

provided by Batrachospermales LifeDesk

Type Locality: Brazil.

Distribution: Brazil.

Information about Kumanoa skujana on Algaebase.

Johnston, Emily
Johnston, Emily


provided by Batrachospermales LifeDesk

"Plants moderately mucilaginous, delicate; branching irregular and abundant; apices straight, apical cells embedded within the fascicles; 3.0-11.0 cm high, 500-1,200 µm in diameter. Whorls well developed, usually distinct and separated, obconical or barrel-shaped, compressed and indistinct in older parts. Internode 250-550 µm long. Pericentral cells ovoid with 2-3 primary fascicles; rhizoidal filaments well developed, forming 1-2 layers of cylindrical cells. Primary fascicles curved or with distal ends curved, 13-20 cell-storeys, proximal cells cylindrical or elliptical, L/D 3.0-5.0; distal cells elliptical, L/D 1.5-3.5; branching unilateral or dichotomous. Secondary fascicles abundant, curved or with distal ends curved, covering the entire internode and as long as primary fascicles.

Monoecious. Spermatangia obovoid or spherical, terminal or sub-terminal on primary or secondary fascicles, 5.5-7.0 µm in diameter. Carpogonial branches helically twisted, arising from pericentral cells, composed of 8-10 disc- or barrel-shaped cells; involucral filaments short, 2-5 cell-storeys; carpogonia 30-40 µm long; trichogynes cylindrical or club-shaped, unstalked, 7.0-9.0 µm in diameter. Carposporophytes1 per whorl, loose, semi-spherical, higher than the whorl radius, 500-900 µm in diameter, 200-500 µm high; gonimoblast filaments 8-12 cell-storeys; cells cylindrical or elliptical; carposporangia obovoid or sub-spherical, 10.0-15.0 µm long, 8.5-12.0 µm in diameter."

Necchi, O. Jr. & Vis, M.L. 2012. Monograph of the genus Kumanoa (Rhodophyta, Batrachospermales). Bibliotheca Phycologica 116. J. Cramer. Pp. 78. ISBN 978-3-443-60043-3.

Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. Biopress, Ltd. 375 pp.

Necchi, O. Jr. 1986. Studies on freshwater Rhodophyta of Brazil - 4. Four new species of Batrachospermum (section Contorta) from the southern state of São Paulo. Revista Brasil. Biol. 46: 517-525.
Johnston, Emily
Johnston, Emily


provided by EOL authors
Plants monoecious, abundantly or moderately mucilaginous, 3-11 cm high, 500-1200 μm in diameter, abundantly and irregularly branched. Whorls well-developed, dense or lax, barrel-shaped, obconical or compressed, contiguous. Fascicles 2 or 3, primary fascicles straight, di-, rarely trichotomously branched, 13-20 cell-storeys, proximal cells cylindrical or ellipsoidal, 5-7 μm in diameter, 20-35 μm long, distal cells ellipsoidal, 4.5-8 μm in diameter, 10-20 μm long. Cortical filaments well-developed. Secondary fascicles numerous, reaching the length of primary ones. Spermatangia spherical or obovoidal, 5.5-7 μm in diameter, terminal or subterminal on fascicles. Carpogonium-bearing branches spirally coiled, consisting of 8-10 barrel-shaped cells, arising from periaxial cells. Involucral filaments numerous, short. Carpogonia asymmetrical, 5-7 μm in diameter at the base, 7-9 μm in diameter at the apex, 40-55 μm long, trichogyne cylindrical cylindrical, club-shaped, sessile. Carposporophytes sessile, single, hemispherical, dense, higher than radius of whorls, 200-500 μm in diameter, 500-900 μm high. Carposporangia obovoidal or hemispherical, 8.5-12 μm in diameter, 10-15 μm long.