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Holotype female:Color: carapace reddish-brown, darker laterally, sternum orange-brown, darker around border; chelicerae dark red-brown; maxillae orange brown, lightening distally; labium orange-brown, lightening toward the distal edge; abdomen dorsally greyish-tan with darker splotches and spots, laterocaudal festoon present; ventrally cream-colored, dark laterally; legs yellow-brown, darkening distally, annulations conspicuous on femora, patellae and tibiae. Carapace: 0.90 times longer than broad; fovea longitudinal, narrow, shallow. Eyes: AER nearly straight; PER slightly recurved; PME larger than AME, PLE largest, ALE smallest; eye diameters, AME 0.31, ALE 0.17, PME 0.33, PLE 0.46; interdistances AME-PME 0.08, PME-ALE 0.21, ALE-PLE 0.50, PME-PME 1.13, ALE-ALE 2.04; ocular quadrangle AME-AME 0.25, PLE-PLE 2.29;clypeus 0.08. Mouthparts: chelicerae with stout setae medially and anteriorly; maxillae longer than broad, with tuft of conspicuous setae distally; labium distally rounded. Sternum 1.11 times longer than broad, posteriorly indented. Legs: leg I shorter than II, III, and IV; leg formula 2341; scopulae present on all 4 tarsi and metatarsi and tibiae I and II; tarsi I-IV with strong claw tufts; pr claw per foot slightly toothed; spination: leg I, Fm pr 1–1–0, d 1–1–1, rl 1–0–1; Ti d 0, v 2–2–2; Mt v 2–2; leg II, Fm pr 1–0–0, d 1–1–1, rl 1–0–1; Ti v 2–2–2; Mt v 2–2; leg III, Fm pr 1–0–0, d 1–1–1, rl 1–0–1; Ti v 2–2–0; Mt v 2–2; leg IV, Fm pr 1–1–0, d 1–1–1, rl 0–0–1; Ti v 2–2–0; Mt v 2–2. Abdomen: with terminal setal tufts. Pedipalp: claw with 11 teeth. Epigyne: lateral lobes indistinct, nearly straight line across center of epigynal plate, genital openings located medially behind this slit, epigynal pockets present; internally, ducts wide, spaced widely, with smaller, more oblong projections, fertilization ducts located posteriorly, directed anterolaterally, small posterodorsal fold present, barely covering internal ducts (Figs 137–138). Dimensions:Total length 10.40. Carapace length 5.20, width 5.80. Sternum length 2.00, width 1.80. Abdomen length 5.20, width 3.80. Pedipalp: Fm 1.50, Pt 1.00, Ti 1.00, Ta 1.25, total 4.75. Leg I: Fm 5.00, Pt 2.00, Ti 4.00, Mt 3.00, Ta 1.50, total 15.50. Leg II: Fm 6.00, Pt 2.00, Ti 5.00, Mt 4.00, Ta 1.75, total 18.75. Leg III: Fm 5.50, Pt 2.00, Ti 4.25, Mt 4.00, Ta 2.00, total 17.25. Leg IV: Fm 5.00, Pt 1.50, Ti 4.00, Mt 4.00, Ta 1.75, total 16.25.
Sarah C. Crews
bibliographic citation
Crews S (2011) A revision of the spider genus Selenops Latreille, 1819 (Arachnida, Araneae, Selenopidae) in North America, Central America and the Caribbean ZooKeys 105: 1–182
Sarah C. Crews
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Endemic to the Dominican Republic and known only from the type locality (Map 13).
Sarah C. Crews
bibliographic citation
Crews S (2011) A revision of the spider genus Selenops Latreille, 1819 (Arachnida, Araneae, Selenopidae) in North America, Central America and the Caribbean ZooKeys 105: 1–182
Sarah C. Crews
visit source
partner site