
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Inocybe ovalispora C. H. Kauffman, sp. nov,
Pileus slightly fleshy, firm, convex, then expanded-plane, mnbonate or subimibonate, 2-5 cm. broad; surface dry, innately silky, often becoming diffracted-scaly toward the margin, radially rimose to the umbo, chestnut-brown; context white; lamellae sinuate-adnexed, not broad, close, whitish, then clay-colored or brown, the edges white-fimbriate; stipe equal, scarcely subbulbous, glabrous, soHd, white-pruinose at the apex, tinged rufous, slightly rufous or brownish within, 4-5 cm. long, 3-4 mm. thick; spores ovoid to subglobose, sometimes obscurely subangled, smooth, not truly angular, 6-7 (-7.5) X 5-6 ju; cystidia slightly thick-walled, hyaline, subcylindric or slightly ventricose above a short pedicel, numerous on the sides and the edges of the lamellae, 55-70 X 12-15 /*.
Type collected on the ground in frondose woods, Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 4 1912 C. H, Kauffman (herb. Univ. of Mich.). '
Distribution : Michigan and New York.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill, Calvin Henry Kauffman, Lee Oras Overholts. 1924. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars), INOCYBE, PHOLIOTA. North American flora. vol 10(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora