plants on steep slope of accumulated volcanic rhyolitic tuff rubble and alluvium of lower canyon in deciduous small tree forest with Ipomoea, Acacia, Bursera, Celtis, Tecoma. This genus was previously placed in Tiliaceae.
plants on steep slope of accumulated volcanic rhyolitic tuff rubble and alluvium of lower canyon in deciduous small tree forest with Ipomoea, Acacia, Bursera, Celtis, Tecoma. This genus was previously placed in Tiliaceae.
plants on steep slope of accumulated volcanic rhyolitic tuff rubble and alluvium of lower canyon in deciduous small tree forest with Ipomoea, Acacia, Bursera, Celtis, Tecoma. This genus was previously placed in Tiliaceae.
plants on steep slope of accumulated volcanic rhyolitic tuff rubble and alluvium of lower canyon in deciduous small tree forest with Ipomoea, Acacia, Bursera, Celtis, Tecoma. This genus was previously placed in Tiliaceae.
plants on steep slope of accumulated volcanic rhyolitic tuff rubble and alluvium of lower canyon in deciduous small tree forest with Ipomoea, Acacia, Bursera, Celtis, Tecoma. This genus was previously placed in Tiliaceae.