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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Cellular Organisms
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm 1885
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm 1885
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Ombrophila baeumleri
Species recognized by
wikipedia SZL
Ombrophila baeumleri
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Ombrophila baeumleri
Rehm 1885
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Helotium baeumleri
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Ombrophila baeumleri
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Global Biotic Interactions
Ombrophila baeumleri
Recognized by
iDigBio type specimen records
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm 1885
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Helotium baeumleri (Rehm) Boud. 1907
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Helotium baeumleri
(Rehm) Boud. 1907
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Helotium baeumleri (Rehm) Boud.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Helotium baeumleri (Rehm) Boud. 1907
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Rutstroemia baeumleri (Rehm) Berthet
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm 1885
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm 1885
(this page)
Ombrophila alba (Schumach.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila albescens Velen. 1934
Ombrophila albofusca Ellis 1882
Ombrophila ambigua Höhn. 1918
Ombrophila aquatica (Lib.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila aquosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila archangelicae Rostr. 1905
Ombrophila aterrima Massee 1896
Ombrophila aurantiaca Massee 1901
Ombrophila aurata Berk. & Ravenel ex W. Phillips 1891
Ombrophila aurea Ellis 1881
Ombrophila blasiae Ade 1929
Ombrophila blechni (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila blumenaviensis Henn. 1902
Ombrophila burgeffii Ade 1926
Ombrophila carnosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila carolinae (De Guern.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila ciliata Rick 1931
Ombrophila crenulata Rodway 1925
Ombrophila culmigena (Fr.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila decolorans Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila discoidea Rodway 1925
Ombrophila dusenii Henn. 1900
Ombrophila exidia Speg. 1909
Ombrophila fennica P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila firmula (Rolland) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila flavens Feltgen 1903
Ombrophila frangulae Velen. 1934
Ombrophila fulvescens Bres. 1920
Ombrophila fusca Henn. 1904
Ombrophila fuscohyalina (Rehm) Rehm 1915
Ombrophila fuscopurpurea E. K. Cash 1958
Ombrophila glyceriae Velen. 1947
Ombrophila graminicola Feltgen 1903
Ombrophila helotiiformis Velen. 1934
Ombrophila hemiamyloidea Baral & Gminder 1999
Ombrophila hirtella Rehm 1908
Ombrophila hyalina Velen. 1934
Ombrophila indica Syd. & P. Syd. 1911
Ombrophila janthina (Fr.) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila juglandis Velen. 1939
Ombrophila juniperinella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila kmetii Rehm 1905
Ombrophila lacustris Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lilacea (Quél.) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila limosa Rehm 1913
Ombrophila linteosa Velen. 1922
Ombrophila longicauda Henn. 1902
Ombrophila longispora Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lupini Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lysichitonis Kanouse 1948
Ombrophila marchica Rehm 1893
Ombrophila microsperma Henn. 1902
Ombrophila microspora (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
Ombrophila morthieriana Rehm 1879
Ombrophila multiguttulata Rick 1931
Ombrophila nanella (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila neesii (Saut.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila nigrescens Henn. 1902
Ombrophila nigripes (Pers.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila olivacea Velen. 1934
Ombrophila orbilioides (Feltgen) Höhn. 1906
Ombrophila paludina (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila paludosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila palumbina Malençon 1927
Ombrophila patellarioides P. Karst. 1889
Ombrophila pellucida A. L. Sm. 1901
Ombrophila pileata P. Karst. 1870
Ombrophila proximella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila purpurea (Fuckel) W. Phillips 1887
Ombrophila pusilla Velen. 1934
Ombrophila quisquiliaris (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila radicata W. Phillips 1888
Ombrophila rhizophora Velen. 1934
Ombrophila rivulorum Velen. 1934
Ombrophila roseola Bres. 1896
Ombrophila rubescenti-rosea Rehm 1900
Ombrophila rubicunda Höhn. 1906
Ombrophila rudis (Berk.) W. Phillips 1887
Ombrophila sanguinea Rehm 1913
Ombrophila sibirica Thüm. 1880
Ombrophila similis (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila solani Velen. 1934
Ombrophila speluncarum Lagarde 1913
Ombrophila sphagnicola Velen. 1934
Ombrophila stagnalis (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila subaurea Cooke 1875
Ombrophila subcerinea Rehm 1906
Ombrophila succinea Bres. & Rehm 1892
Ombrophila tamseliana Henn. 1908
Ombrophila terrestris W. Phillips 1888
Ombrophila thujina Peck 1911
Ombrophila trachycarpa W. Phillips 1891
Ombrophila translucens (W. L. White) Baral 1985
Ombrophila tschatcalica Raitv. 1969
Ombrophila vitrea Velen. 1934
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm
(this page)
Ombrophila alba (Schumach.) Boud.
Ombrophila albescens Velen.
Ombrophila albofusca Ellis
Ombrophila ambigua Höhn.
Ombrophila aquatica (Lib.) Boud.
Ombrophila aquosa Velen.
Ombrophila archangelicae Rostr.
Ombrophila aterrima Massee
Ombrophila aurantiaca Massee
Ombrophila aurata Berk. & Ravenel ex W. Phillips
Ombrophila aurea Ellis
Ombrophila blasiae Ade
Ombrophila blechni (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud.
Ombrophila blumenaviensis Henn.
Ombrophila burgeffii Ade
Ombrophila carnosa Velen.
Ombrophila carolinae (De Guern.) Boud.
Ombrophila ciliata Rick
Ombrophila costantinii (Boud.) Baral
Ombrophila crenulata Rodway
Ombrophila culmigena (Fr.) Boud.
Ombrophila decolorans Sacc.
Ombrophila discoidea Rodway
Ombrophila dusenii Henn.
Ombrophila exidia Speg.
Ombrophila fennica P. Karst.
Ombrophila firmula (Rolland) Sacc.
Ombrophila flavens Feltgen
Ombrophila frangulae Velen.
Ombrophila fulvescens Bres.
Ombrophila fusca Henn.
Ombrophila fuscohyalina (Rehm) Rehm
Ombrophila fuscopurpurea E. K. Cash
Ombrophila glyceriae Velen.
Ombrophila graminicola Feltgen
Ombrophila helotiiformis Velen.
Ombrophila hemiamyloidea Baral & Gminder
Ombrophila hirtella Rehm
Ombrophila hyalina Velen.
Ombrophila indica Syd. & P. Syd.
Ombrophila janthina (Fr.) Sacc.
Ombrophila juglandis Velen.
Ombrophila juniperinella (P. Karst.) Boud.
Ombrophila kmetii Rehm
Ombrophila lacustris Velen.
Ombrophila lilacea (Quél.) Sacc.
Ombrophila limosa Rehm
Ombrophila linteosa Velen.
Ombrophila longicauda Henn.
Ombrophila longispora Velen.
Ombrophila lupini Velen.
Ombrophila lysichitonis Kanouse
Ombrophila marchica Rehm
Ombrophila microsperma Henn.
Ombrophila microspora (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. & P. Syd.
Ombrophila morthieriana Rehm
Ombrophila multiguttulata Rick
Ombrophila nanella (P. Karst.) P. Karst.
Ombrophila neesii (Saut.) Boud.
Ombrophila nigrescens Henn.
Ombrophila nigripes (Pers.) Boud.
Ombrophila olivacea Velen.
Ombrophila orbilioides (Feltgen) Höhn.
Ombrophila paludina (Quél.) Boud.
Ombrophila paludosa Velen.
Ombrophila palumbina Malençon
Ombrophila patellarioides P. Karst.
Ombrophila pellucida A. L. Sm.
Ombrophila pileata P. Karst.
Ombrophila proximella (P. Karst.) Boud.
Ombrophila purpurea (Fuckel) W. Phillips
Ombrophila pusilla Velen.
Ombrophila quisquiliaris (P. Karst.) P. Karst.
Ombrophila radicata W. Phillips
Ombrophila rhizophora Velen.
Ombrophila rivulorum Velen.
Ombrophila roseola Bres.
Ombrophila rubescenti-rosea Rehm
Ombrophila rubicunda Höhn.
Ombrophila rudis (Berk.) W. Phillips
Ombrophila sanguinea Rehm
Ombrophila sibirica Thüm.
Ombrophila similis (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc.
Ombrophila solani Velen.
Ombrophila speluncarum Lagarde
Ombrophila sphagnicola Velen.
Ombrophila stagnalis (Quél.) Boud.
Ombrophila subaurea Cooke
Ombrophila subcerinea Rehm
Ombrophila succinea Bres. & Rehm
Ombrophila tamseliana Henn.
Ombrophila terrestris W. Phillips
Ombrophila thujina Peck
Ombrophila trachycarpa W. Phillips
Ombrophila translucens (W. L. White) Baral
Ombrophila tschatcalica Raitv.
Ombrophila vitrea Velen.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm 1885
(this page)
Ombrophila alba (Schumach.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila albescens Velen. 1934
Ombrophila albofusca Ellis 1882
Ombrophila ambigua Höhn. 1918
Ombrophila aquatica (Lib.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila aquosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila archangelicae Rostr. 1905
Ombrophila aterrima Massee 1896
Ombrophila aurantiaca Massee 1901
Ombrophila aurata Berk. & Ravenel ex W. Phillips 1891
Ombrophila aurea Ellis 1881
Ombrophila blasiae Ade 1929
Ombrophila blechni (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila blumenaviensis Henn. 1902
Ombrophila burgeffii Ade 1926
Ombrophila carnosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila carolinae (De Guern.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila ciliata Rick 1931
Ombrophila crenulata Rodway 1925
Ombrophila culmigena (Fr.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila decolorans Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila discoidea Rodway 1925
Ombrophila dusenii Henn. 1900
Ombrophila exidia Speg. 1909
Ombrophila fennica P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila firmula (Rolland) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila flavens Feltgen 1903
Ombrophila frangulae Velen. 1934
Ombrophila fulvescens Bres. 1920
Ombrophila fusca Henn. 1904
Ombrophila fuscohyalina (Rehm) Rehm 1915
Ombrophila fuscopurpurea E. K. Cash 1958
Ombrophila glyceriae Velen. 1947
Ombrophila graminicola Feltgen 1903
Ombrophila helotiiformis Velen. 1934
Ombrophila hemiamyloidea Baral & Gminder 1999
Ombrophila hirtella Rehm 1908
Ombrophila hyalina Velen. 1934
Ombrophila indica Syd. & P. Syd. 1911
Ombrophila janthina (Fr.) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila juglandis Velen. 1939
Ombrophila juniperinella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila kmetii Rehm 1905
Ombrophila lacustris Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lilacea (Quél.) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila limosa Rehm 1913
Ombrophila linteosa Velen. 1922
Ombrophila longicauda Henn. 1902
Ombrophila longispora Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lupini Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lysichitonis Kanouse 1948
Ombrophila marchica Rehm 1893
Ombrophila microsperma Henn. 1902
Ombrophila microspora (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
Ombrophila morthieriana Rehm 1879
Ombrophila multiguttulata Rick 1931
Ombrophila nanella (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila neesii (Saut.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila nigrescens Henn. 1902
Ombrophila nigripes (Pers.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila olivacea Velen. 1934
Ombrophila orbilioides (Feltgen) Höhn. 1906
Ombrophila paludina (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila paludosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila palumbina Malençon 1927
Ombrophila patellarioides P. Karst. 1889
Ombrophila pellucida A. L. Sm. 1901
Ombrophila pileata P. Karst. 1870
Ombrophila proximella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila purpurea (Fuckel) W. Phillips 1887
Ombrophila pusilla Velen. 1934
Ombrophila quisquiliaris (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila radicata W. Phillips 1888
Ombrophila rhizophora Velen. 1934
Ombrophila rivulorum Velen. 1934
Ombrophila roseola Bres. 1896
Ombrophila rubescenti-rosea Rehm 1900
Ombrophila rubicunda Höhn. 1906
Ombrophila rudis (Berk.) W. Phillips 1887
Ombrophila sanguinea Rehm 1913
Ombrophila sibirica Thüm. 1880
Ombrophila similis (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila solani Velen. 1934
Ombrophila speluncarum Lagarde 1913
Ombrophila sphagnicola Velen. 1934
Ombrophila stagnalis (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila subaurea Cooke 1875
Ombrophila subcerinea Rehm 1906
Ombrophila succinea Bres. & Rehm 1892
Ombrophila tamseliana Henn. 1908
Ombrophila terrestris W. Phillips 1888
Ombrophila thujina Peck 1911
Ombrophila trachycarpa W. Phillips 1891
Ombrophila translucens (W. L. White) Baral 1985
Ombrophila tschatcalica Raitv. 1969
Ombrophila vitrea Velen. 1934
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm 1885
(this page)
Ombrophila alba (Schumach.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila albescens Velen. 1934
Ombrophila albofusca Ellis 1882
Ombrophila ambigua Höhn. 1918
Ombrophila aquatica (Lib.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila aquosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila archangelicae Rostr. 1905
Ombrophila aterrima Massee 1896
Ombrophila aurantiaca Massee 1901
Ombrophila aurata Berk. & Ravenel ex W. Phillips 1891
Ombrophila aurea Ellis 1881
Ombrophila blasiae Ade 1929
Ombrophila blechni (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila blumenaviensis Henn. 1902
Ombrophila burgeffii Ade 1926
Ombrophila carnosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila carolinae (De Guern.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila ciliata Rick 1931
Ombrophila crenulata Rodway 1925
Ombrophila culmigena (Fr.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila decolorans Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila discoidea Rodway 1925
Ombrophila dusenii Henn. 1900
Ombrophila exidia Speg. 1909
Ombrophila fennica P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila firmula (Rolland) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila flavens Feltgen 1903
Ombrophila frangulae Velen. 1934
Ombrophila fulvescens Bres. 1920
Ombrophila fusca Henn. 1904
Ombrophila fuscohyalina (Rehm) Rehm 1915
Ombrophila fuscopurpurea E. K. Cash 1958
Ombrophila glyceriae Velen. 1947
Ombrophila graminicola Feltgen 1903
Ombrophila helotiiformis Velen. 1934
Ombrophila hemiamyloidea Baral & Gminder 1999
Ombrophila hirtella Rehm 1908
Ombrophila hyalina Velen. 1934
Ombrophila indica Syd. & P. Syd. 1911
Ombrophila janthina (Fr.) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila juglandis Velen. 1939
Ombrophila juniperinella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila kmetii Rehm 1905
Ombrophila lacustris Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lilacea (Quél.) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila limosa Rehm 1913
Ombrophila linteosa Velen. 1922
Ombrophila longicauda Henn. 1902
Ombrophila longispora Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lupini Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lysichitonis Kanouse 1948
Ombrophila marchica Rehm 1893
Ombrophila microsperma Henn. 1902
Ombrophila microspora (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
Ombrophila morthieriana Rehm 1879
Ombrophila multiguttulata Rick 1931
Ombrophila nanella (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila neesii (Saut.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila nigrescens Henn. 1902
Ombrophila nigripes (Pers.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila olivacea Velen. 1934
Ombrophila orbilioides (Feltgen) Höhn. 1906
Ombrophila paludina (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila paludosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila palumbina Malençon 1927
Ombrophila patellarioides P. Karst. 1889
Ombrophila pellucida A. L. Sm. 1901
Ombrophila pileata P. Karst. 1870
Ombrophila proximella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila purpurea (Fuckel) W. Phillips 1887
Ombrophila pusilla Velen. 1934
Ombrophila quisquiliaris (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila radicata W. Phillips 1888
Ombrophila rhizophora Velen. 1934
Ombrophila rivulorum Velen. 1934
Ombrophila roseola Bres. 1896
Ombrophila rubescenti-rosea Rehm 1900
Ombrophila rubicunda Höhn. 1906
Ombrophila rudis (Berk.) W. Phillips 1887
Ombrophila sanguinea Rehm 1913
Ombrophila sibirica Thüm. 1880
Ombrophila similis (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila solani Velen. 1934
Ombrophila speluncarum Lagarde 1913
Ombrophila sphagnicola Velen. 1934
Ombrophila stagnalis (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila subaurea Cooke 1875
Ombrophila subcerinea Rehm 1906
Ombrophila succinea Bres. & Rehm 1892
Ombrophila tamseliana Henn. 1908
Ombrophila terrestris W. Phillips 1888
Ombrophila thujina Peck 1911
Ombrophila trachycarpa W. Phillips 1891
Ombrophila translucens (W. L. White) Baral 1985
Ombrophila tschatcalica Raitv. 1969
Ombrophila vitrea Velen. 1934
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm 1885
(this page)
Ombrophila alba (Schumach.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila albescens Velen. 1934
Ombrophila albofusca Ellis 1882
Ombrophila ambigua Höhn. 1918
Ombrophila aquatica (Lib.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila aquosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila archangelicae Rostr. 1905
Ombrophila aterrima Massee 1896
Ombrophila aurantiaca Massee 1901
Ombrophila aurata Berk. & Ravenel ex W. Phillips 1891
Ombrophila aurea Ellis 1881
Ombrophila blasiae Ade 1929
Ombrophila blechni (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila blumenaviensis Henn. 1902
Ombrophila burgeffii Ade 1926
Ombrophila carnosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila carolinae (De Guern.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila ciliata Rick 1931
Ombrophila crenulata Rodway 1925
Ombrophila culmigena (Fr.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila decolorans Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila discoidea Rodway 1925
Ombrophila dusenii Henn. 1900
Ombrophila exidia Speg. 1909
Ombrophila fennica P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila firmula (Rolland) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila flavens Feltgen 1903
Ombrophila frangulae Velen. 1934
Ombrophila fulvescens Bres. 1920
Ombrophila fusca Henn. 1904
Ombrophila fuscohyalina (Rehm) Rehm 1915
Ombrophila fuscopurpurea E. K. Cash 1958
Ombrophila glyceriae Velen. 1947
Ombrophila graminicola Feltgen 1903
Ombrophila helotiiformis Velen. 1934
Ombrophila hemiamyloidea Baral & Gminder 1999
Ombrophila hirtella Rehm 1908
Ombrophila hyalina Velen. 1934
Ombrophila indica Syd. & P. Syd. 1911
Ombrophila janthina (Fr.) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila juglandis Velen. 1939
Ombrophila juniperinella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila kmetii Rehm 1905
Ombrophila lacustris Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lilacea (Quél.) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila limosa Rehm 1913
Ombrophila linteosa Velen. 1922
Ombrophila longicauda Henn. 1902
Ombrophila longispora Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lupini Velen. 1934
Ombrophila lysichitonis Kanouse 1948
Ombrophila marchica Rehm 1893
Ombrophila microsperma Henn. 1902
Ombrophila microspora (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
Ombrophila morthieriana Rehm 1879
Ombrophila multiguttulata Rick 1931
Ombrophila nanella (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila neesii (Saut.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila nigrescens Henn. 1902
Ombrophila nigripes (Pers.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila olivacea Velen. 1934
Ombrophila orbilioides (Feltgen) Höhn. 1906
Ombrophila paludina (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila paludosa Velen. 1934
Ombrophila palumbina Malençon 1927
Ombrophila patellarioides P. Karst. 1889
Ombrophila pellucida A. L. Sm. 1901
Ombrophila pileata P. Karst. 1870
Ombrophila proximella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila purpurea (Fuckel) W. Phillips 1887
Ombrophila pusilla Velen. 1934
Ombrophila quisquiliaris (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila radicata W. Phillips 1888
Ombrophila rhizophora Velen. 1934
Ombrophila rivulorum Velen. 1934
Ombrophila roseola Bres. 1896
Ombrophila rubescenti-rosea Rehm 1900
Ombrophila rubicunda Höhn. 1906
Ombrophila rudis (Berk.) W. Phillips 1887
Ombrophila sanguinea Rehm 1913
Ombrophila sibirica Thüm. 1880
Ombrophila similis (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc. 1889
Ombrophila solani Velen. 1934
Ombrophila speluncarum Lagarde 1913
Ombrophila sphagnicola Velen. 1934
Ombrophila stagnalis (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila subaurea Cooke 1875
Ombrophila subcerinea Rehm 1906
Ombrophila succinea Bres. & Rehm 1892
Ombrophila tamseliana Henn. 1908
Ombrophila terrestris W. Phillips 1888
Ombrophila thujina Peck 1911
Ombrophila trachycarpa W. Phillips 1891
Ombrophila translucens (W. L. White) Baral 1985
Ombrophila tschatcalica Raitv. 1969
Ombrophila vitrea Velen. 1934
GBIF classification
Ombrophila Fr.
Ombrophila baeumleri Rehm
(this page)
Ombrophila abacina (Fr.) Fr.
Ombrophila alba (Schumach.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila albescens Velen.
Ombrophila albofusca Ellis
Ombrophila ambigua Höhn.
Ombrophila aquatica (Lib.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila aquosa Velen.
Ombrophila archangelicae Rostr.
Ombrophila aterrima Massee
Ombrophila aurantiaca Massee
Ombrophila aurata (Berk. & Ravenel) W. Phillips
Ombrophila aurea Ellis
Ombrophila blasiae Ade
Ombrophila blechni (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila blumenaviensis Henn.
Ombrophila burgeffii Ade
Ombrophila carnosa Velen.
Ombrophila carolinae (De Guern.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila ciliata Rick
Ombrophila crenulata Rodway
Ombrophila culmigena (Fr.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila decolorans (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc.
Ombrophila discoidea Rodway
Ombrophila dusenii Henn.
Ombrophila exidia Speg.
Ombrophila fennica P. Karst. 1871
Ombrophila firmula (Rolland) Sacc.
Ombrophila flavens Feltgen
Ombrophila frangulae Velen.
Ombrophila fulvescens Bres.
Ombrophila fusca Henn.
Ombrophila fuscohyalina (Rehm) Rehm 1915
Ombrophila fuscopurpurea E. K. Cash
Ombrophila glyceriae Velen.
Ombrophila graminicola Feltgen
Ombrophila helotiiformis Velen.
Ombrophila hemiamyloidea Baral & Gminder
Ombrophila hirtella Rehm
Ombrophila hyalina Velen.
Ombrophila ianthina (P. Karst.) Rehm
Ombrophila indica Syd
Ombrophila juglandis Velen.
Ombrophila juniperinella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila kmetii Rehm
Ombrophila lacustris Velen.
Ombrophila lilacea (Quél.) Sacc.
Ombrophila lilacina (Wulfen) Rehm
Ombrophila limosa Rehm
Ombrophila linteosa Velen.
Ombrophila longicauda Henn.
Ombrophila longispora Velen.
Ombrophila lupini Velen.
Ombrophila lysichitonis Kanouse
Ombrophila marchica Rehm 1893
Ombrophila microsperma Henn.
Ombrophila microspora (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. & P. Syd.
Ombrophila morthieriana Rehm
Ombrophila multiguttulata Rick
Ombrophila nanella P. Karst.
Ombrophila neesii (Saut.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila nigrescens Henn.
Ombrophila nigripes (Pers.) Boud.
Ombrophila olivacea Velen.
Ombrophila orbilioides (Feltgen) Höhn.
Ombrophila paludina (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila paludosa Velen.
Ombrophila palumbina Malençon
Ombrophila paradoxa (Hedw.) Sacc.
Ombrophila patellarioides P. Karst.
Ombrophila pellucida A. L. Sm.
Ombrophila pileata P. Karst. 1870
Ombrophila proximella (P. Karst.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila purpurea (Fuckel) W. Phillips
Ombrophila pusilla Velen.
Ombrophila quisquiliaris P. Karst.
Ombrophila radicata W. Phillips
Ombrophila rehnana Baral & T. Richter
Ombrophila rhizophora Velen.
Ombrophila rivulorum Velen.
Ombrophila roseola Bres.
Ombrophila rubescenti-rosea Rehm
Ombrophila rubicunda Höhn.
Ombrophila rudis (Berk.) W. Phillips
Ombrophila sanguinea Rehm
Ombrophila sibirica Thüm.
Ombrophila similis (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc.
Ombrophila solani Velen.
Ombrophila speluncarum Lagarde
Ombrophila sphagnicola Velen.
Ombrophila stagnalis (Quél.) Boud. 1907
Ombrophila subaurea Cooke
Ombrophila subcerinea Rehm
Ombrophila succinea Bres. & Rehm
Ombrophila tamseliana Henn.
Ombrophila terrestris W. Phillips
Ombrophila thujina Peck
Ombrophila trachycarpa W. Phillips
Ombrophila translucens (W. L. White) Baral
Ombrophila tschatcalica Raitv.
Ombrophila vitrea Velen.
One additional sibling truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Ombrophila baeumleri
(this page)
Ombrophila albescens
Ombrophila albiceps
Ombrophila albida
Ombrophila albofusca
Ombrophila alniella
Ombrophila ambigua
Ombrophila aquatica
Ombrophila aquosa
Ombrophila archangelicae
Ombrophila aterrima
Ombrophila aurantiaca
Ombrophila aurata
Ombrophila australis
Ombrophila bataillei
Ombrophila blasiae
Ombrophila blechni
Ombrophila blumenaviensis
Ombrophila bulgarioides
Ombrophila burgeffii
Ombrophila carnea
Ombrophila carnosa
Ombrophila cerasi
Ombrophila chilensis
Ombrophila ciliata
Ombrophila ciliifera
Ombrophila clavus
Ombrophila conformata
Ombrophila crenulata
Ombrophila culmigena
Ombrophila decolorans
Ombrophila dermatoides
Ombrophila discoidea
Ombrophila dusenii
Ombrophila enterochroma
Ombrophila exidia
Ombrophila extumescens
Ombrophila faginea
Ombrophila fennica
Ombrophila flavens
Ombrophila flavofuscescens
Ombrophila frangulae
Ombrophila fulvescens
Ombrophila fusca
Ombrophila fuscohyalina
Ombrophila fuscopurpurea
Ombrophila glyceriae
Ombrophila graminicola
Ombrophila helotiiformis
Ombrophila helotioides
Ombrophila hirtella
Ombrophila hyalina
Ombrophila imberbis
Ombrophila indica
Ombrophila juglandis
Ombrophila juniperinella
Ombrophila kmetii
Ombrophila kriegeriana
Ombrophila limosa
Ombrophila limosella
Ombrophila linteosa
Ombrophila longicauda
Ombrophila lupini
Ombrophila lysichitonis
Ombrophila marchica
Ombrophila microsperma
Ombrophila microspora
Ombrophila moelleriana
Ombrophila morthieriana
Ombrophila multiguttulata
Ombrophila nanella
Ombrophila neesii
Ombrophila nigrescens
Ombrophila nigripes
Ombrophila obstricta
Ombrophila olivacea
Ombrophila orbilioides
Ombrophila paludosa
Ombrophila paradoxa
Ombrophila patellarioides
Ombrophila petasata
Ombrophila pileata
Ombrophila procera
Ombrophila proximella
Ombrophila purpurea
Ombrophila pusilla
Ombrophila quisquiliaris
Ombrophila radicata
Ombrophila rhizophora
Ombrophila rivulorum
Ombrophila roseola
Ombrophila rubescenti-rosea
Ombrophila rubicunda
Ombrophila rudis
Ombrophila rugipes
Ombrophila sanguinea
Ombrophila sejournei
Ombrophila sibirica
Ombrophila terrestris
Ombrophila trachycarpa
Ombrophila violacea
44 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Helotium baeumleri
(this page)
Helotium abacinum
Helotium acaciae
Helotium acerinum
Helotium acicularum
Helotium acutisporum
Helotium acuum
Helotium aeruginellum
Helotium aesculi
Helotium africanum
Helotium agaricicola
Helotium agaricoides
Helotium aglaeosporum
Helotium agrostideum
Helotium agyrioides
Helotium airae
Helotium alaskae
Helotium albellum
Helotium albicolor
Helotium albidulum
Helotium albipes
Helotium alboatrum
Helotium albofuscidulum
Helotium albohyalinum
Helotium albolilacinum
Helotium alboluteum
Helotium albovirens
Helotium albuminum
Helotium alismaceum
Helotium alnicola
Helotium alniellum
Helotium alnisedum
Helotium alutaceum
Helotium amenti
Helotium ammoides
Helotium ammonis
Helotium amplum
Helotium angelense
Helotium angustisporum
Helotium angustum
Helotium antarcticum
Helotium appendiculatum
Helotium aquaticum
Helotium arcuatum
Helotium arduennensis
Helotium arenicola
Helotium arundinellum
Helotium ascophanoides
Helotium aspegrenii
Helotium aspidiicola
Helotium aspidiorum
Helotium atrosubiculatum
Helotium atrovirens
Helotium atroviride
Helotium aurantiorubrum
Helotium aurantium
Helotium aviculare
Helotium axillaris
Helotium badium
Helotium boudieri
Helotium byssigenum
Helotium caudatum
Helotium cepahalotrichum
Helotium ceratinum
Helotium chloropodium
Helotium chordicola
Helotium citrinum
Helotium cribrosum
Helotium cyathoideum
Helotium elaeocarpi
Helotium fulvum
Helotium gratum
Helotium herbarum
Helotium immarginatum
Helotium improvisum
Helotium kurandae
Helotium lutisedum
Helotium macrosporum
Helotium metrosideri
Helotium microsporium
Helotium molle
Helotium nigripes
Helotium nubilipes
Helotium pallescens
Helotium phormium
Helotium politum
Helotium prasinum
Helotium pulchellum
Helotium rubescens
Helotium rubicola
Helotium schimperi
Helotium scutula
Helotium striatum
Helotium subciborium
Helotium subcorticale
Helotium subsordidum
Helotium tasmanicum
Helotium tenuiculum
Helotium terrigenum
Helotium tetra-ascosporum
Helotium tuba
700 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.