Trichomitus (trike-owe-mite-us), trichomonad flagellate normally found as endosymbionts in other organisms. Three anterior flagella, one recurrent flagellum attaching to the cell surface and beating to form an undulating fold or undulating membrane. An axostyle projects from the rear of the cell and can be used in attaching the cell to the substrate. Phase contrast.
Trichomitus (trike-owe-mite-us), trichomonad flagellate normally found as endosymbionts in other organisms. Three anterior flagella, one recurrent flagellum attaching to the cell surface and beating to form an undulating fold or undulating membrane. An axostyle projects from the rear of the cell. Phase contrast.
Section of the lamellar-like undulating membrane by transmission electron microscopy
Scanning EM showing the anterior flagella, the recurrent flagellum attached to the lamellar undulating membrane, the posteriorly pointing axostyle.