Euthalia nara, the bronze duke, is a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae (Limenitidinae). It is found in the Indomalayan realm.[2]
Adolias nara n. sp.—Female. Upperside dark glossy golden olive-green, with blackish marginal and sub-marginal lines : forewing with oblique transverse row of six white spots, from middle of costal margin to near posterior angle, also two small sub-apical white spots ; marks within discoidal cell black : hind-wing with two white spots on costal margin near the angle. Underside glossy verdigris -green, apically olive-green : fore-wing with markings as above, but more defined and whiter ; lower part of disc patched with blue-black : hind-wing with transverse row of six white spots from costal margin to near the posterior angle ; indistinct discoidal markings. Ciliae white. Expanse 3 and 5/12inches.In Museum Entomological Society of London.
Euthalia nara, the bronze duke, is a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae (Limenitidinae). It is found in the Indomalayan realm.