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Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Broadleaved trees

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Fagus
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Fraxinus
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Betula

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Buddleja

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Malus

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Platanus

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Populus

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Prunus

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Salix

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Sorbus aucuparia

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Sophora japonica

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Gleditsia triacanthos

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Tilia

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Pinopsida
Other: unusual host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Abies
Other: unusual host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Picea
Other: unusual host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Pinus
Other: unusual host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Pholiota squarrosa is saprobic on relatively freshly cut, white rotted stump of Liquidamber styraciflua


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Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Hypodendrum floccosum (Schaeff.) Overholts
Agaricus floccosus Schaeff. Fung. Bavar. 4: Ind. 27. 1774. Agaricus squarrosus Pers. Syn. Fung. 268. 1801. Pholiota squarrosa Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 93. 1872.
Pileus 3-10 cm. broad, campanulate to convex or plane, yellowish or yellowish-brown, antimony-yellow to tawny in dried specimens, covered with recurved, tawny or yellowish scales, dry; context yellowish, with a mild taste; lamellae sinuate-adnate and often somewhat decurrent, medium-close, 3-6 mm. broad, pallid then ferruginous, in dried plants varying from honey-yellow to tawny-olive or tawny; veil forming a thick, persistent, noccose annulus often striate on the upper surface; stipe central, equal, pallid, yellow or brown, with recurved scales up to the annulus, solid, 5-12 cm. long, 5-12 mm. thick; spores oblong or ellipsoid, smooth, 6-8 X 3.5-4.5 fx; cystidia present, variable, of two general types: (a) hyaline, abundant, pointed at the apex, projecting, and (b) brown, blunt or truncate at the apex, mostly projecting, both types 25-35 X 7-14 m-
Type locality: Europe.
Habitat: On dead trunks or stumps of various trees, both deciduous and evergreen.
Distribution: Maine to District of Columbia, and westward to Michigan and Colorado; also in Europe.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill, Lee Oras Overholts, Calvin Henry Kauffman. 1932. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars), HYPODENDRUM, CORTINARIUS. North American flora. vol 10(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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Šupinovka kostrbatá ( Czech )

provided by wikipedia CZ

Šupinovka kostrbatá (Pholiota squarrosa) je jedlá dřevokazná houba z čeledi límcovkovitých.

Je významným škůdcem rostoucích dřevin, které napadne. Způsobuje křehnutí dřevní hmoty a následné rozlomení kmene. Parazituje především na listnatých dřevinách.[2] Může ovšem růst i na jehličnanech a odumřelém dřevě.[3]



Klobouk dosahuje 50 – 180 milimetrů, zprvu polokulovitý, později rozložený s vzhůru zahnutými šupinami. Lupeny mají žlutou a později až okrovou barvu.

Třeň je 50 – 180 milimetrů dlouhý a 10 – 15 milimetrů široký s mizivým prstencem.[3]


Výtrusy dosahují 6 – 8 × 3,5 – 4 μm, tvar je elipsoidní.[3]


Roste v trsech na pařezech a na bázi kmenů. Roste v trsech a v podobném prostředí jako také jedlá václavka a tak je s ní občas zaměňována.



V kuchyni nalézají uplatnění mladé klobouky především při nakládání do octa, na guláš a do směsí.

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  1. http://www.biolib.cz/cz/taxon/id60620/
  2. http://atlasposkozeni.mendelu.cz/atlas/417-supinovka_kostrbata.html
  3. a b c KOTLABA, František; ANTONÍN, Vladimír. HOUBY česká encyklopedie. Redakce Miloš Kučera. 1. vyd. Praha: Reader´s Digest Výběr, 2003. 448 s. ISBN 80-86196-71-2. S. 241.

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Šupinovka kostrbatá: Brief Summary ( Czech )

provided by wikipedia CZ

Šupinovka kostrbatá (Pholiota squarrosa) je jedlá dřevokazná houba z čeledi límcovkovitých.

Je významným škůdcem rostoucích dřevin, které napadne. Způsobuje křehnutí dřevní hmoty a následné rozlomení kmene. Parazituje především na listnatých dřevinách. Může ovšem růst i na jehličnanech a odumřelém dřevě.

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Sparriger Schüppling ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Der Sparrige Schüppling (Pholiota squarrosa) ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Träuschlingsverwandten (Strophariaceae). Er gilt in der jüngeren Literatur als giftig, ist aber gut gegart essbar.[1]


Makroskopische Merkmale

Der anfangs rundlich-geschlossene und später gewölbt bis ausgebreitete Hut erreicht eine Breite von 40–100(–150) mm. Seine Oberfläche ist trocken, der blassgelbe Grund ist mit rotbraunen, sparrig abstehenden Schuppen dicht besetzt. Der Rand ist lange eingerollt. Die angewachsenen bis kurz herablaufenden und dichtstehenden Lamellen sind anfangs blassgelb und später bei Reife der Sporen braun gefärbt. Das Sporenpulver hat eine rostbraune Färbung. Der blassgelbe und rostbraun geschuppte, oberhalb des faserig-fransigen Rings (Annulus) glatte Stiel ist 5–15 cm lang und 5–15 mm breit. Die Basis ist rotbraun und oft verjüngt. Das blassgelbe Fleisch (Trama) schmeckt und riecht ähnlich wie Rettich.

Mikroskopische Merkmale

Die Sporen sind elliptisch, besitzen einen sehr feinen Keimporus und messen 6,5–8 µm × 4–4,5 µm. Chrysozystiden sind vorhanden und haben einen vollständig gelb gefärbten Inhalt.[2]


Der Sparrige Schüppling gilt als klassischer Doppelgänger einiger Hallimasche (Armillaria sp.) Er unterscheidet sich durch die gröberen, deutlich abstehenden und fest angewachsenen Schuppen und das braune Sporenpulver, während sein Doppelgänger ein weißes Sporenpulver besitzt. Außerdem ist der Stiel beim Hallimasch niemals sparrig geschuppt.

Der Sparrige Schüppling kann zudem mit einer ganzen Reihe anderer Schüpplinge verwechselt werden. Der Goldfell-Schüppling (Pholiota aurivellus) hat eine deutlich schmierige, bei Feuchtigkeit schleimige Hutoberfläche mit am Hut angedrückten Schüppchen. Der Pappel-Schüppling (Hemipholiota populnea) ist wesentlich blasser und mehr beige-grau gefärbt.[3] Er wächst an Pappeln und schmeckt deutlich bitter. Der recht seltene Feuer-Schüppling (Pholiota flammans) hat ebenfalls sparrig abstehende Schuppen, ist aber lebhafter gelb bis orange-gelb gefärbt und wächst meist auf am Boden liegenden toten Nadelholz-Ästen. Der ebenfalls sehr ähnliche Bleiche Schüppling (Pholiota squarrosoides) hat zwischen den trockenen Schuppen eine schmierig klebrige Huthaut und einen obstartigen Geruch. Mikroskopisch lässt er sich sicher durch die wesentlich kleineren Sporen unterscheiden.

Ökologie und Phänologie

Der Sparrige Schüppling wächst in großen Büscheln aus totem oder lebendem Laubholz (häufiger Apfelbäume, am Stammfuß), selten auch an Nadelholz (oft Fichte). Die Art ist in Mitteleuropa sehr häufig und besonders an Straßen-, Park- und Obstbäumen zu finden. Sparrige Schüpplinge verursachen eine Weißfäule, der Abbau von lebendem Holz erfolgt eher langsam.

Die Fruchtkörper erscheinen meistens erst im Herbst und Spätherbst.




  1. Michael W. Beug: POISONOUS AND HALLUCINOGENIC MUSHROOMS. In: http://academic.evergreen.edu. Abgerufen am 28. Oktober 2013.
  2. Ewald Gerhardt: BLV-Handbuch Pilze. 3. Auflage. BLV, München 2002, ISBN 3-405-14737-9, S. 251 (einbändige Neuausgabe der BLV Intensivführer Pilze 1 und 2).
  3. Ewald Gerhardt: Pilze. Band 1: Lamellenpilze, Täublinge, Milchlinge und andere Gruppen mit Lamellen (= Spektrum der Natur / BLV Intensivführer). BLV, München/ Wien/ Zürich 1984, ISBN 3-405-12927-3, S. 227.


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Sparriger Schüppling: Brief Summary ( German )

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Der Sparrige Schüppling (Pholiota squarrosa) ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Träuschlingsverwandten (Strophariaceae). Er gilt in der jüngeren Literatur als giftig, ist aber gut gegart essbar.

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Pholiota squarrosa

provided by wikipedia EN

Pholiota squarrosa, commonly known as the shaggy scalycap, the shaggy Pholiota, or the scaly Pholiota, is a species of mushroom in the family Strophariaceae. Common in North America and Europe, it is often an opportunistic parasite, and has a wide range of hosts among deciduous trees, although it can also infect conifers. It can also live as a saprobe, deriving nutrients from decomposing wood. The mushroom is typically found growing in clusters at the base of trees and stumps. Both the cap and the stem are covered in small, pointed scales that are pointed downward and backward. The crowded gills are yellowish, then later rust-brown. The mushroom has an odor that, depending on the author, has been described as resembling garlic, lemon, radish, onion, or skunk. It has a strong taste, resembling radishes. Though edible to some, it may be toxic, especially if consumed in combination with alcohol. The mushroom contains unique chemicals thought to help it infect plants by neutralizing defensive responses employed by them. The very similar P. squarrosoides differs in having a paler cap that is sticky between the scales, and smaller spores.


The species was first described scientifically as Agaricus squarrosus in 1790 by Georg Christian Oeder, and later sanctioned under this name by Elias Magnus Fries in his 1821 Systema Mycologicum.[2] It was transferred to the genus Pholiota by the German Paul Kummer.[3] It is the type species of the genus Pholiota.[4]

The specific epithet squarrosa is derived from Latin, and means "scurfy".[5] The mushroom is commonly known as the "scaly Pholiota",[6] the "shaggy scalycap",[7] or the "shaggy Pholiota".[8]


View of gills and stems

Like other Pholiota mushrooms, P. squarrosa has a scaly cap and stem. The cap ranges from 3 to 12 cm (1.2 to 4.7 in) in diameter, and depending on its age, can range in shape from bell-shaped to rounded to somewhat flattened. The cap color is yellowish-brown to tawny in older specimens. The scales on the cap are yellowish to tawny, and recurved.[9][10]

The stem is 4 to 12 cm (1.6 to 4.7 in) long by 0.5 to 1.5 cm (0.20 to 0.59 in) thick, and roughly equal in width throughout. The partial veil that covers the young gills forms a thick, woolly ring on the upper part of the stem. Above the level of the ring, the stem is bare, while below it is scaly like the cap. The gills are covered by a partial veil when young and have a greenish-brown color; mature gills are rusty brown. They are crowded closely together, attached to the stem (adnate), and usually notched (sinuate).[9][10]

The spore print is cinnamon or rusty brown. The spores are elliptic, smooth-walled, nonamyloid (not absorbing iodine when stained with Melzer's reagent), and measure 6.6–8 by 3.7–4.4 μm. The basidia (spore-bearing cells) are club-shaped, and four-spored, with dimensions of 16–25 by 5–7 μm.[6]

Fruit bodies have an odour described variously as resembling garlic,[6] radish, lemon, onion, or skunk,[5] and taste like radish.[11]


Although some sources report P. squarrosa as edible,[12] the mushroom has caused several cases of poisoning. The afflicted individuals had consumed alcohol with the mushroom, then experienced vomiting and diarrhoea about ten hours later.[13] The toxic effect may be due to the combination of eating the mushrooms and taking alcohol, although the extended time delay between consumption and symptoms suggests the mechanism of toxicity is different than the antabuse-effect experienced from Coprinopsis atramentaria with alcohol.[6]

Similar species

Leucopholiota decorosa is a lookalike.

Pholiota squarrosa is similar in appearance to species in the genus Armillaria, but the latter produces white spore prints.[14] Another similar mushroom is Pholiota squarrosoides, which can be distinguished microscopically by its smaller spores, and macroscopically by the stickiness of the cap between the scales.[10] P. squarrosoides also lacks the odor of P. squarrosa, and has flesh that is white, not yellow.[15] Leucopholiota decorosa can also be misidentified with P. squarrosa; it has white, adnexed gills with finely scalloped edges, but it can be distinguished most reliably by its white, nonamyloid spores.[16]

Other similar species include Pholiota aurivella, P. populnea, and P. terrestris.[12]

Ecology, habitat and distribution

Pholiota squarrosa is thought to be a white rot fungus, which use cellulose as a carbon source, and have the ability to degrade the lignin (present in wood) to carbon dioxide to access the cellulose molecule. The fungus can attack a wide variety of deciduous host trees, including sugar maple, red maple, yellow birch, paper birch, American beech, and white ash. It can also attack conifers, like spruce. The fungus is a secondary parasite, in that it attacks trees that have already been weakened from prior injury or infection by bacteria or other fungi.[17] It also functions as a saprobe, and can obtain nutrients by breaking down organic matter in dead wood.[18]

P. squarrosa is found in North America and Europe.[14] The North American distribution extends north to Canada,[5] and south to Mexico, where its appearance is restricted to coniferous forests.[19] In the Netherlands, P. squarrosa is one of many mushrooms that can regularly be found fruiting on ancient timber wharves.[20]

The fruit bodies are used as a primary food source by the red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris, and have a higher protein content than the other mushrooms typically consumed by this species.[21] Decaying fruit bodies are also used as a food source by fruit flies of the genus Drosophila.[22]


The fruit bodies contain unique chemical compounds that are derived from phenylpropanoids. The compounds, named squarrosidine and pinillidine, inhibit the enzyme xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase catalyzes the crystallization of uric acid in the joints, a main cause of gouty arthritis, and inhibitors of this enzyme are being used clinically to reduce this side effect. The natural function of these compounds may be to quench reactive oxygen species produced by plants as a defensive response to fungal infection.[23]

See also


  1. ^ "Pholiota squarrosa (Oeder) P. Kumm. 1871". MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  2. ^ Fries EM. (1821). System Mycologicum. Vol. 1. Lund: Ex Officina Berlingiana. p. 243. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  3. ^ Kummer P. (1871). Der Führer in die Pilzkunde (in German) (1 ed.). p. 84.
  4. ^ "Pholiota (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871". MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  5. ^ a b c Schalkwijk-Barendsen HME. (1991). Mushrooms of Western Canada. Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing. p. 321. ISBN 0-919433-47-2.
  6. ^ a b c d Ammirati J, Traquair JA, Horgen PA (1985). Poisonous Mushrooms of the northern United States and Canada. Fitzhenry & Whiteside in cooperation with Agriculture Canada. pp. 301–303. ISBN 978-0-88902-977-4. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  7. ^ Phillips R. "Pholiota squarrosa". Rogers Mushroom. Archived from the original on 2012-08-11. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  8. ^ Mishra SR. (2005). Morphology of Fungi. Discovery Publishing House. p. 120. ISBN 9788171419807. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  9. ^ a b Overholts LO (1927). "A monograph of the genus Pholiota in the United States". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 14 (2): 87–211. doi:10.2307/2394091. JSTOR 2394091.
  10. ^ a b c Healy RA, Huffman DR, Tiffany LH, Knaphaus G (2008). Mushrooms and Other Fungi of the Midcontinental United States (Bur Oak Guide). Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press. p. 121. ISBN 978-1-58729-627-7. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  11. ^ Jordan M. (2004). The Encyclopedia of Fungi of Britain and Europe. London: Frances Lincoln. p. 262. ISBN 0-7112-2378-5. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  12. ^ a b Davis, R. Michael; Sommer, Robert; Menge, John A. (2012). Field Guide to Mushrooms of Western North America. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 237–238. ISBN 978-0-520-95360-4. OCLC 797915861.
  13. ^ Shaffer RL. (1965). "Poisoning by Pholiota squarrosa". Mycologia. 57 (2): 318–19. JSTOR 3756835. PMID 14261932.
  14. ^ a b Schwarze FWMR; Engels J; Mattheck C. (2000). Fungal Strategies of Wood Decay in Trees. Springer. p. 138. ISBN 978-3-540-67205-0. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  15. ^ Murrill WA (1919). "Illustrations of fungi: XXXI". Mycologia. 11 (6): 289–92. doi:10.2307/3753462. JSTOR 3753462.
  16. ^ Miller OK, Volk TJ, Bessette AE (1996). "A new genus, Leucopholiota, in the Tricholomataceae (Agaricales) to accommodate an unusual taxon" (PDF). Mycologia. 88 (1): 137–39. doi:10.2307/3760794. JSTOR 3760794.
  17. ^ Shigo AL. (1970). "Growth of Polyporus glomeratus, Poria obliqua, Fomes igniarius, and Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa in media amended with manganese, calcium, zinc, and iron". Mycologia. 62 (3): 604–07. doi:10.2307/3757536. JSTOR 3757536.
  18. ^ Kuo M. (2007). "Pholiota squarrosa". MushroomExpert.com. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
  19. ^ Guzmán G. (1973). "Some distributional relationships between Mexican and United States mycofloras". Mycologia. 65 (6): 1319–30. doi:10.2307/3758146. JSTOR 3758146. PMID 4773309.
  20. ^ De Held-Jager CM. (1979). "The mushrooms of timber wharves in the vicinity of Gouda Netherlands". Coolia. 22 (2): 52–56. ISSN 0929-7839.
  21. ^ Grönwall O, Pehrson Å (1984). "Nutrient content in fungi as a primary food of the red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris L.". Oecologia (Berlin). 64 (2): 230–31. Bibcode:1984Oecol..64..230G. doi:10.1007/BF00376875. JSTOR 4217450. PMID 28312343. S2CID 28125328.
  22. ^ Kimura MT (1980). "Evolution of food preferences in fungus-feeding Drosophila: an ecological study". Evolution. 34 (5): 1009–18. doi:10.2307/2408009. JSTOR 2408009. PMID 28581130.
  23. ^ Wangun HV, Hertweck C (2007). "Squarrosidine and pinillidine: 3,3′-fused bis(styrylpyrones) from Pholiota squarrosa and Phellinus pini". European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2007 (20): 3292–95. doi:10.1002/ejoc.200700090.
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Pholiota squarrosa: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Pholiota squarrosa, commonly known as the shaggy scalycap, the shaggy Pholiota, or the scaly Pholiota, is a species of mushroom in the family Strophariaceae. Common in North America and Europe, it is often an opportunistic parasite, and has a wide range of hosts among deciduous trees, although it can also infect conifers. It can also live as a saprobe, deriving nutrients from decomposing wood. The mushroom is typically found growing in clusters at the base of trees and stumps. Both the cap and the stem are covered in small, pointed scales that are pointed downward and backward. The crowded gills are yellowish, then later rust-brown. The mushroom has an odor that, depending on the author, has been described as resembling garlic, lemon, radish, onion, or skunk. It has a strong taste, resembling radishes. Though edible to some, it may be toxic, especially if consumed in combination with alcohol. The mushroom contains unique chemicals thought to help it infect plants by neutralizing defensive responses employed by them. The very similar P. squarrosoides differs in having a paler cap that is sticky between the scales, and smaller spores.

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Pholiota squarrosa ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Pholiota squarrosa es una especie de hongo basidiomicetos de la familia Strophariaceae.


Este hongo es característico de América del Norte y Europa, crecen solos o agrupados en las zonas húmedas y en lugares sombríos de los bosques de abedules y coníferas.

La forma del sombrero (píleo) es cónica a convexa, casi aplanada cuando están maduros, escamoso, el sombrero llega a medir hasta 12 centímetros de diámetro y el color es marrón claro, con gran cantidad de escamas amarillas a rojizas. Las esporas son marrones.

El estípite mide hasta 12 centímetros de alto y su grosor alcanza los 15 milímetro, su color es igual al del sombrero y mantiene las escamas de igual manera.


Pholiota squarrosa: no es comestible, ha habido casos de envenenamiento.


  • R Healy, RD Huffman, LH Tiffany, Knaphaus G. (2008). setas y otros hongos de los Estados Unidos Midcontinental (Roble Guía de fresa) . Iowa City, IA: Universidad de Illinois. p. 121. ISBN 1-58729-627-6.
  • M. Jordan (2004). La enciclopedia de Hongos de Gran Bretaña y Europa. Londres: Frances Lincoln. p. 262. ISBN 0-7112-2378-5 .

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Pholiota squarrosa: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Pholiota squarrosa es una especie de hongo basidiomicetos de la familia Strophariaceae.

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Pörhösuomuhelokka ( Finnish )

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Pörhösuomuhelokka (Pholiota squarrosa) on kellertävä, pörhösuomuinen kantosienilaji. Se on väriltään kellertävä, ja muistuttaa kannoilla myös kasvavaa mesisientä. Pörhösuomuhelokan itiöt ovat ruskeita ja pinta selvemmin suomuinen kuin mesisienen.[2] Pörhösuomuhelokka on varsinkin vanhana [3] maultaan pahanmakuinen, syötäväksi kelpaamaton laji. Sitä on joskus epäilty lievästi myrkylliseksi. Lähilajit tulihelokka (P. flammans) ja mesihelokka (P. limonella) ovat voimakkaan keltaisia. Aarnihelokkaa (P. squarrosoides) on vaikea erottaa lajista ilman mikroskooppia.[4]

Pörhösuomuhelokkaa on käytetty tekstiilien värjäyksessä vihreän värin saamiseen.[5]


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Pörhösuomuhelokka: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Pörhösuomuhelokka (Pholiota squarrosa) on kellertävä, pörhösuomuinen kantosienilaji. Se on väriltään kellertävä, ja muistuttaa kannoilla myös kasvavaa mesisientä. Pörhösuomuhelokan itiöt ovat ruskeita ja pinta selvemmin suomuinen kuin mesisienen. Pörhösuomuhelokka on varsinkin vanhana maultaan pahanmakuinen, syötäväksi kelpaamaton laji. Sitä on joskus epäilty lievästi myrkylliseksi. Lähilajit tulihelokka (P. flammans) ja mesihelokka (P. limonella) ovat voimakkaan keltaisia. Aarnihelokkaa (P. squarrosoides) on vaikea erottaa lajista ilman mikroskooppia.

Pörhösuomuhelokkaa on käytetty tekstiilien värjäyksessä vihreän värin saamiseen.

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Pholiote écailleuse ( French )

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Pholiota squarrosa

Pholiota squarrosa, de son nom vernaculaire la Pholiote écailleuse, est un champignon basidiomycète de la famille des Strophariaceae. Elle possède un chapeau hémisphérique, ensuite étalé (4 à 12 cm de diamètre), sec et charnu de couleur jaune clair à ocre clair avec des reflets verdâtres, une marge enroulée, est parsemé d’écailles rousses. Les lames adnées à légèrement décurrentes, étroites et serrées sont de couleur jaunâtre avec des reflets verts puis brunissent en vieillissant. Le pied élancé, coriace et fibreux, de 8 à 15 cm de haut, a un diamètre de 1 à 1,5 cm, est jaunâtre et plus tard passe aussi à des tons rouille. Il est muni d’un anneau dans sa partie supérieure qui est lisse et couvert d’écailles sous celui-ci. Sa chair jaunâtre un peu fauve dans le pied, exhale une odeur peu agréable de bois pourri et a une saveur amère qui rappelle la rave. Elle pousse de la fin de l'été à la fin de l’automne au pied des feuillus et même de certains conifères.


Il s’agit d’un champignon non comestible pouvant provoquer des troubles digestifs sérieux.

Confusions possibles

On peut confondre la pholiote écailleuse avec la pholiote dorée (Pholiota aurea).


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Pholiote écailleuse: Brief Summary ( French )

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Pholiota squarrosa

Pholiota squarrosa, de son nom vernaculaire la Pholiote écailleuse, est un champignon basidiomycète de la famille des Strophariaceae. Elle possède un chapeau hémisphérique, ensuite étalé (4 à 12 cm de diamètre), sec et charnu de couleur jaune clair à ocre clair avec des reflets verdâtres, une marge enroulée, est parsemé d’écailles rousses. Les lames adnées à légèrement décurrentes, étroites et serrées sont de couleur jaunâtre avec des reflets verts puis brunissent en vieillissant. Le pied élancé, coriace et fibreux, de 8 à 15 cm de haut, a un diamètre de 1 à 1,5 cm, est jaunâtre et plus tard passe aussi à des tons rouille. Il est muni d’un anneau dans sa partie supérieure qui est lisse et couvert d’écailles sous celui-ci. Sa chair jaunâtre un peu fauve dans le pied, exhale une odeur peu agréable de bois pourri et a une saveur amère qui rappelle la rave. Elle pousse de la fin de l'été à la fin de l’automne au pied des feuillus et même de certains conifères.

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Žvynuotoji skujagalvė ( Lithuanian )

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Binomas Pholiota squarrosa

Žvynuotoji skujagalvė (lot. Pholiota squarrosa) – skujagalvių (Pholiota) genties grybų rūšis.

Vaisiakūniai dideli, šerpetoti, žvynuoti. Kepurėlė 5-15 cm skersmens, jauna ovališkai kūgiška, senesnių grybų iškili, paplokščia, gelsvai rusva, ochrinė, rusva, rusvai geltona, apšepusi smailiais žvyneliais. Lakšteliai pilkai rusvi, rudi, tankūs, priaugtiniai. Kotas 7-12 (15) cm ilgio, 0,5-2 (3) cm storio, į pagrindą smailėjantis, su rudu plaušuotu šydu, plaušuotas, žvynuotas. Trama balsva, žalsvai gelsva, tampri, nemalonaus kvapo ir skonio.

Auga rugpjūčiospalio mėn. ant gyvų ir negyvų medžių kamienų, pagrindo, ant kelmų, stuobrių, dideliais kupstais. Grybas valgomas, bet menkavertis.


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Žvynuotoji skujagalvė: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

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Žvynuotoji skujagalvė (lot. Pholiota squarrosa) – skujagalvių (Pholiota) genties grybų rūšis.

Vaisiakūniai dideli, šerpetoti, žvynuoti. Kepurėlė 5-15 cm skersmens, jauna ovališkai kūgiška, senesnių grybų iškili, paplokščia, gelsvai rusva, ochrinė, rusva, rusvai geltona, apšepusi smailiais žvyneliais. Lakšteliai pilkai rusvi, rudi, tankūs, priaugtiniai. Kotas 7-12 (15) cm ilgio, 0,5-2 (3) cm storio, į pagrindą smailėjantis, su rudu plaušuotu šydu, plaušuotas, žvynuotas. Trama balsva, žalsvai gelsva, tampri, nemalonaus kvapo ir skonio.

Auga rugpjūčiospalio mėn. ant gyvų ir negyvų medžių kamienų, pagrindo, ant kelmų, stuobrių, dideliais kupstais. Grybas valgomas, bet menkavertis.


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Schubbige bundelzwam ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De schubbige bundelzwam (Pholiota squarrosa) is een paddenstoel uit de familie Strophariaceae. De paddenstoel vestigt zich op levend hout en is een parasiet.

De 4-10 cm brede hoed is in de jeugd bol, maar is later uitgespreid. De hoed en de steel zijn lichtgeel tot roestbruin en bezet met bruine schubben. De gelige tot roestbruine lamellen staan dicht opeen. De steel is overal even dik. Het gelige vlees heeft een opvallende geur van radijs.


Meestal wordt de schubbige bundelzwam aangetroffen van september tot november. Hij groeit in bundels op de wortels en aan de voet van loofbomen, minder vaak op naaldbomen. De zwam brengt veel schade toe aan fruitbomen. In Nederland is het een algemeen voorkomende soort in bossen, parken en plantsoenen.


De schubbige bundelzwam bevat een op het maag-darmstelsel werkend vergif: sesquiterpeen. Na koken zijn de hoeden wel eetbaar.

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Schubbige bundelzwam: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De schubbige bundelzwam (Pholiota squarrosa) is een paddenstoel uit de familie Strophariaceae. De paddenstoel vestigt zich op levend hout en is een parasiet.

De 4-10 cm brede hoed is in de jeugd bol, maar is later uitgespreid. De hoed en de steel zijn lichtgeel tot roestbruin en bezet met bruine schubben. De gelige tot roestbruine lamellen staan dicht opeen. De steel is overal even dik. Het gelige vlees heeft een opvallende geur van radijs.

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Pholiota squarrosa ( Pms )

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Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Capel fin-a a 15 cm, scajos, da baross a òcra, dzora a un fond giàun. Lamele sarà e strèite, giaunastre e peui brun-e. Gamba àuta fin-a a 15 cm e larga fin-a a 2 cm, silìndrica e atenuà an bass. Anel (armila) scajos, dël midem color dël capel, giaunastr dëdzora. Carn giaunastra.


A chërs a bocc dzora al pé ëd piante vive ò mòrte.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
As peul nen mangesse.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

Pholiota squarrosa (Weigel : Fr.) Kummer

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Pholiota squarrosa: Brief Summary ( Pms )

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Capel fin-a a 15 cm, scajos, da baross a òcra, dzora a un fond giàun. Lamele sarà e strèite, giaunastre e peui brun-e. Gamba àuta fin-a a 15 cm e larga fin-a a 2 cm, silìndrica e atenuà an bass. Anel (armila) scajos, dël midem color dël capel, giaunastr dëdzora. Carn giaunastra.


A chërs a bocc dzora al pé ëd piante vive ò mòrte.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
As peul nen mangesse.

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Łuskwiak nastroszony ( Polish )

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Pholiota squarrosa G3 (1).JPG
Sparrige Schüppling (Pholiota squarrosa).jpg

Łuskwiak nastroszony (Pholiota squarrosa (Vahl) P. Kumm.) – gatunek grzybów należący do rodziny pierścieniakowatych[1]. Sparrige Schüppling (Pholiota squarrosa).jpg

Systematyka i nazewnictwo

Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Strophariaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi[1].

Po raz pierwszy takson ten zdiagnozował w 1770 r. Martin Vahl nadając mu nazwę Agaricus squarrosus. Obecną, uznaną przez Index Fungorum nazwę nadał mu w 1871 r. P. Kumm., przenosząc go do rodzaju Oholiota[1]. Ma około 30 synonimów łacińskich. Niektóre z nich[2]:

  • Agaricus floccosus Schaeff.
  • Agaricus squarrosus Bull.
  • Agaricus squarrosus Vahl
  • Agaricus verruculosus Lasch
  • Dryophila squarrosa (Vahl) Quél.
  • Fungus squarrosus (Vahl) Kuntze, Revis.
  • Hypodendrum floccosum (Schaeff.) Overh.
  • Lepiota squarrosa (Vahl) Gray
  • Lepiota squarrosa (Vahl) Gray
  • Pholiota squarrosa var. verruculosa (Lasch) Sacc.
  • Stropharia squarrosa (Vahl) Morgan

Polską nazwę nadał Franciszek Błoński w 1890, w literaturze mykologicznej gatunek ten znany jest też pod nazwą łuszczak nastroszony[3].



Średnica 2-15 cm. U młodych osobników jest jajowaty i zamknięty, później półkulisty, a w końcu płaski. Ma kolor ochrowy, ochrowobrązowy do brązowego, na środku jest ciemniejszy. Powierzchnia gęsto pokryta odstającymi łuseczkami. Brzeg długo podwinięty[4].

Blaszki grzyba

W młodości żółtawe, potem rdzawobrunatne. Są gęste, nieco zbiegające i przyrośnięte do trzonu[4].


Wysokość 4-8 cm, grubość do 12 mm. Jest włóknisty i ma tę samą barwę co kapelusz. Ma pierścień. Pod pierścieniem pokryty jest łuskami, podobnie, jak kapelusz[4].


Żółtawy, nie zmieniający koloru po uszkodzeniu. Ma łagodny smak nieco przypominający smak rzodkwi[4].

Wysyp zarodników

Brązowy. Zarodniki o rozmiarach 6-8 × 3,5-4 μm. Gładkie, elipsoidalne[5].


Występuje w Ameryce Północnej i Środkowej, w Europie i Azji[6]. W Polsce jest pospolity[7].

Rośnie na powalonym drewnie, lub u podstawy pni żywych drzew, zarówno liściastych, jak i iglastych, jednak na iglastych dużo rzadziej. Występuje kępami, od lata do jesieni[8]. Związany jest z drzewami: brzoza brodawkowata, grab, buk, jesion wyniosły, topola biała, dąb węgierski, Quercus sp., robinia, wierzba, perełkowiec japoński, jarząb pospolity, lipa drobnolistna, Tila sp., rzadko jodła pospolita. Owocniki wytwarza od czerwca do listopada[3].


Saprotrof i pasożyt atakujący drzewa uszkodzone lub osłabione. Na opanowanych przez niego drzewach dość szybko pojawia się biała zgnilizna drewna, która w ciągu kilku lat niszczy drzewo. Grzyb niejadalny. Przez dłuższy czas toczyły się dyskusje o jego walorach kulinarnych, jednak ostatnio udowodniono, że nie nadaje się do spożycia[8].

Gatunki podobne

Najbardziej podobny jest łuskwiak rdzawołuskowy (Pholiota squarrosoides). Ma blady brzeg kapelusza i rośnie tylko na martwym drzewie buka[4]. Nieco podobny jest łysak wspaniały (Gymnopilus junionus). Ma bardzo gorzki miąższ, a jego kapelusz i trzon nie posiadają łusek. Mniej wprawni grzybiarze mogą pomylić z opieńką miodową (Armillaria mellea). Ma ona tylko drobne łuseczki, które ścierają się łatwo palcem, ponadto jej owocniki są mnie masywne


  1. a b c Index Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2015-11-15].
  2. Species Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2015-11-15].
  3. a b Władysław Wojewoda: Checklist of Polisch Larger Basidiomycetes. Krytyczna lista wielkoowocnikowych grzybów podstawkowych Polski. Kraków: W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Scienceas, 2003. ISBN 83-89648-09-1.
  4. a b c d e Pavol Škubla: Wielki atlas grzybów. Poznań: Elipsa, 2007. ISBN 978-83-245-9550-1.
  5. Barbara Gumińska, Władysław Wojewoda: Grzyby i ich oznaczanie. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1985. ISBN 83-09-00714-0.
  6. Discover Life Maps. [dostęp 2015-06-22].
  7. Marek Snowarski: Grzyby. Warszawa: Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2010. ISBN 978-83-7073-776-4.
  8. a b Till R. Lohmeyer, Ute Kũnkele: Grzyby. Rozpoznawanie i zbieranie. Warszawa: 2006. ISBN 978-1-40547-937-0.
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Łuskwiak nastroszony: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Pholiota squarrosa G3 (1).JPG Sparrige Schüppling (Pholiota squarrosa).jpg

Łuskwiak nastroszony (Pholiota squarrosa (Vahl) P. Kumm.) – gatunek grzybów należący do rodziny pierścieniakowatych. Sparrige Schüppling (Pholiota squarrosa).jpg

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Bureți solzoși ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

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Pholiota squarrosa (Martin Vahl, 1770 ex Paul Kummer, 1871),[1] din încrengătura Basidiomycota în familia Strophariaceae și de genul Pholiota este o ciupercă de comestibilitate restrânsă. Ea este denumită în popor bureți solzoși,[2][3] fiind în primul rând un soi saprofit, mai rar parazit care provoacă în al doilea caz un putregai alb al lemnului neînsemnător. El se dezvoltă în România, Basarabia și Bucovina de Nord în număr mare, mereu în tufe cu multe exemplare, pe trunchiuri aflați în putrefacție ori copaci vii, prin păduri de foioase, foarte rar în cele de conifere, dar de asemenea înă parcuri și livezi. Ca parazit crește preferat la baza de meri și poate fi găsit, de la câmpie la munte, din (august) septembrie până în decembrie.[4][5]


Bres.: Ph. squarrosa
  • Pălăria: Ea are un diametru de 4-12 (15) cm, este cărnoasă, la început emisferică, apoi convexă, pentru mult timp cu marginea răsucită în jos, aplatizând odată cu vârsta, atunci adesea cu un gurgui central tocit sau ascuțit. Cuticula este netedă și mată pe vreme uscată, dar ceva unsuroasă pe timp umed, fiind de culoare foarte variată care tinde de la gri-albicios, peste gălbui, până la ocru-roșcat. În urma vălului parțial, suprafața ei este acoperită permanent de scame brun-roșiatice, turtite, zdrențuite care nu se desprind la atingere.
  • Lamelele: Ele sunt relativ subțiri, inegale, stau destul de dese fiind aderate, câteodată ușor decurente la picior. Coloritul este inițial albicios până galben deschis, apoi galben-maroniu până brun-măsliniu.
  • Sporii: Ei sunt galben-maronii, elipsoidal-cilindrici, netezi, hialini (translucizi), cu o mărime de 6-8 × 4-5,5 microni. Pulberea lor este brun-roșiatică.
  • Piciorul: El este relativ lung cu o înălțime de 5-12 (15) cm și o grosime de 0,8-1,5 cm, albicios-gălbui, cilindric precum subțiat spre bază, fiind împăiat, tare, fibros, cu scuame de culoare mai închisă care urcă spiralat, dar neted spre pălărie. Tulpina are un inel păros, fibros și franjurat la margine, în culoare asemănător cu scvamele.
  • Carnea: Ea este consistentă, palid-galbenă, spre baza piciorului de culoare mai închisă care nu se colorează după tăiere. Mirosul este puternic, variază cumva, cu tonuri de usturoi, ridiche, lămâie, ceapă sau chiar Cannabis,[6] gustul fiind mai mult sau mai puțin de ridichi.[4][5]
  • Reacții chimice: Buretele se colorează cu cu Hidroxid de potasiu maroniu și cu sulfat de fier imediat verde închis.[7]


Pholiota squarrosa poate fi confundată foarte ușor, în special cu gemenul ei Armillaria mellea (comestibil, dar nu bine fiert toxic)[8] sau cu Armillaria tabescens (comestibil),[9] mai departe cu unele surate de genul Pholiota, cum sunt Pholiota adiposa (comestibil),[10] Pholiota aurivella, sin. Pholiota cerifera (comestibil),[11] Pholiota flammans (necomestibil, suspect),[12] Pholiota jahnii (necomestibil),[13] Pholiota populnea sin. Pholiota destruens (necomestibil, amar)[14] sau Pholiota squarrosoides (necomestibil).[15]

Periculoasă ar fi confuzia posibilă cu otrăvitoarea Hypholoma lateritium sin. Hypholoma sublateritium.[16]

Specii asemănătoare


Această ciupercă a fost și este consumată des și declarată comestibilă de mai mulți micologi. Se pare că de asemenea în România este calificată de unii cu predicatul comestibil și foarte gustos[17] până de valoare mediocră,[18] de alții necomestibilă,[19] dar în nici un caz otrăvitoare.[2] Miceliul este de asemenea vändut pentru cultivare.[20]

Declarații, că specia ar fi toxică nu sunt dovedite. Probabil este confundată cu alte soiuri, ce este destul de ușor. Astfel se poate citi în cartea de descriere pentru ciuperci a lui Till E. Lohmeyer, că ar fi necomestibilă, fiind amară, ce nu este adevărat. Probabil a confundat-o cu Pholiota populnea sin. Pholiota destruens.[21]

Analiza lui Robert L. Shaffer din 1965 spune, că ar putea să provoacă probleme gastrointestinale induse prin consumul împreună cu alcool, efectul începând însă mai târziu (de abia după 10 ore) ca de exemplu la Coprinus atramentosus.[22]

Deși bureților solzoși sunt, în primul rând murați, destul de gustoși, se impune o anumită prudență privind consumului lor, în special pentru persoane sensibile care încă nu i-au probat. Dați în orișice caz atenție, să nu ingerați cantități prea mari ale ciupercii.


  1. ^ Index Fungorum
  2. ^ a b Denumire RO
  3. ^ Denumire RO
  4. ^ a b Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 2, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 104-105, ISBN 3-405-12081-0
  5. ^ a b Marcel Bon: „Pareys Buch der Pilze”, Editura Kosmos, Halberstadt 2012, p. 256-257, ISBN 978-3-440-13447-4
  6. ^ Helene Schalkwijk-Barendsen: „Mushrooms of Western Canada”, Editura Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton 1991, p. 321
  7. ^ Rose Marie și Sabine Maria Dähncke: „700 Pilze in Farbfotos”, Editura AT Verlag, Aarau - Stuttgart 1979 și 1980, p. 358, ISBN 3-85502-0450
  8. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, ed. a 5-a, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1979, p. 158-159, ISBN 3-405-12116-7
  9. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, ed. a 5-a, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1979, p. 334-335, ISBN 3-405-12116-7
  10. ^ Bruno Cetto: „I funghi dal vero”, vol. 4, Editura Arte Grafiche Saturnia, Trento 1983, p. 96-97, ISBN 88-85013-25-2
  11. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 3, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 114-115, ISBN 3-405-12124-8
  12. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 2, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 28-99, ISBN 3-405-12081-0
  13. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 2, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 106-107, ISBN 3-405-12081-0
  14. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, ed. a 5-a, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1979, p. 196-197, ISBN 3-405-12116-7
  15. ^ Bruno Cetto: “I funghi dal vero”, vol. 6, Editura Arte Grafiche Saturnia, Trento 1989, p. 138-139, ISBN 88-85013-46-5
  16. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1976, p. 180-181, ISBN 3-405-11774-7
  17. ^ Mic atlas micologic
  18. ^ Ciuperci - Claudia Irina Deleanu
  19. ^ Adrian Manolache
  20. ^ Sterile Mother Mycelium Spawn PDF
  21. ^ Till E. Lohmeyer & Ute Künkele: „Pilze – bestimmen und sammeln”, Editura Parragon Books Ltd., Bath 2014, p. 155, ISBN 978-1-4454-8404-4
  22. ^ Robert L. Shaffer: „Poisoning by Pholiota squarrosa”, în jurnalul „Mycologia”, vol. 57, nr. 2, New York 1965, p. 318–19


  • Marcel Bon: “Pareys Buch der Pilze”, Editura Kosmos, Halberstadt 2012, ISBN 978-3-440-13447-4
  • Giacomo Bresadola: „Iconographia Mycologica, vol. XIV, Editura Società Botanica Italiana, Milano 1930, tab. 697
  • Rose Marie și Sabine Maria Dähncke: „700 Pilze in Farbfotos”, Editura AT Verlag, Aarau - Stuttgart 1979 și 1980, ISBN 3-85502-0450
  • Jean-Louis Lamaison & Jean-Marie Polese: „Der große Pilzatlas“, Editura Tandem Verlag GmbH, Potsdam 2012, ISBN 978-3-8427-0483-1
  • J. E. și M. Lange: „BLV Bestimmungsbuch - Pilze”, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna Viena 1977, ISBN 3-405-11568-2
  • Meinhard Michael Moser: „Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze - Kleine Kryptogamenflora Mitteleuropas”, ediția a 5-ea, vol. 2, Editura Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart 1983
  • Andreas Neuner: „BLV Naturführer – Pilze”, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München-Bern-Viena 1976, ISBN 3-405-11345-8

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Bureți solzoși: Brief Summary ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

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Pholiota squarrosa (Martin Vahl, 1770 ex Paul Kummer, 1871), din încrengătura Basidiomycota în familia Strophariaceae și de genul Pholiota este o ciupercă de comestibilitate restrânsă. Ea este denumită în popor bureți solzoși, fiind în primul rând un soi saprofit, mai rar parazit care provoacă în al doilea caz un putregai alb al lemnului neînsemnător. El se dezvoltă în România, Basarabia și Bucovina de Nord în număr mare, mereu în tufe cu multe exemplare, pe trunchiuri aflați în putrefacție ori copaci vii, prin păduri de foioase, foarte rar în cele de conifere, dar de asemenea înă parcuri și livezi. Ca parazit crește preferat la baza de meri și poate fi găsit, de la câmpie la munte, din (august) septembrie până în decembrie.

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Pholiota squarrosa ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Pholiota squarrosa là một loài nấm trong họ Strophariaceae. Loài nấm này phổ biến ở Bắc Mỹchâu Âu, và thường là một loài sống ký sinh cơ hội, mọc trên nhiều cây chủ khác nhau trong các cây rụng lá và cũng mọc trên cây thông, cây đã chết, hút chất dinh dưỡng từ gỗ mục. Loài nấm này thường mọc thành chùm ở cây hoặc gốc cây. Mũ nấm gốc nấm được bao phủ trong các vảy nhọn chĩa xuống dưới và ngược. Mang nấm màu hơi vàng, sau đó chuyển sang màu nâu rỉ. Loài nấm có mùi tùy thuộc vào người mô tả, đã được mô tả là giống như tỏi, chanh, củ cải, hành tây, hoặc chồn hôi. Nó có một hương vị mạnh mẽ, giống như củ cải. Từng được cho là loài nấm ăn được, loài này hiện đang được xem và được biết đến là độc, đặc biệt là nếu sử dụng kết hợp với rượu. Loài nấm này có chứa hóa chất độc đáo được người ta cho là để giúp nó lây nhiễm sang cây cối bằng cách trung hòa phản ứng phòng thủ sử dụng bởi chúng.

Phân loài

Loài này được mô tả lần đầu với danh pháp Agaricus squarrosus vào năm 1790 bởi George Christian Edler von Oldenburg Oeder, và sau này được đặt tên không được phê chuẩn theo danh pháp này bởi Elias Magnus Fries trong tác phẩm năm 1821 của ông có tựa Systema Mycologicum. [2] Loài này đã được chuyển sang chi Pholiota bởi Paul Kummer người Đức.[3] Nó là loài điển hình của chi Pholiota.[4]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Pholiota squarrosa (Oeder) P. Kumm. 1871”. MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 10 năm 2010.
  2. ^ Fries EM. (1821). System Mycologicum 1. Lund: Ex Officina Berlingiana. tr. 243. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 10 năm 2010.
  3. ^ Kummer P. (1871). Der Führer in die Pilzkunde (bằng tiếng Đức) (ấn bản 1). tr. 84. Bảo trì CS1: Ngôn ngữ không rõ (link)
  4. ^ Pholiota (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871”. MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 10 năm 2010.
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Pholiota squarrosa: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Pholiota squarrosa là một loài nấm trong họ Strophariaceae. Loài nấm này phổ biến ở Bắc Mỹchâu Âu, và thường là một loài sống ký sinh cơ hội, mọc trên nhiều cây chủ khác nhau trong các cây rụng lá và cũng mọc trên cây thông, cây đã chết, hút chất dinh dưỡng từ gỗ mục. Loài nấm này thường mọc thành chùm ở cây hoặc gốc cây. Mũ nấm gốc nấm được bao phủ trong các vảy nhọn chĩa xuống dưới và ngược. Mang nấm màu hơi vàng, sau đó chuyển sang màu nâu rỉ. Loài nấm có mùi tùy thuộc vào người mô tả, đã được mô tả là giống như tỏi, chanh, củ cải, hành tây, hoặc chồn hôi. Nó có một hương vị mạnh mẽ, giống như củ cải. Từng được cho là loài nấm ăn được, loài này hiện đang được xem và được biết đến là độc, đặc biệt là nếu sử dụng kết hợp với rượu. Loài nấm này có chứa hóa chất độc đáo được người ta cho là để giúp nó lây nhiễm sang cây cối bằng cách trung hòa phản ứng phòng thủ sử dụng bởi chúng.

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Чешуйчатка обыкновенная ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Грибы
Подцарство: Высшие грибы
Подотдел: Agaricomycotina
Порядок: Агариковые
Семейство: Строфариевые
Подрод: Pholiota
Вид: Чешуйчатка обыкновенная
Международное научное название

Pholiota squarrosa (Oeder) P.Kumm., 1871

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
NCBI 75321EOL 188881MB 241744

Чешу́йчатка обыкнове́нная (лат. Pholiota squarrosa) — вид грибов, включённый в род Чешуйчатка (Pholiota) семейства Строфариевые (Strophariaceae). Типовой вид рода.


Шляпка 5—12 см в диаметре, у зрелых грибов достигает иногда 20 см, полушаровидной или конической, затем выпуклой и плоско-выпуклой формы, с подогнутым краем, негигрофанная, с обычно не опадающими остатками покрывала по краю. Поверхность полностью покрытая сухими ярко-жёлтыми чешуйками, слизистая, жёлто-оранжевая.

Мякоть светло-жёлтого цвета, над пластинками зеленоватая, иногда со слабым землистым запахом, с редечным вкусом.

Гименофор пластинчатый, пластинки приросшие, часто расположенные, жёлтого цвета, с возрастом приобретающие ржаво-бурый оттенок.

Ножка 5—19 см длиной и 1—3 см толщиной, с волокнистым обвисшим кольцом, над ним беловатая, ниже — красновато-коричневая, покрытая более тёмным волокнистым налётом.

Споровый порошок ржаво-бурого цвета. Споры 6—8×4—5 мкм, продолговато-яйцевидной формы, с небольшой порой прорастания.

Гриб обладает редечным вкусом. Обычно считается съедобным грибом низкого качества, однако в Северной Америке известны случаи лёгких желудочно-кишечных отравлений чешуйчаткой обыкновенной.


Чешуйчатка обыкновенная — широко распространённый паразит или сапротроф, произрастающий на живой и мёртвой древесине лиственных, реже хвойных пород.



  • Agaricus floccosus Schaeff., 1774
  • Agaricus squamosus Bull., 1789
  • Agaricus squarrosus Oeder, 1770
  • Dryophila squarrosa (Oeder) Quél., 1886


  • Noordeloos, M.E. Flora agaricina Neerlandica. — 1999. — Vol. 4. — P. 83. — ISBN 90-5410-493-7.
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Чешуйчатка обыкновенная: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Чешу́йчатка обыкнове́нная (лат. Pholiota squarrosa) — вид грибов, включённый в род Чешуйчатка (Pholiota) семейства Строфариевые (Strophariaceae). Типовой вид рода.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии