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♂ (n=1), BL: 6.0 mm, FWL: 7.0 mm; ♀ (n=1), BL: 6.0 mm, FWL: 8.0 mm. General colour brown to fuscous. Vertex, frons and clypeus brown. Eye brown. Ocelli yellowish. Rostrum pallid. Pronotum and mesonotum fuscous. Thorax fuscous ventrally, marked with brown. Legs pale brown; tarsi and tips of tibiae fuscous. Abdomen fuscous ventrally, with pale brown transverse strips; pygofer fuscous. Forewing brown, with many pale brown areoles; stigma relatively large, white hyaline. Hindwing pale brown. Head (including compound eyes) (Figs 9–12) slightly wider than pronotum. Vertex (Fig. 11) wider at anterior margin than long in middle line (5.8:1). Frons (Fig. 12) wider at widest part than long in middle line (1.4:1); disc tricarinate, with sublateral carinae shorter than central carina. Clypeus (Fig. 12) triangular, with central carina. Rostrum long, nearly reaching between hind coxae, with apical segment slightly shorter than basal segment. Pronotum (Fig. 11) wider at widest part than long in middle line (7.1:1), punctuated beside central carina. Mesonotum (Fig. 11) large, longer than broad, tricarinate on disc, lateral carinae on each side diverging from the middle one, disunited on the anterior border. Wing venation as inFigs 13–14. Female genitalia (Figs 15–18) symmetrical (Stroiński 2002;Liang 2003). Anal tube (Figs 15–16) relatively short and small, with apical margin rounded, nearly parallel-sided in dorsal view. Gonopophyses VIII (first valvulae) (Fig. 18) with two triangular lobes, the outer lobes saw-like, strongly sclerotised and having 7 blunt teeth on dorsal margin, and the inner lobes slightly sclerotised, with 3 blunt teeth on dorsal margin. Gonopophyses IX (second valvulae) small, degenerated. Gonoplacs (third valvulae)(Figs 15, 17) triangular with many teeth extending along ventral margin, directed mesad. Bursa copulatrix (Fig. 15) large, with two pouches, the first pouch connected to the second by a short and narrow duct, the opening directed into vagina. Genital opening singular (monotrysian), occurring between gonopophyses VIII. Male genitalia with pygofer (Fig. 19) narrow and high, with dorsal posterior margin smoothly produced posteriorly in lateral view. Anal tube (Figs 19–20) moderately small, distinctly projected caudad, dorsally sulcate in distal half, trapezium in dorsal view, longer than wide at middle (1.3:1). Anal styles (Figs 19–20) relatively short and small. Genital styles (Fig. 19) relatively large and slender, with a long apical process, the base of inner margin curvedly produced, in profile longer than wide at middle (4.3:1). Aedeagus (Figs 21–23) cone-liked, nearly straight, partly sclerotised, symmetrical, having two pairs of caudad directed membranous processes at apex, with the inner pair longer and the outer pair slightly short.
Cui-Ping Bu, Ai-Ping Liang
bibliographic citation
Bu C, Liang A (2011) First Record of the Genus Aprivesa Melichar (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) from South India, with Description of One New Species ZooKeys 81: 1–12
Cui-Ping Bu
Ai-Ping Liang
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
South India (Coorg).
Cui-Ping Bu, Ai-Ping Liang
bibliographic citation
Bu C, Liang A (2011) First Record of the Genus Aprivesa Melichar (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) from South India, with Description of One New Species ZooKeys 81: 1–12
Cui-Ping Bu
Ai-Ping Liang
visit source
partner site