Arbacia punctulata: Aboral view of test with spines (48); Oral view of test with spines (49); Side view of test without spines (50); Aboral view of test without spines (51); Oral view of test without spines (52).
Arbacia punctulata.
Coelopleurus exquisitus is known only from around New Caledonia.
Arbacia punctulata, lateral viewArbacia punctulata, collected off Georgia, U.S.A., North Atlantic Ocean (031 23 24N, 080 53 06W), from a depth of 17 m.
Arbacia punctulata, oral viewArbacia punctulata, collected off Georgia, U.S.A., North Atlantic Ocean (031 23 24N, 080 53 06W), from a depth of 17 m.
Arbacia punctulata, aboral viewArbacia punctulata, collected off Georgia, U.S.A., North Atlantic Ocean (031 23 24N, 080 53 06W), from a depth of 17 m.
Arbacia stellata, lateral viewArbacia stellata, Gulfo de San Miguel, Darien, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Arbacia stellata, oral viewArbacia stellata, Gulfo de San Miguel, Darien, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Arbacia stellata, aboral viewArbacia stellata, Gulfo de San Miguel, Darien, Panama, eastern Pacific.
Coelopleurus floridanus, lateral view of denuded testCoelopleurus floridanus, collected from Limon Bay, Colon, Panama, Caribbean Sea, from a depth of 137 m by the R. V. Oregon (29th May, 1962).
Coelopleurus floridanus, aboral view of denuded testCoelopleurus floridanus, collected from Limon Bay, Colon, Panama, Caribbean Sea, from a depth of 137 m by the R. V. Oregon (29th May, 1962).
Coelopleurus floridanus, oral view of denuded testCoelopleurus floridanus, collected from Limon Bay, Colon, Panama, Caribbean Sea, from a depth of 137 m by the R. V. Oregon (29th May, 1962).
Coelopleurus floridanus, lateral viewCoelopleurus floridanus, recorded as being collected off Panama, North Pacific Ocean (possible recording error, Atlantic?), by the R.V. Pelican (station number 187-4) 27th February 1940.
Coelopleurus floridanus, oral viewCoelopleurus floridanus, recorded as being collected off Panama, North Pacific Ocean (possible recording error, Atlantic?), by the R.V. Pelican (station number 187-4) 27th February 1940.
Coelopleurus floridanus, aboral viewCoelopleurus floridanus, recorded as being collected off Panama, North Pacific Ocean (possible recording error, Atlantic?), by the R.V. Pelican (station number 187-4) 27th February 1940.
Coelopleurus floridanus, lateral viewCoelopleurus floridanus, collected from 33 48.06 N, 76 34.42 W, U.S.A, North Atlantic Ocean, from a depth of 77 m by the R. V. Eastward.
Coelopleurus floridanus, oral viewCoelopleurus floridanus, collected from 33 48.06 N, 76 34.42 W, U.S.A, North Atlantic Ocean, from a depth of 77 m by the R. V. Eastward.
Coelopleurus floridanus, aboral viewCoelopleurus floridanus, collected from 33 48.06 N, 76 34.42 W, U.S.A, North Atlantic Ocean, from a depth of 77 m by the R. V. Eastward.
Coelopleurus undulatus, holotype, oral viewCoelopleurus undulatus, holotype ZMC ECH 337, Sagami Bay, Japan.
Coelopleurus undulatus, holotype, aboral viewCoelopleurus undulatus, holotype ZMC ECH 337, Sagami Bay, Japan.
Arbacia spatuligera, lateral viewArbacia spatuligera, collected from Salaverry, Peru, South Pacific Ocean.
Arbacia spatuligera, oral viewArbacia spatuligera, collected from Salaverry, Peru, South Pacific Ocean.
Arbacia spatuligera, aboral viewArbacia spatuligera, collected from Salaverry, Peru, South Pacific Ocean.
Arbacia dufresnii, lateral viewArbacia dufresnii, Icefish Station 12, Falkland Islands, depth 70 -79 m, southwest Atlantic.