercospora ilicis-opacae Chupp 1954
Cercospora ischaemi R. G. Shivas, Marney & Y. P. Tan 2014
Cercospora isoplexidis Jørst. 1962
Cercospora ithacensis Chupp 1954
Cercospora jatrophiphila A. C. Dianese & Dianese 2014
Cercospora kalanchoes Boedijn 1962
Cercospora kigeliae Lall & H. S. Gill 1963
Cercospora kyllingicola J. M. Yen & Gilles 1970
Cercospora launaeicola S. A. Khan & M. Kamal 1974
Cercospora lawsoniae-albae Thirum. & Govindu 1963
Cercospora leucaenae A. N. Shukla & Sarmah 1984
Cercospora lippiae Ellis & Everh. 1887
Cercospora longispora Peck 1884
Cercospora malayensis F. Stevens & Solheim 1931
Cercospora mandira S. Chowdhury 1958
Cercospora manevalii Chupp 1954
Cercospora melongenae Welles 1922
Cercospora mikaniicola F. Stevens 1917
Cercospora mimosae G. P. Agarwal & N. D. Sharma 1973
Cercospora moghaniicola Bhartiya, Narayan, A. N. Singh bis & N. Kumari 2003
Cercospora moracearum A. N. Rai & Kamal 1987
Cercospora musigena J. Nguanhom, Crous & U. Braun 2015
Cercospora neomaricae D. M. Macedo & R. W. Barreto 2014
Cercospora nothosaervae M. S. Patil 1975
Cercospora oxyphylli Pavgi & U. P. Singh 1971
Cercospora panacicola P. K. Chi & C. K. Pai 1965
Cercospora paridis Erikss. 1883
Cercospora pariensis Chupp 1954
Cercospora pellioniae Togashi & Katsuki 1952
Cercospora peristrophes Thirum. & Govindu 1953
Cercospora piaropi Tharp 1917
Cercospora plucheae-tomentosae Tripathi & R. S. Mathur 1965
Cercospora pouzolziae-auriculatae Bagyan., U. Braun & Jagad. 1995
Cercospora psophocarpicola J. M. Yen 1967
Cercospora puerariae-thomsonii S. Q. Chen & P. K. Chi 1990
Cercospora rhynchosiae Pavgi & U. P. Singh 1964
Cercospora rigidipes Munt.-Cvetk. 1960
Cercospora rottboelliigena Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang 2000
Cercospora roxburghii Purkay. & Mallik 1976
Cercospora sambucicola U. Braun 2015
Cercospora saudii Mohammed 1987
Cercospora scopariae Lacy & Thirum. 1951
Cercospora sesami Zimm. 1904
Cercospora solanicola G. F. Atk. 1892
Cercospora spathulata Liberato & McTaggart 2008
Cercospora stephaniae Sawada & Katsuki 1959
Cercospora styracicola X. J. Liu & Y. L. Guo 1984
Cercospora subhyalina H. D. Shin & U. Braun 1995
Cercospora taccae (Syd. & P. Syd.) Chupp 1954
Cercospora tithoniicola J. M. Yen 1966
Cercospora trapae Thirum. & Govindu 1954
Cercospora trematis-orientalicola R. K. Srivast., A. K. Srivast. & Kamal 1995
Cercospora tridacis-procumbentis Thirum. & Govindu 1953
Cercospora triumfettae-rhomboideae R. K. Srivast., Narayan & N. Kumari 2001
Cercospora triumfetticola Munjal, Lall & Chona 1960
Cercospora typhoidis N. D. Sharma & A. C. Jain 1967
633 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cercospora resedae Fuckel 1866
(this page)
Cercospora achilleae (Jaap) U. Braun 1993
Cercospora adeniae J. M. Yen & Gilles 1975
Cercospora adiantigena U. Braun & Crous 2003
Cercospora aegles-marmelos R. S. Mathur, L. S. Chauhan & S. C. Verma 1965
Cercospora aervae-lanatae Raghu Ram & Mallaiah 1996
Cercospora ageraticola Goh & W. H. Hsieh 1989
Cercospora alpiniigena To-anun, Meeboon & Hidayat 2014
Cercospora alysicarpi Munjal, Lall & Chona 1960
Cercospora amberboae Narain & B. S. Mehrotra 1971
Cercospora amorphophallicola U. Braun 2001
Cercospora arthraxonis M. S. Patil & Sawant 1991
Cercospora atractylidis C. K. Pai & P. K. Chi 1965
Cercospora atylosiicola Bagyan., Jagad. & U. Braun 1991
Cercospora bixicola Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh 2001
Cercospora bizzozeriana Sacc. & Berl. 1888
Cercospora blepharidicola U. Braun 2015
Cercospora browalliae Chupp & Barrus 1954
Cercospora bunii Annal. 1978
Cercospora canavaliae-gladiatae J. M. Yen & Lim 1982
Cercospora canavaliana J. M. Yen & Lim 1970
Cercospora carbonacea Miles 1917
Cercospora caricigena Bhartiya, A. N. Singh bis, N. Kumari & P. N. Singh 1998
Cercospora chrysanthemi Heald & F. A. Wolf 1911
Cercospora chusqueae Chupp 1954
Cercospora crossandrae Jagan., Palan. & Narayanas. 1972
Cercospora cyclosori Goh & W. H. Hsieh 1989
Cercospora cynarae Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang 2001
Cercospora cyperi-fusci Sandu 1960
Cercospora digitalis P. K. Chi & C. K. Pai 1966
Cercospora echinodori Chupp 1954
Cercospora eleusines Munjal, Lall & Chona 1962
Cercospora epilasiae Annal. 1978
Cercospora eucalyptorum Crous 1998
Cercospora eupatorii-fortunei P. K. Chi & Z. D. Jiang 1994
Cercospora europaea (Gonz. Frag.) Constant. 1967
Cercospora exochordicola U. Braun & Bulgakov 2009
Cercospora ferulae Annal. 1975
Cercospora garugaicola Narayan, Kharwar & R. K. Singh 2001
Cercospora glycinicola Cheew., Crous & U. Braun 2015
Cercospora glycyrrhizae-echinatae (Săvul. & Sandu) U. Braun & Crous 2003
Cercospora granadillae Chupp 1954
Cercospora guineensis J. Kranz 1965
Cercospora handroanthus U. Braun & Urtiaga 2012
Cercospora hederae Togashi & Katsuki 1952
Cercospora ilicis-opacae Chupp 1954
Cercospora ischaemi R. G. Shivas, Marney & Y. P. Tan 2014
Cercospora isoplexidis Jørst. 1962
Cercospora ithacensis Chupp 1954
Cercospora jatrophiphila A. C. Dianese & Dianese 2014
Cercospora kalanchoes Boedijn 1962
Cercospora kigeliae Lall & H. S. Gill 1963
Cercospora kyllingicola J. M. Yen & Gilles 1970
Cercospora launaeicola S. A. Khan & M. Kamal 1974
Cercospora lawsoniae-albae Thirum. & Govindu 1963
Cercospora leucaenae A. N. Shukla & Sarmah 1984
Cercospora lippiae Ellis & Everh. 1887
Cercospora longispora Peck 1884
Cercospora malayensis F. Stevens & Solheim 1931
Cercospora mandira S. Chowdhury 1958
Cercospora manevalii Chupp 1954
Cercospora melongenae Welles 1922
Cercospora mikaniicola F. Stevens 1917
Cercospora mimosae G. P. Agarwal & N. D. Sharma 1973
Cercospora moghaniicola Bhartiya, Narayan, A. N. Singh bis & N. Kumari 2003
Cercospora moracearum A. N. Rai & Kamal 1987
Cercospora musigena J. Nguanhom, Crous & U. Braun 2015
Cercospora neomaricae D. M. Macedo & R. W. Barreto 2014
Cercospora nothosaervae M. S. Patil 1975
Cercospora oxyphylli Pavgi & U. P. Singh 1971
Cercospora panacicola P. K. Chi & C. K. Pai 1965
Cercospora paridis Erikss. 1883
Cercospora pariensis Chupp 1954
Cercospora pellioniae Togashi & Katsuki 1952
Cercospora peristrophes Thirum. & Govindu 1953
Cercospora piaropi Tharp 1917
Cercospora plucheae-tomentosae Tripathi & R. S. Mathur 1965
Cercospora pouzolziae-auriculatae Bagyan., U. Braun & Jagad. 1995
Cercospora psophocarpicola J. M. Yen 1967
Cercospora puerariae-thomsonii S. Q. Chen & P. K. Chi 1990
Cercospora rhynchosiae Pavgi & U. P. Singh 1964
Cercospora rigidipes Munt.-Cvetk. 1960
Cercospora rottboelliigena Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang 2000
Cercospora roxburghii Purkay. & Mallik 1976
Cercospora sambucicola U. Braun 2015
Cercospora saudii Mohammed 1987
Cercospora scopariae Lacy & Thirum. 1951
Cercospora sesami Zimm. 1904
Cercospora solanicola G. F. Atk. 1892
Cercospora spathulata Liberato & McTaggart 2008
Cercospora stephaniae Sawada & Katsuki 1959
Cercospora styracicola X. J. Liu & Y. L. Guo 1984
Cercospora subhyalina H. D. Shin & U. Braun 1995
Cercospora taccae (Syd. & P. Syd.) Chupp 1954
Cercospora tithoniicola J. M. Yen 1966
Cercospora trapae Thirum. & Govindu 1954
Cercospora trematis-orientalicola R. K. Srivast., A. K. Srivast. & Kamal 1995
Cercospora tridacis-procumbentis Thirum. & Govindu 1953
Cercospora triumfettae-rhomboideae R. K. Srivast., Narayan & N. Kumari 2001
Cercospora triumfetticola Munjal, Lall & Chona 1960
Cercospora typhoidis N. D. Sharma & A. C. Jain 1967
633 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Cercospora Fresen.
Cercospora resedae Fuckel
(this page)
Cercospora acalyphae Peck
Cercospora alchemillicola U. Braun & C. F. Hill
Cercospora althaeina Sacc.
Cercospora ampelopsidis Peck
Cercospora apii Fresen.
Cercospora arachidicola Hori
Cercospora ariminensis Cavara
Cercospora armoraciae Sacc.
Cercospora astragali Woron.
Cercospora barringtoniae (Syd. & P. Syd.) Chupp
Cercospora berteroae Hollós
Cercospora bidentis Tharp
Cercospora bizzozeriana Sacc. & Berl.
Cercospora boussaingaultiae Roum.
Cercospora brachiata Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora calendulae Sacc.
Cercospora canescens Ellis & G. Martin
Cercospora cannae C. K. Bai, X. J. Liu & Y. L. Guo
Cercospora capsici Heald & F. A. Wolf
Cercospora carbonacea Miles
Cercospora carotae (Pass.) Kazn. & Siemaszko
Cercospora celosiae Syd.
Cercospora chenopodii (Riess) U. Braun
Cercospora chrysanthemi Heald & F. A. Wolf
Cercospora cistinearum Sacc.
Cercospora coleicola Chupp & A. S. Mull.
Cercospora comari Peck
Cercospora crataegi Sacc. & C. Massal.
Cercospora crepidis Ondrej & Zavrel
Cercospora dioscoreae-pyrifoliae J. M. Yen
Cercospora donnell-smithii (Speg.) Chupp
Cercospora duddiae Welles
Cercospora elongata Peck
Cercospora eragrostidis Mc Kenzie & Latch
Cercospora erysimi Davis
Cercospora erythrinae Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora erythrinicola Tharp
Cercospora feuillauboisii Sacc.
Cercospora furfurella Speg.
Cercospora fusca F. V. Rand
Cercospora grandissima Rangel
Cercospora handelii Bubák
Cercospora hayi Calp.
Cercospora hedericola (Heald & F. A. Wolf) U. Braun
Cercospora hyalospora A. S. Mull. & Chupp
Cercospora hydrangeae Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora insulana (Sacc.) Sacc.
Cercospora italica Curzi
Cercospora juncicola (Hori & Kasai) Vassiljevsky
Cercospora krugiana A. S. Mull. & Chupp
Cercospora lactucae-sativae Sawada
Cercospora ligustrina (Boerema) B. Sutton
Cercospora lindericola W. Yamam.
Cercospora lippiae Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora longipes E. J. Butler
Cercospora longispora Peck
Cercospora loti Hollós
Cercospora maianthemi Fuckel
Cercospora malayensis F. Stevens & Solheim
Cercospora malvacearum Chidd.
Cercospora malvarum Sacc.
Cercospora medicaginis Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora meliae Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora meliloti (Lasch) Petr.
Cercospora melongenae Welles
Cercospora mikaniicola F. Stevens
Cercospora miscanthi Sawada ex Goh & W. H. Hsieh
Cercospora molucellae Bremer & Petr.
Cercospora moricola Cooke
Cercospora myrti Erikss.
Cercospora nasturtii Pass.
Cercospora nigellae Hollós
Cercospora pantoleuca Sacc.
Cercospora paridis Erikss.
Cercospora physalidis Ellis
Cercospora plantaginis Sacc.
Cercospora plumbaginea Sacc. & D. Sacc.
Cercospora pontederiae Ellis & Dearn.
Cercospora prunina J. M. Yen
Cercospora radiata Fuckel
Cercospora rhamni Fuckel
Cercospora ribis Earle
Cercospora rubrotincta Ellis & Everh.
Cercospora sagittariae Ellis & Kellerm.
Cercospora scandens Sacc. & G. Winter
Cercospora sechii J. A. Stev.
Cercospora sesami Zimm.
Cercospora sojina Hara
Cercospora solani Thüm.
Cercospora solani-melongenae Chupp
Cercospora solanicola G. F. Atk.
Cercospora sparsa (Sacc. & Fairm.) Hilber
Cercospora taccae (Syd. & P. Syd.) Chupp
Cercospora tridacis-procumbentis Thirum. & Govindu
Cercospora triumfetticola Munjal, Lall & Chona
Cercospora uredinophila (Sacc.) Deighton
Cercospora violae Sacc.
Cercospora volkameriae Speg.
Cercospora zeae-maydis Tehon & E. Y. Daniels
Cercospora zebrina Pass.
720 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cercospora resedae
(this page)
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis
Cercospora resedae var. luteae
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis
Cercospora resedae var. resedae
Cercospora acalyphae
Cercospora alchemillicola
Cercospora althaeina
Cercospora ampelopsidis
Cercospora ariminensis
Cercospora armoraciae
Cercospora astragali
Cercospora aurantia
Cercospora barringtoniae
Cercospora bidentis
Cercospora bizzozeriana
Cercospora brachiata
Cercospora caladii
Cercospora calendulae
Cercospora canescens
Cercospora cannae
Cercospora carbonacea
Cercospora cardamines
Cercospora caricis
Cercospora carthami
Cercospora celosiae
Cercospora chenopodii
Cercospora chrysanthemi
Cercospora cistinearum
Cercospora coleicola
Cercospora comari
Cercospora crepidis
Cercospora cyperigena
Cercospora depazeoides
Cercospora deutziae
Cercospora diazu
Cercospora duddiae
Cercospora elaeidis
Cercospora eragrostidis
Cercospora erysimi
Cercospora erythrinae
Cercospora erythrinicola
Cercospora exosporioides
Cercospora festucae
Cercospora furfurella
Cercospora glauciana
Cercospora helianthicola
Cercospora hyalospora
Cercospora insulana
Cercospora jasminicola
Cercospora juncicola
Cercospora krugiana
Cercospora lactucae-sativae
Cercospora ligustrina
Cercospora lindericola
Cercospora lippiae
Cercospora longispora
Cercospora loti
Cercospora maianthemi
Cercospora malayensis
Cercospora malvacearum
Cercospora malvarum
Cercospora malvicola
Cercospora manihobae
Cercospora meliae
Cercospora melongenae
Cercospora mercurialis
Cercospora microlaenae
Cercospora mikaniicola
Cercospora miscanthi
Cercospora modiolae
Cercospora molucellae
Cercospora moravica
Cercospora moricola
Cercospora myrti
Cercospora nasturtii
Cercospora nigellae
Cercospora olivascens
Cercospora pantoleuca
Cercospora paridis
Cercospora patriniae
Cercospora pegani
Cercospora physalidis
Cercospora physospermi
Cercospora piaropi
Cercospora plantaginis
Cercospora plumbaginea
Cercospora pontederiae
Cercospora prunina
Cercospora pudicae
Cercospora radiata
Cercospora rautensis
Cercospora rhamni
Cercospora rhizophorae
Cercospora ribis
Cercospora ricinella
Cercospora rodmanii
Cercospora sagittariae
Cercospora scandens
Cercospora sechii
Cercospora securinegae
Cercospora sesami
Cercospora setariae
Cercospora stachyuricola
Cercospora styracicola
2201 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cercospora resedae
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis
(this page)
Cercospora resedae var. luteae
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis
Cercospora resedae var. resedae
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cercospora resedae
Cercospora resedae var. luteae
(this page)
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis
Cercospora resedae var. resedae
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cercospora resedae
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis
(this page)
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis
Cercospora resedae var. luteae
Cercospora resedae var. resedae
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cercospora resedae
Cercospora resedae var. resedae
(this page)
Cercospora resedae var. legionensis
Cercospora resedae var. luteae
Cercospora resedae var. mahonensis