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Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Genus recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Catalogue of Life in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
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Barcode of Life Data Systems
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
iNaturalist data coverage
Wikipedia (inferred records)
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
GGBN data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Recognized by
Habitat data for fungi
Trichoderma Pers.
Genus recognized by
GBIF data coverage
Trichoderma Pers. 1794
Recognized by
BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Trichoderma Persoon ex Gray 1801
Genus recognized by
GBIF classification
World Register of Marine Species
Alternative Names
Aleurisma sporulosum
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Chromocrea aureoviridis
(Plowr. & Cooke) Petch
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Chromocrea spinulosa
(Fuckel) Petch ex F. T. Brooks & Mathieson
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Cordyceps alutacea
(Pers.) Quél.
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Creopus spinulosus
(Fuckel) Z. Moravec
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Gliocladium deliquescens
Sopp 1912
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Gliocladium viride
Matr. 1893
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea alutacea
(Pers.) Ces. & De Not.
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea atroviridis
Dodd, Lieckf. & Samuels 2003
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea aureoviridis
Plowr. & Cooke 1880
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea britdaniae
Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2012
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea calamagrostidis
Jaklitsch 2011
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea citrina
(Pers.) Fr. 1849
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea crystalligena
Jaklitsch 2006
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea delicatula
Tul. & C. Tul.
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea estonica
P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea foliicola
Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2012
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea fungicola
(P. Karst.) Sacc.
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea longipilosa
Jaklitsch 2009
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea lutea
(Tode) Petch 1937
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea luteocrystallina
Jaklitsch, Siepe & L. G. Krieglst. 2011
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea minutispora
B. S. Lu, Fallah & Samuels 2004
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea neorufoides
Jaklitsch 2011
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea nybergiana
T. Ulvinen & H. L. Chamb. 2004
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea pachypallida
Jaklitsch 2011
Misapplied according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea parapilulifera
B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels 2004
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea parmastoi
Overton 2006
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea phellinicola
Jaklitsch 2011
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea pilulifera
J. Webster & Rifai 1968
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea pseudokoningii
Samuels & Petrini 1998
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea pulvinata
Fuckel 1870
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea schweinitzii
(Fr.) Sacc. 1883
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea seppoi
Jaklitsch 2008
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea silvae-virgineae
Jaklitsch 2011
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea spinulosa
Fuckel 1870
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea straminea
P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea strictipilosa
P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Hypocrea tremelloides
Fr. 1849
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Pachybasium hamatum
(Bonord.) Sacc.
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Podocrea alutacea
(Pers.) Lindau
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Podostroma alutaceum
(Pers.) G. F. Atk. 1905
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Protocrea delicatula
(Tul. & C. Tul.) Petch 1937
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Sarawakus britannicus
(Rifai & J. Webster) Samuels & Rossman 1992
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Sphaeria alutacea
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Sphaeria citrina
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Sphaeria rufa
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Sphaeria schweinitzii
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Sphaeria tremelloides
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Sporotrichum polysporum
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Thuemenella britannica
Rifai & J. Webster
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma aeruginosum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma atroviride
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma brassicae
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma candidum
Alb. & Schwein.
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma carneum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma cinnabarinum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma collae
(Schwein.) Sacc.
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma cuenisporum
P. Chaverri & Samuels
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma flavum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma fuscum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma guttatum
Alb. & Schwein.
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma laeve
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma laeve
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
(Possible variant of Trichoderma laeve Pers.)
Trichoderma lateritioroseum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma nigrovirens
P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma nunbergii
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
(Possible variant of Trichoderma nunbergii Svilv., 1932)
Trichoderma oviferum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma pedunculatum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma penicillatum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma pezizoideum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma protrudens
Samuels & Chaverri
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma pyrenium
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
(Possible variant of Trichoderma pyrenium Schumach.)
Trichoderma pyrenium
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma raseum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma rubropallens
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma sinensis
Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakacs
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma sporulosum
(Link) S. Hughes
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma strictipilis
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma tilletei
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma varium
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma vinosum
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
(Possible variant of Trichoderma vinosum Samuels)
Trichoderma viride
Heterotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Trichoderma viridiopsis
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Verticillium hamatum
Homotypic synonym according to
GBIF classification
Synonym according to
Aphysiostroma Barrasa, A. T. Martinez & G. Moreno 1986
Authority according to
Synonym according to
Synonym according to
Synonym according to
Synonym according to
Synonym according to
Harvest ancestor according to
GBIF national node type records UK
GBIF national node type records Brazil
GBIF national node type records Sweden
GBIF nat'l node type records Netherlands
iDigBio type specimen records
Flora do Brasil
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
, and
Global Biotic Interactions
Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Zh Cn
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Zh Hans
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Wikidata Common Names
Zh Hant
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Wikidata Common Names
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Curated hierarchies for Trichoderma
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
(this page)
Trichoderma aeroaquaticum K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri 2012
Trichoderma aerugineum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma aethiopicum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels 2012
Trichoderma afarasin P. Chaverri & Branco-Rocha 2015
Trichoderma afroharzianum P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha & I. Druzhinina 2015
Trichoderma aggressivum Samuels & W. Gams 2002
Trichoderma albocorneum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma albofulvum (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma albolutescens Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma alcalifuscescens (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma alni Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma alutaceum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma amazonicum P. Chaverri & Gazis 2011
Trichoderma americanum (Canham) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma andinense (Samuels & Petrini) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma appalachiense Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma applanatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma arachnoideum Kuritzina & Sizova 1967
Trichoderma arundinaceum Zafari, Gräfenhan & Samuels 2008
Trichoderma asperelloides Samuels 2010
Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckf. & Nirenberg 1999
Trichoderma asterineum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma atlanticum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma atrobrunneum F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & W. Jaklitsch 2015
Trichoderma atrogelatinosum (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma atroviride P. Karst. 1892
Trichoderma attinorum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma aurantioeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma aureoviride Rifai 1969
Trichoderma austriacum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma austrokoningii Samuels & Druzhin. 2006
Trichoderma avellaneum (Rogerson & S. T. Carey) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma balearicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma barbatum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma bavaricum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma bissettii Sandoval-Denis & Guarro 2014
Trichoderma brevicompactum G. F. Kraus, C. P. Kubicek & W. Gams 2004
Trichoderma brevipes (Mont.) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma britannicum (Rifai & J. Webster) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma britdaniae (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma brunneoviride Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma caerulescens (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma caesareum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma calamagrostidis Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma camerunense P. Chaverri & Samuels 2015
Trichoderma capillare Samuels & C. P. Kubicek 2012
Trichoderma caribbaeum Samuels & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma catoptron P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ceciliae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma centrosinicum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma ceraceum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ceramicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma cerebriforme (Berk.) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma cerinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma chlorosporum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma christiani Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma chromospermum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma cinnamomeum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma citrinoviride Bissett 1984
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma compactum Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang 2007
Trichoderma composticola Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma confluens W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma cordobense Speg. 1926
Trichoderma corfecianum Sacc. 1911
Trichoderma corneum (Pat.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma cornu-damae (Pat.) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma corrugatum (Yoshim. Doi, P. G. Liu & M. Tamura) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma costaricense (P. Chaverri & Samuels) P. Chaverri, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma crassum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma cremeoides Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma cremeum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma croceum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma crystalligenum Jaklitsch 2006
Trichoderma cuneisporum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma dacrymycellum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma danicum (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma decipiens (Jaklitsch, K. Põldmaa & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma delicatulum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma deliquescens (Sopp) Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma desrochii Sartory & Bainier 1913
Trichoderma dingleyae Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma dorotheae Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma effusum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma eijii C. S. Kim & N. Maek. 2013
Trichoderma endophyticum F. B. Rocha, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma epimyces Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma erinaceum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma estonicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma eucorticioides (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma europaeum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma euskadiense Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma evansii Samuels 2009
Trichoderma fasciculatum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma fassatiae A. Nováková, Kubátová, Valinová, Hubka & Kolařík 2015
Trichoderma fertile Bissett 1992
Trichoderma flagellatum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels 2012
Trichoderma flaviconidium (P. Chaverri, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma flavipes (Peck) Seifert, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma floccosum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma foliicola (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma fomiticola Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma fomitopsis (P. G. Liu & Yoshim. Doi) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma fragile (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma gamsii Samuels & Druzhin. 2006
Trichoderma gelatinosum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ghanense Yoshim. Doi, Y. Abe & Sugiy. 1987
Trichoderma gillesii Samuels 2012
Trichoderma glaucum E. V. Abbott 1927
Trichoderma gliocladium Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma gracile Samuels & Szakács 2012
Trichoderma grande W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma granulosum Fuckel 1870
Trichoderma guizhouense Q. R. Li, McKenzie & Yong Wang bis 2012
Trichoderma hamatum (Bonord.) Bainier 1906
Trichoderma harzianum Rifai 1969
Trichoderma hausknechtii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hebeiense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma helicolixii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma helicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma henanense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma hexasporum (Boedijn) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hispanicum (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hubeiense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma hunua (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hypoxylon Jing Z. Sun, Xing Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2016
Trichoderma inhamatum Veerkamp & W. Gams 1983
Trichoderma intricatum Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma istrianum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma italicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma ivoriense Samuels 2012
Trichoderma izawae (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma junci Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma konilangbra Samuels, Petrini & C. P. Kubicek 1998
Trichoderma koningii Oudem. 1902
Trichoderma koningiopsis Samuels, C. Suárez & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma kunigamense Yabuki & Okuda 2014
Trichoderma lacteum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma lacuwombatense (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma lanuginosum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma latizonatum (Peck) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma leguminosarum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma lentiforme (Rehm) P. Chaverri, Samuels & F. B. Rocha 2015
Trichoderma leucopus Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma lieckfeldtiae Samuels 2009
Trichoderma limonium W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma lixii (Pat.) P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma longibrachiatum Rifai 1969
Trichoderma longifialidicum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma longipilis Bissett 1992
Trichoderma luteocrystallinum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma luteoeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma lycogaloides (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch, Lechat & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma margaretense Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma martiale Samuels 2008
Trichoderma matsushimae (Abdullah & J. Webster) K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri 2012
Trichoderma mediterraneum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma medusae Samuels 2012
Trichoderma megalocitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma melanomagnum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma microcitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma mienum C. S. Kim, Nakagiri & N. Maek. 2012
Trichoderma minimum (Speg.) Gunth. Müll. 1965
Trichoderma minutisporum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma minutum Bainier 1906
Trichoderma moravicum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma neocrassum Samuels 2015
Trichoderma neokoningii Samuels & Soberanis 2006
Trichoderma neorufoides Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma neorufum (Samuels, Dodd & Lieckf.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma neosinense Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma neotropicale P. Chaverri & F. Branco-Rocha 2015
Trichoderma nigrovirens Goddard 1913
Trichoderma nothescens Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma novae-zelandiae (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma nunbergii Svilv. 1932
Trichoderma nybergianum (T. Ulvinen & H. L. Chamb.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma oblongisporum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma ochroleucum (Berk. & Ravenel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma odoratum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma oligosporum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma olivascens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma orientale (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Samuels 2014
Trichoderma ovalisporum Samuels & Schroers 2004
Trichoderma pachypallidum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma parapiluliferum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma parareesei Atan., Jaklitsch, Komoń-Zel., C. P. Kubicek & Druzhin. 2010
Trichoderma pararogersonii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma paratroviride Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma paraviridescens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma parceramosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma parepimyces Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma parestonicum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma parmastoi (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma patella (Cooke & Peck) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma patellotropicum Samuels 2015
Trichoderma paucisporum Samuels, C. Suárez & K. Solis 2006
Trichoderma peltatum (Berk.) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma petersenii Samuels, Dodd & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma pezizoides (Berk. & Broome) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma phellinicola Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma phyllostachydis P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma piluliferum J. Webster & Rifai 1969
Trichoderma pinnatum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma placentula Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma pleuroti S. H. Yu & M. S. Park 2006
Trichoderma pleuroticola S. H. Yu & M. S. Park 2006
Trichoderma polysporum (Link) Rifai 1969
Trichoderma poronioideum (Möller) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma priscilae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma protopulvinatum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma pseudobritdaniae W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma pseudocandidum Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2009
Trichoderma pseudogelatinosum (M. Komatsu & Yoshim. Doi) C. S. Kim 2012
Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai 1969
Trichoderma pseudolacteum C. S. Kim & N. Maek. 2013
Trichoderma pseudonigrovirens Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2009
Trichoderma pseudostramineum (Yoshim. Doi) C. S. Kim 2012
Trichoderma psychrophilum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma pubescens Bissett 1992
Trichoderma pulvinatum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma pyramidale W. Jaklitsch & P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma racemosum McAlpine 1902
Trichoderma reesei E. G. Simmons 1977
Trichoderma rhododendri (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rifaii F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & Samuels 2015
Trichoderma rodmanii (Samuels & P. Chaverri) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rogersonii Samuels 2006
Trichoderma rosellum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rossicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma rosulatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma rubi Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rufobrunneum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma sambuci (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma samuelsii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2012
Trichoderma saturnisporopsis Samuels & Jaklitsch 2012
Trichoderma saturnisporum Hammill 1970
Trichoderma scalesiae Samuels & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma semiorbis (Berk.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sempervirentis Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma seppoi Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma shennongjianum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma sichuanense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma silvae-virgineae Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma simmonsii P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha, Samuels & W. Jaklitsch 2015
Trichoderma sinense Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma sinoaustrale Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma sinoluteum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma sinuosum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma solani Samuels 2012
Trichoderma songyi M. S. Park, S. Y. Oh & Y. W. Lim 2014
Trichoderma sordidum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma spinulosum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma spirale Bissett 1992
Trichoderma stellatum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma stercorarium (Barrasa, A. T. Martínez & G. Moreno) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma stilbohypoxyli Samuels & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma stipitatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma stramineum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma strictipile Bissett 1992
Trichoderma strigosellum C. A. Lopez-Q, W. Gams, Boekhout & I. Druzhinina 2013
Trichoderma strigosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma stromaticum Samuels & Pardo-Schulth. 2000
Trichoderma subalpinum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma subeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma subsulphureum (Syd. & P. Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma subtrachycarpum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma succisum (Rifai) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sulawesense (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sulphureum (Schwein.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma surrotundum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma sympodianum Kulik 1960
Trichoderma taiwanense Samuels & M. L. Wu 2006
Trichoderma tawa P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma taxi Chu L. Zhang, F. C. Lin & C. P. Kubicek 2007
Trichoderma texanum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma thailandicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma thelephoricola P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma theobromicola Samuels & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma thermophilum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma tiantangzhaiense Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma tibetense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma tomentosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma trachycarpum (Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma tremelloides Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma trixiae Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma tropicosinense (P. G. Liu) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma tsugarense Yabuki & Okuda 2014
Trichoderma turrialbense Samuels, Degenkolb, K. F. Nielsen & Gräfenhan 2008
Trichoderma valdunense Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma varians Sartory & Bainier 1912
Trichoderma velutinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma vermipilum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma verticillatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma victoriense (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma vinosum Samuels 2006
Trichoderma violaceum Oudem. 1904
Trichoderma virens (J. H. Mill., Giddens & A. A. Foster) Arx 1987
Trichoderma virescentiflavum (Speg.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma viridarium Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma viride Pers. 1794
Trichoderma viridescens (A. S. Horne & H. S. Will.) Jaklitsch & Samuels 2006
Trichoderma viridialbum Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma viridiflavum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma virilente Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma voglmayrii Jaklitsch 2006
Trichoderma vulpinum Fuckel 1874
Trichoderma yunnanense Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang 2007
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
(this page)
Trichoderma achlamydosporum Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma acremonioides Y. B. Zhang & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma adaptatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma aeroaquaticum K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri
Trichoderma aerugineum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma aestuarinum M. Gonçalves & A. Alves
Trichoderma aethiopicum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels
Trichoderma afarasin P. Chaverri & F. B. Rocha
Trichoderma afroharzianum P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha, Degenkolb & Druzhin.
Trichoderma aggregatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma aggressivum Samuels & W. Gams
Trichoderma albocorneum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma albofulvopsis W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma albofulvum (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma albolutescens Jaklitsch
Trichoderma alboviride K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma alcalifuscescens (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma alni Jaklitsch
Trichoderma alpinum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma alutaceum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma amazonicum P. Chaverri & Gazis
Trichoderma americanum (Canham) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma amoenum Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma anaharzianum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma andinense (Samuels & Petrini) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma angustum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma anisohamatum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma appalachiense Samuels & Jaklitsch
Trichoderma applanatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma aquaticum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma arachnoideum Kuritzina & Sizova
Trichoderma arenarium F. Cai, M. Y. Ding & I. S. Druzhinina
Trichoderma arundinaceum Zafari, Gräfenhan & Samuels
Trichoderma asiaticum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma asperelloides Samuels
Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckf. & Nirenberg
Trichoderma asterineum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma asymmetricum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma atlanticum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma atrobrunneum F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & Jaklitsch
Trichoderma atrogelatinosum (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma atroviride P. Karst.
Trichoderma attinorum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues
Trichoderma aurantioeffusum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma aureoviride Rifai
Trichoderma austriacum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma austroindianum V. A. Barrera, Iannone, A. I. Romero & P. Chaverri
Trichoderma austrokoningii Samuels & Druzhin.
Trichoderma avellaneum (Rogerson & S. T. Carey) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma awajun M. S. Calderon, D. E. Bustamante & S. Leiva
Trichoderma azevedoi M. C. Valadares-Inglis & P. W. Inglis
Trichoderma balearicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma bannaense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma barbatum Samuels
Trichoderma bavaricum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma beijingense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma beinartii du Plessis, Druzhin., Atan., Yarden & K. Jacobs
Trichoderma bifurcatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma bissettii Sand.-Den. & Guarro
Trichoderma bombaxalis Jing Z. Sun & H. W. Liu
Trichoderma bomiense Y. B. Zhang & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma botryosum M. C. H. Rodríguez, H. C. Evans & R. W. Barreto
Trichoderma breve K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma brevicompactum G. F. Kraus, C. P. Kubicek & W. Gams
Trichoderma brevicrassum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma brevipes (Mont.) Samuels
Trichoderma britannicum (Rifai & J. Webster) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma britdaniae (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma brunneoviride Jaklitsch
Trichoderma byssinum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma caeruleimontis du Plessis & K. Jacobs
Trichoderma caerulescens (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma caeruloviride M. C. H. Rodríguez, H. C. Evans & R. W. Barreto
Trichoderma caesareum Samuels
Trichoderma calamagrostidis Jaklitsch
Trichoderma camelliae Jayaward., Manawas., X. H. Li, J. Y. Yan & K. D. Hyde
Trichoderma camerunense P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma capillare Samuels & C. P. Kubicek
Trichoderma caribbaeum Samuels & Schroers
Trichoderma catoptron P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma ceciliae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma centrosinicum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma ceraceum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma ceramicum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma ceratophylli Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma cerebriforme (Berk.) Samuels
Trichoderma cerinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács
Trichoderma changbaiense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma chetii du Plessis, Druzhin., Atan., Yarden & K. Jacobs
Trichoderma chlamydosporum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma chlorosporum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma christianii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma chromospermum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma cinnamomeum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma citrinellum (Ellis) W. Y. Zhuang & Z. Q. Zeng
Trichoderma citrinoviride Bissett
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr
Trichoderma compactum Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang
Trichoderma composticola Samuels & Jaklitsch
Trichoderma concentricum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma confertum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma confluens W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma cordobense Speg.
Trichoderma corfecianum Sacc.
Trichoderma corneum (Pat.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma cornu-damae (Pat.) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma corrugatum (Yoshim. Doi, P. G. Liu & M. Tamura) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma costaricense (P. Chaverri & Samuels) P. Chaverri, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma crassum Bissett
Trichoderma cremeoides Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma cremeum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma croceum Bissett
Trichoderma crystalligenum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma crystallinum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma cuneisporum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma dacrymycellum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma danicum (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma decipiens (Jaklitsch, K. Põldmaa & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma delicatulum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma deliquescens (Sopp) Jaklitsch
Trichoderma densum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma desrochii Sartory & Bainier
Trichoderma dimorphum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma dingleyae Samuels & Dodd
Trichoderma dorotheae Samuels & Dodd
Trichoderma dorothopsis A. A. Tomah & J. Z. Zhang
Trichoderma effusum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács
Trichoderma eijii Chang S. Kim & N. Maek.
Trichoderma endophyticum F. B. Rocha, Samuels & P. Chaverri
Trichoderma epimyces Jaklitsch
Trichoderma erinaceum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács
Trichoderma estonicum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma eucorticioides (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma europaeum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma euskadiense Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma evansii Samuels
Trichoderma fasciculatum Bissett
Trichoderma fassatiovae A. Nováková, Kubátová, Valinová, Hubka & M. Kolařík
Trichoderma fertile Bissett
Trichoderma flagellatum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels
Trichoderma flavescens Z. X. Zhu, W. Y. Zhuang & Yu Li
Trichoderma flaviconidium (P. Chaverri, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma flavipes (Peck) Seifert, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma floccosum Samuels
Trichoderma foliicola (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma fomiticola Jaklitsch
Trichoderma fomitopsidis (P. G. Liu & Yoshim. Doi) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma fragile (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma fujianense Z. X. Zhu, W. Y. Zhuang & Yu Li
Trichoderma gamsii Samuels & Druzhin.
Trichoderma ganodermatigerum X. Y. An & Yu Li
Trichoderma ganodermatis K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma gansuanum Z. Q. Zeng & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma gelatinosum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma ghanense Yoshim. Doi, Y. Abe & Sugiy.
Trichoderma gillesii Samuels
Trichoderma glaucum E. V. Abbott
Trichoderma gliocladium Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma globoides W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma gracile Samuels & Szakács
Trichoderma grande W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma granulosum Fuckel
Trichoderma gregarium K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma guizhouense Q. R. Li, McKenzie & Yong Wang bis
Trichoderma hailarense Guang Zhi Zhang
Trichoderma hainanense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma hamatum (Bonord.) Bainier
Trichoderma harzianum Rifai
Trichoderma hausknechtii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma hebeiense Kai Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma helicolixii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma helicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács
Trichoderma henanense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma hengshanicum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma hexasporum (Boedijn) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma hirsutum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma hispanicum (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma hongkongense (Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang) Z. Q. Zeng & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma hortense V. A. Barrera, Iannone, A. I. Romero & P. Chaverri
Trichoderma hubeiense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma hunanense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma hunua (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma hymenopellicola X. Y. Zeng, X. X. Yuan & F. H. Tian
Trichoderma hypoxyli Jing Z. Sun, Xing Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde
Trichoderma inaequilaterale Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma inconspicuum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma ingratum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma inhamatum Veerkamp & W. Gams
Trichoderma insigne Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma intricatum Samuels & Dodd
Trichoderma istrianum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma italicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma ivoriense Samuels
Trichoderma izawae (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma jaklitschii M. S. Calderon, D. E. Bustamante & S. Leiva
Trichoderma junci Jaklitsch
Trichoderma konilangbra Samuels, Petrini & C. P. Kubicek
Trichoderma koningii Oudem.
Trichoderma koningiopsis Samuels, Carm. Suárez & H. C. Evans
Trichoderma koreanum S. Y. Oh, M. S. Park & Y. W. Lim
Trichoderma kunigamense Yabuki & Okuda
Trichoderma kunmingense Z. F. Yu & J. Y. Li
Trichoderma lacteum Bissett
Trichoderma lacuwombatense (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma laevisporum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma lanuginosum Samuels
Trichoderma latizonatum (Peck) Samuels
Trichoderma leguminosarum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma lentinulae Jing Z. Sun & X. Z. Liu
Trichoderma lentissimum M. C. H. Rodríguez, H. C. Evans & R. W. Barreto
Trichoderma leucopus Jaklitsch
Trichoderma liberatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma lieckfeldtiae Samuels
Trichoderma limonium W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma linzhiense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma lixii (Pat.) P. Chaverri
Trichoderma longibrachiatum Rifai
Trichoderma longiphialidicum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues
Trichoderma longipilis Bissett
Trichoderma longisporum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma luteocrystallinum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma luteoeffusum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma lycogaloides (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch, Lechat & Voglmayr
Trichoderma macrofasciculatum Guang Zhi Zhang
Trichoderma mangshanicum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma margaretense Jaklitsch
Trichoderma martiale Samuels
Trichoderma matsushimae (Abdullah & J. Webster) K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri
Trichoderma mediterraneum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma medusae Samuels
Trichoderma megalocitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma melanomagnum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma microcitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma mienum Chang S. Kim, Nakagiri & N. Maek.
Trichoderma minimum (Speg.) Gunth. Müll.
Trichoderma minutisporum Bissett
Trichoderma minutum Bainier
Trichoderma moravicum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma neocrassum Samuels
Trichoderma neokoningii Samuels & Soberanis
Trichoderma neorufoides Jaklitsch
Trichoderma neorufum (Samuels, Dodd & Lieckf.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma neosinense Samuels & Jaklitsch
Trichoderma neotropicale P. Chaverri & F. B. Rocha
Trichoderma nigrovirens Goddard
Trichoderma nordicum Guang Zhi Zhang
Trichoderma nothescens Samuels & Jaklitsch
Trichoderma novae-zelandiae (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma nunbergii Svilv.
Trichoderma nybergianum (T. Ulvinen & H. L. Chamb.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma oblongisporum Bissett
Trichoderma obovatum Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma ochroleucum (Berk. & Ravenel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma odoratum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma oligosporum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma olivascens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr
Trichoderma orchidacearum T. Morgan, F. A. Custódio, V. M. Guimarães, T. A. O. Mendes & O. L. Pereira
Trichoderma orientale (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Samuels
Trichoderma ovalisporum Samuels & Schroers
Trichoderma pachypallidum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma panacis S. Y. Liu, T. Yuan Zhang, Ying Yu & Yi X. Zhang
Trichoderma parapiluliferum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma parareesei Atan., Jaklitsch, Komoń-Zel., C. P. Kubicek & Druzhin.
Trichoderma pararogersonii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma paratroviride Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma paraviride Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma paraviridescens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr
Trichoderma parceramosum Bissett
Trichoderma parepimyces Jaklitsch
Trichoderma parestonicum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma parmastoi (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma patella (Clinton & Peck) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma patellotropicum Samuels
Trichoderma paucisporum Samuels, Carm. Suárez & K. Solís
Trichoderma peberdyi M. C. Valadares-Inglis & P. W. Inglis
Trichoderma peltatum (Berk.) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma peruvianum M. S. Calderon, D. E. Bustamante & S. Leiva
Trichoderma perviride W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma petersenii Samuels, Dodd & Schroers
Trichoderma pezizoides (Berk. & Broome) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma phayaoense Nuangmek & Suwannar.
Trichoderma phellinicola Jaklitsch
Trichoderma phyllostachydis P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma piluliferum J. Webster & Rifai
Trichoderma pinicola S. Y. Oh, M. S. Park & Y. W. Lim
Trichoderma pinnatum Samuels
Trichoderma placentula Jaklitsch
Trichoderma pleuroti S. H. Yu & M. S. Park
Trichoderma pleuroticola S. H. Yu & M. S. Park
Trichoderma pluripenicillatum Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma pollinicola F. Liu & L. Cai
Trichoderma polyalthiae K. Nuankaew & Boonlue
Trichoderma polypori K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma polysporum (Link) Rifai
Trichoderma poronioideum (Möller) Samuels
Trichoderma priscilae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma propepolypori Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma protopulvinatum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma protrudens Samuels & P. Chaverri
Trichoderma pruinosum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma pseudoasiaticum Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma pseudoasperelloides Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma pseudobritdaniae W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma pseudocandidum Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri
Trichoderma pseudodensum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma pseudogelatinosum (M. Komatsu & Yoshim. Doi) Chang S. Kim
Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai
Trichoderma pseudolacteum Chang S. Kim & N. Maek.
Trichoderma pseudonigrovirens Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri
Trichoderma pseudopyramidale M. C. H. Rodríguez, H. C. Evans & R. W. Barreto
Trichoderma pseudostramineum (Yoshim. Doi) Chang S. Kim
Trichoderma psychrophilum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma pubescens Bissett
Trichoderma pulvinatum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma purpureum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma pyramidale Jaklitsch & P. Chaverri
Trichoderma racemosum McAlpine
Trichoderma reesei E. G. Simmons
Trichoderma restrictum du Plessis & K. Jacobs
Trichoderma rhododendri (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma rifaii F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma rodmanii (Samuels & P. Chaverri) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma rogersonii Samuels
Trichoderma rosellum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma rossicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács
Trichoderma rosulatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma rubi Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma rubropallens Schwein.
Trichoderma rufobrunneum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma rugosum Y. B. Zhang & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma rugulosum M. S. Park, S. Y. Oh & Y. W. Lim
Trichoderma sambuci (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma samuelsii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma saturnisporopsis Samuels & Jaklitsch
Trichoderma saturnisporum Hammill
Trichoderma scalesiae Samuels & H. C. Evans
Trichoderma scorpioideum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma semiorbis (Berk.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma sempervirentis Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma seppoi Jaklitsch
Trichoderma shangrilaense Guang Zhi Zhang
Trichoderma shaoguanicum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma shennongjianum Kai Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma sichuanense Kai Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma silvae-virgineae Jaklitsch
Trichoderma simile Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma simmonsii P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha, Samuels, Degenkolb & Jaklitsch
Trichoderma simplex K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma sinense Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács
Trichoderma sinoaustrale Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma sinokoningii W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma sinoluteum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma sinuosum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma solani Samuels
Trichoderma solum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma songyi M. S. Park, Seung Y. Oh & Y. W. Lim
Trichoderma sordidum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma sparsum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma speciosum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma sphaerosporum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma spinulosum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma spirale Bissett
Trichoderma stellatum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma stercorarium (Barrasa, A. T. Martínez & G. Moreno) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma stilbohypoxyli Samuels & Schroers
Trichoderma stipitatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma stramineum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma strictipile Bissett
Trichoderma strigosellum López-Quint., W. Gams, Boekhout & Druzhin.
Trichoderma strigosum Bissett
Trichoderma stromaticum Samuels & Pardo-Schulth.
Trichoderma subalni Y. B. Zhang & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma subalpinum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma subazureum Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma subeffusum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma subiculoides Z. Q. Zeng & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma subsulphureum (Syd. & P. Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma subtrachycarpum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma subuliforme Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma subviride W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma succisum (Rifai) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma sulawesense (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma sulphureum (Schwein.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma supraverticillatum Z. F. Yu & Y. F. Lv
Trichoderma surrotundum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma syagri V. A. Barrera, Iannone, A. I. Romero & P. Chaverri
Trichoderma sympodianum Kulik
Trichoderma taiwanense Samuels & M. L. Wu
Trichoderma tardum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma tawa P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma taxi Chu L. Zhang, F. C. Lin & C. P. Kubicek
Trichoderma tenue W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma texanum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues
Trichoderma thailandicum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma thelephoricola P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma theobromicola Samuels & H. C. Evans
Trichoderma thermophilum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma tiantangzhaiense Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma tibetense Kai Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma tibeticum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma tomentosum Bissett
Trichoderma trachycarpum (Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma tremelloides Jaklitsch
Trichoderma trixiae Samuels & Jaklitsch
Trichoderma tropicosinense (P. G. Liu) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma tsugarense Yabuki & Okuda
Trichoderma turrialbense Samuels, Degenkolb, K. F. Nielsen & Gräfenhan
Trichoderma uncinatum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma undatipilosum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma undulatum du Plessis & K. Jacobs
Trichoderma vadicola Guang Zhi Zhang
Trichoderma valdunense Jaklitsch
Trichoderma varians Sartory & Bainier
Trichoderma velutinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács
Trichoderma vermifimicola Jing Z. Sun & X. Z. Liu
Trichoderma vermipilum Samuels
Trichoderma verticillatum Kai Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma victoriense (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma vinosum Samuels
Trichoderma violaceum Oudem.
Trichoderma virens (J. H. Mill., Giddens & A. A. Foster) Arx
Trichoderma virescentiflavum (Speg.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma viridarium Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr
Trichoderma viride Pers.
Trichoderma viridescens (A. S. Horne & H. S. Will.) Jaklitsch & Samuels
Trichoderma viridialbum Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr
Trichoderma viridicollare Y. B. Zhang & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma viridiflavum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma viridulum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma virilente Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Trichoderma voglmayrii Jaklitsch
Trichoderma vulgatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma vulpinum Fuckel
Trichoderma xanthum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma xixiacum Jing Z. Sun & X. Z. Liu
Trichoderma yui Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma yunnanense Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang
Trichoderma zayuense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang
Trichoderma zelobreve Jing Z. Sun & X. Z. Liu
Trichoderma zeloharzianum Z. F. Yu & X. Du
Trichoderma zonatum Z. X. Zhu, W. Y. Zhuang & Yu Li
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
(this page)
Trichoderma aeroaquaticum K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri 2012
Trichoderma aerugineum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma aethiopicum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels 2012
Trichoderma afarasin P. Chaverri & Branco-Rocha 2015
Trichoderma afroharzianum P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha & I. Druzhinina 2015
Trichoderma aggressivum Samuels & W. Gams 2002
Trichoderma albocorneum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma albofulvum (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma albolutescens Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma alcalifuscescens (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma alni Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma alutaceum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma amazonicum P. Chaverri & Gazis 2011
Trichoderma americanum (Canham) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma andinense (Samuels & Petrini) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma appalachiense Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma applanatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma arachnoideum Kuritzina & Sizova 1967
Trichoderma arundinaceum Zafari, Gräfenhan & Samuels 2008
Trichoderma asperelloides Samuels 2010
Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckf. & Nirenberg 1999
Trichoderma asterineum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma atlanticum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma atrobrunneum F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & W. Jaklitsch 2015
Trichoderma atrogelatinosum (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma atroviride P. Karst. 1892
Trichoderma attinorum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma aurantioeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma aureoviride Rifai 1969
Trichoderma austriacum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma austrokoningii Samuels & Druzhin. 2006
Trichoderma avellaneum (Rogerson & S. T. Carey) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma balearicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma barbatum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma bavaricum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma bissettii Sandoval-Denis & Guarro 2014
Trichoderma brevicompactum G. F. Kraus, C. P. Kubicek & W. Gams 2004
Trichoderma brevipes (Mont.) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma britannicum (Rifai & J. Webster) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma britdaniae (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma brunneoviride Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma caerulescens (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma caesareum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma calamagrostidis Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma camerunense P. Chaverri & Samuels 2015
Trichoderma capillare Samuels & C. P. Kubicek 2012
Trichoderma caribbaeum Samuels & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma catoptron P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ceciliae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma centrosinicum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma ceraceum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ceramicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma cerebriforme (Berk.) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma cerinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma chlorosporum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma christiani Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma chromospermum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma cinnamomeum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma citrinoviride Bissett 1984
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma compactum Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang 2007
Trichoderma composticola Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma confluens W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma cordobense Speg. 1926
Trichoderma corfecianum Sacc. 1911
Trichoderma corneum (Pat.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma cornu-damae (Pat.) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma corrugatum (Yoshim. Doi, P. G. Liu & M. Tamura) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma costaricense (P. Chaverri & Samuels) P. Chaverri, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma crassum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma cremeoides Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma cremeum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma croceum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma crystalligenum Jaklitsch 2006
Trichoderma cuneisporum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma dacrymycellum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma danicum (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma decipiens (Jaklitsch, K. Põldmaa & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma delicatulum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma deliquescens (Sopp) Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma desrochii Sartory & Bainier 1913
Trichoderma dingleyae Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma dorotheae Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma effusum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma eijii C. S. Kim & N. Maek. 2013
Trichoderma endophyticum F. B. Rocha, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma epimyces Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma erinaceum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma estonicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma eucorticioides (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma europaeum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma euskadiense Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma evansii Samuels 2009
Trichoderma fasciculatum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma fassatiae A. Nováková, Kubátová, Valinová, Hubka & Kolařík 2015
Trichoderma fertile Bissett 1992
Trichoderma flagellatum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels 2012
Trichoderma flaviconidium (P. Chaverri, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma flavipes (Peck) Seifert, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma floccosum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma foliicola (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma fomiticola Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma fomitopsis (P. G. Liu & Yoshim. Doi) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma fragile (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma gamsii Samuels & Druzhin. 2006
Trichoderma gelatinosum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ghanense Yoshim. Doi, Y. Abe & Sugiy. 1987
Trichoderma gillesii Samuels 2012
Trichoderma glaucum E. V. Abbott 1927
Trichoderma gliocladium Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma gracile Samuels & Szakács 2012
Trichoderma grande W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma granulosum Fuckel 1870
Trichoderma guizhouense Q. R. Li, McKenzie & Yong Wang bis 2012
Trichoderma hamatum (Bonord.) Bainier 1906
Trichoderma harzianum Rifai 1969
Trichoderma hausknechtii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hebeiense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma helicolixii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma helicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma henanense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma hexasporum (Boedijn) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hispanicum (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hubeiense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma hunua (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hypoxylon Jing Z. Sun, Xing Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2016
Trichoderma inhamatum Veerkamp & W. Gams 1983
Trichoderma intricatum Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma istrianum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma italicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma ivoriense Samuels 2012
Trichoderma izawae (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma junci Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma konilangbra Samuels, Petrini & C. P. Kubicek 1998
Trichoderma koningii Oudem. 1902
Trichoderma koningiopsis Samuels, C. Suárez & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma kunigamense Yabuki & Okuda 2014
Trichoderma lacteum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma lacuwombatense (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma lanuginosum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma latizonatum (Peck) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma leguminosarum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma lentiforme (Rehm) P. Chaverri, Samuels & F. B. Rocha 2015
Trichoderma leucopus Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma lieckfeldtiae Samuels 2009
Trichoderma limonium W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma lixii (Pat.) P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma longibrachiatum Rifai 1969
Trichoderma longifialidicum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma longipilis Bissett 1992
Trichoderma luteocrystallinum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma luteoeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma lycogaloides (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch, Lechat & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma margaretense Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma martiale Samuels 2008
Trichoderma matsushimae (Abdullah & J. Webster) K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri 2012
Trichoderma mediterraneum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma medusae Samuels 2012
Trichoderma megalocitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma melanomagnum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma microcitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma mienum C. S. Kim, Nakagiri & N. Maek. 2012
Trichoderma minimum (Speg.) Gunth. Müll. 1965
Trichoderma minutisporum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma minutum Bainier 1906
Trichoderma moravicum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma neocrassum Samuels 2015
Trichoderma neokoningii Samuels & Soberanis 2006
Trichoderma neorufoides Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma neorufum (Samuels, Dodd & Lieckf.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma neosinense Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma neotropicale P. Chaverri & F. Branco-Rocha 2015
Trichoderma nigrovirens Goddard 1913
Trichoderma nothescens Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma novae-zelandiae (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma nunbergii Svilv. 1932
Trichoderma nybergianum (T. Ulvinen & H. L. Chamb.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma oblongisporum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma ochroleucum (Berk. & Ravenel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma odoratum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma oligosporum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma olivascens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma orientale (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Samuels 2014
Trichoderma ovalisporum Samuels & Schroers 2004
Trichoderma pachypallidum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma parapiluliferum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma parareesei Atan., Jaklitsch, Komoń-Zel., C. P. Kubicek & Druzhin. 2010
Trichoderma pararogersonii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma paratroviride Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma paraviridescens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma parceramosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma parepimyces Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma parestonicum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma parmastoi (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma patella (Cooke & Peck) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma patellotropicum Samuels 2015
Trichoderma paucisporum Samuels, C. Suárez & K. Solis 2006
Trichoderma peltatum (Berk.) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma petersenii Samuels, Dodd & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma pezizoides (Berk. & Broome) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma phellinicola Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma phyllostachydis P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma piluliferum J. Webster & Rifai 1969
Trichoderma pinnatum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma placentula Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma pleuroti S. H. Yu & M. S. Park 2006
Trichoderma pleuroticola S. H. Yu & M. S. Park 2006
Trichoderma polysporum (Link) Rifai 1969
Trichoderma poronioideum (Möller) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma priscilae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma protopulvinatum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma pseudobritdaniae W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma pseudocandidum Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2009
Trichoderma pseudogelatinosum (M. Komatsu & Yoshim. Doi) C. S. Kim 2012
Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai 1969
Trichoderma pseudolacteum C. S. Kim & N. Maek. 2013
Trichoderma pseudonigrovirens Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2009
Trichoderma pseudostramineum (Yoshim. Doi) C. S. Kim 2012
Trichoderma psychrophilum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma pubescens Bissett 1992
Trichoderma pulvinatum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma pyramidale W. Jaklitsch & P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma racemosum McAlpine 1902
Trichoderma reesei E. G. Simmons 1977
Trichoderma rhododendri (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rifaii F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & Samuels 2015
Trichoderma rodmanii (Samuels & P. Chaverri) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rogersonii Samuels 2006
Trichoderma rosellum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rossicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma rosulatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma rubi Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rufobrunneum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma sambuci (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma samuelsii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2012
Trichoderma saturnisporopsis Samuels & Jaklitsch 2012
Trichoderma saturnisporum Hammill 1970
Trichoderma scalesiae Samuels & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma semiorbis (Berk.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sempervirentis Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma seppoi Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma shennongjianum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma sichuanense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma silvae-virgineae Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma simmonsii P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha, Samuels & W. Jaklitsch 2015
Trichoderma sinense Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma sinoaustrale Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma sinoluteum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma sinuosum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma solani Samuels 2012
Trichoderma songyi M. S. Park, S. Y. Oh & Y. W. Lim 2014
Trichoderma sordidum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma spinulosum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma spirale Bissett 1992
Trichoderma stellatum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma stercorarium (Barrasa, A. T. Martínez & G. Moreno) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma stilbohypoxyli Samuels & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma stipitatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma stramineum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma strictipile Bissett 1992
Trichoderma strigosellum C. A. Lopez-Q, W. Gams, Boekhout & I. Druzhinina 2013
Trichoderma strigosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma stromaticum Samuels & Pardo-Schulth. 2000
Trichoderma subalpinum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma subeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma subsulphureum (Syd. & P. Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma subtrachycarpum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma succisum (Rifai) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sulawesense (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sulphureum (Schwein.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma surrotundum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma sympodianum Kulik 1960
Trichoderma taiwanense Samuels & M. L. Wu 2006
Trichoderma tawa P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma taxi Chu L. Zhang, F. C. Lin & C. P. Kubicek 2007
Trichoderma texanum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma thailandicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma thelephoricola P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma theobromicola Samuels & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma thermophilum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma tiantangzhaiense Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma tibetense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma tomentosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma trachycarpum (Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma tremelloides Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma trixiae Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma tropicosinense (P. G. Liu) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma tsugarense Yabuki & Okuda 2014
Trichoderma turrialbense Samuels, Degenkolb, K. F. Nielsen & Gräfenhan 2008
Trichoderma valdunense Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma varians Sartory & Bainier 1912
Trichoderma velutinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma vermipilum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma verticillatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma victoriense (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma vinosum Samuels 2006
Trichoderma violaceum Oudem. 1904
Trichoderma virens (J. H. Mill., Giddens & A. A. Foster) Arx 1987
Trichoderma virescentiflavum (Speg.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma viridarium Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma viride Pers. 1794
Trichoderma viridescens (A. S. Horne & H. S. Will.) Jaklitsch & Samuels 2006
Trichoderma viridialbum Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma viridiflavum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma virilente Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma voglmayrii Jaklitsch 2006
Trichoderma vulpinum Fuckel 1874
Trichoderma yunnanense Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang 2007
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
(this page)
Trichoderma aeroaquaticum K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri 2012
Trichoderma aerugineum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma aethiopicum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels 2012
Trichoderma afarasin P. Chaverri & Branco-Rocha 2015
Trichoderma afroharzianum P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha & I. Druzhinina 2015
Trichoderma aggressivum Samuels & W. Gams 2002
Trichoderma albocorneum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma albofulvum (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma albolutescens Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma alcalifuscescens (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma alni Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma alutaceum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma amazonicum P. Chaverri & Gazis 2011
Trichoderma americanum (Canham) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma andinense (Samuels & Petrini) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma appalachiense Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma applanatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma arachnoideum Kuritzina & Sizova 1967
Trichoderma arundinaceum Zafari, Gräfenhan & Samuels 2008
Trichoderma asperelloides Samuels 2010
Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckf. & Nirenberg 1999
Trichoderma asterineum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma atlanticum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma atrobrunneum F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & W. Jaklitsch 2015
Trichoderma atrogelatinosum (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma atroviride P. Karst. 1892
Trichoderma attinorum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma aurantioeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma aureoviride Rifai 1969
Trichoderma austriacum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma austrokoningii Samuels & Druzhin. 2006
Trichoderma avellaneum (Rogerson & S. T. Carey) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma balearicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma barbatum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma bavaricum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma bissettii Sandoval-Denis & Guarro 2014
Trichoderma brevicompactum G. F. Kraus, C. P. Kubicek & W. Gams 2004
Trichoderma brevipes (Mont.) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma britannicum (Rifai & J. Webster) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma britdaniae (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma brunneoviride Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma caerulescens (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma caesareum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma calamagrostidis Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma camerunense P. Chaverri & Samuels 2015
Trichoderma capillare Samuels & C. P. Kubicek 2012
Trichoderma caribbaeum Samuels & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma catoptron P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ceciliae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma centrosinicum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma ceraceum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ceramicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma cerebriforme (Berk.) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma cerinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma chlorosporum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma christiani Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma chromospermum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma cinnamomeum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma citrinoviride Bissett 1984
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma compactum Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang 2007
Trichoderma composticola Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma confluens W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma cordobense Speg. 1926
Trichoderma corfecianum Sacc. 1911
Trichoderma corneum (Pat.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma cornu-damae (Pat.) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma corrugatum (Yoshim. Doi, P. G. Liu & M. Tamura) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma costaricense (P. Chaverri & Samuels) P. Chaverri, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma crassum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma cremeoides Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma cremeum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma croceum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma crystalligenum Jaklitsch 2006
Trichoderma cuneisporum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma dacrymycellum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma danicum (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma decipiens (Jaklitsch, K. Põldmaa & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma delicatulum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma deliquescens (Sopp) Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma desrochii Sartory & Bainier 1913
Trichoderma dingleyae Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma dorotheae Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma effusum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma eijii C. S. Kim & N. Maek. 2013
Trichoderma endophyticum F. B. Rocha, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma epimyces Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma erinaceum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma estonicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma eucorticioides (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma europaeum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma euskadiense Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma evansii Samuels 2009
Trichoderma fasciculatum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma fassatiae A. Nováková, Kubátová, Valinová, Hubka & Kolařík 2015
Trichoderma fertile Bissett 1992
Trichoderma flagellatum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels 2012
Trichoderma flaviconidium (P. Chaverri, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma flavipes (Peck) Seifert, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma floccosum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma foliicola (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma fomiticola Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma fomitopsis (P. G. Liu & Yoshim. Doi) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma fragile (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma gamsii Samuels & Druzhin. 2006
Trichoderma gelatinosum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma ghanense Yoshim. Doi, Y. Abe & Sugiy. 1987
Trichoderma gillesii Samuels 2012
Trichoderma glaucum E. V. Abbott 1927
Trichoderma gliocladium Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma gracile Samuels & Szakács 2012
Trichoderma grande W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma granulosum Fuckel 1870
Trichoderma guizhouense Q. R. Li, McKenzie & Yong Wang bis 2012
Trichoderma hamatum (Bonord.) Bainier 1906
Trichoderma harzianum Rifai 1969
Trichoderma hausknechtii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hebeiense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma helicolixii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma helicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma henanense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma hexasporum (Boedijn) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hispanicum (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hubeiense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma hunua (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hypoxylon Jing Z. Sun, Xing Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2016
Trichoderma inhamatum Veerkamp & W. Gams 1983
Trichoderma intricatum Samuels & Dodd 2006
Trichoderma istrianum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma italicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma ivoriense Samuels 2012
Trichoderma izawae (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma junci Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma konilangbra Samuels, Petrini & C. P. Kubicek 1998
Trichoderma koningii Oudem. 1902
Trichoderma koningiopsis Samuels, C. Suárez & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma kunigamense Yabuki & Okuda 2014
Trichoderma lacteum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma lacuwombatense (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma lanuginosum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma latizonatum (Peck) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma leguminosarum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma lentiforme (Rehm) P. Chaverri, Samuels & F. B. Rocha 2015
Trichoderma leucopus Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma lieckfeldtiae Samuels 2009
Trichoderma limonium W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma lixii (Pat.) P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma longibrachiatum Rifai 1969
Trichoderma longifialidicum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma longipilis Bissett 1992
Trichoderma luteocrystallinum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma luteoeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma lycogaloides (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch, Lechat & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma margaretense Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma martiale Samuels 2008
Trichoderma matsushimae (Abdullah & J. Webster) K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri 2012
Trichoderma mediterraneum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma medusae Samuels 2012
Trichoderma megalocitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma melanomagnum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma microcitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma mienum C. S. Kim, Nakagiri & N. Maek. 2012
Trichoderma minimum (Speg.) Gunth. Müll. 1965
Trichoderma minutisporum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma minutum Bainier 1906
Trichoderma moravicum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma neocrassum Samuels 2015
Trichoderma neokoningii Samuels & Soberanis 2006
Trichoderma neorufoides Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma neorufum (Samuels, Dodd & Lieckf.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma neosinense Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma neotropicale P. Chaverri & F. Branco-Rocha 2015
Trichoderma nigrovirens Goddard 1913
Trichoderma nothescens Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma novae-zelandiae (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma nunbergii Svilv. 1932
Trichoderma nybergianum (T. Ulvinen & H. L. Chamb.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma oblongisporum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma ochroleucum (Berk. & Ravenel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma odoratum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma oligosporum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma olivascens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma orientale (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Samuels 2014
Trichoderma ovalisporum Samuels & Schroers 2004
Trichoderma pachypallidum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma parapiluliferum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma parareesei Atan., Jaklitsch, Komoń-Zel., C. P. Kubicek & Druzhin. 2010
Trichoderma pararogersonii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma paratroviride Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma paraviridescens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma parceramosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma parepimyces Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma parestonicum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma parmastoi (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma patella (Cooke & Peck) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma patellotropicum Samuels 2015
Trichoderma paucisporum Samuels, C. Suárez & K. Solis 2006
Trichoderma peltatum (Berk.) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma petersenii Samuels, Dodd & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma pezizoides (Berk. & Broome) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma phellinicola Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma phyllostachydis P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma piluliferum J. Webster & Rifai 1969
Trichoderma pinnatum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma placentula Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma pleuroti S. H. Yu & M. S. Park 2006
Trichoderma pleuroticola S. H. Yu & M. S. Park 2006
Trichoderma polysporum (Link) Rifai 1969
Trichoderma poronioideum (Möller) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma priscilae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma protopulvinatum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma pseudobritdaniae W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma pseudocandidum Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2009
Trichoderma pseudogelatinosum (M. Komatsu & Yoshim. Doi) C. S. Kim 2012
Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai 1969
Trichoderma pseudolacteum C. S. Kim & N. Maek. 2013
Trichoderma pseudonigrovirens Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2009
Trichoderma pseudostramineum (Yoshim. Doi) C. S. Kim 2012
Trichoderma psychrophilum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma pubescens Bissett 1992
Trichoderma pulvinatum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma pyramidale W. Jaklitsch & P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma racemosum McAlpine 1902
Trichoderma reesei E. G. Simmons 1977
Trichoderma rhododendri (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rifaii F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & Samuels 2015
Trichoderma rodmanii (Samuels & P. Chaverri) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rogersonii Samuels 2006
Trichoderma rosellum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rossicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma rosulatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma rubi Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rufobrunneum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma sambuci (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma samuelsii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2012
Trichoderma saturnisporopsis Samuels & Jaklitsch 2012
Trichoderma saturnisporum Hammill 1970
Trichoderma scalesiae Samuels & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma semiorbis (Berk.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sempervirentis Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma seppoi Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma shennongjianum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma sichuanense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma silvae-virgineae Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma simmonsii P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha, Samuels & W. Jaklitsch 2015
Trichoderma sinense Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma sinoaustrale Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma sinoluteum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma sinuosum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma solani Samuels 2012
Trichoderma songyi M. S. Park, S. Y. Oh & Y. W. Lim 2014
Trichoderma sordidum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma spinulosum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma spirale Bissett 1992
Trichoderma stellatum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma stercorarium (Barrasa, A. T. Martínez & G. Moreno) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma stilbohypoxyli Samuels & Schroers 2006
Trichoderma stipitatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma stramineum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma strictipile Bissett 1992
Trichoderma strigosellum C. A. Lopez-Q, W. Gams, Boekhout & I. Druzhinina 2013
Trichoderma strigosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma stromaticum Samuels & Pardo-Schulth. 2000
Trichoderma subalpinum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma subeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma subsulphureum (Syd. & P. Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma subtrachycarpum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma succisum (Rifai) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sulawesense (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sulphureum (Schwein.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma surrotundum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma sympodianum Kulik 1960
Trichoderma taiwanense Samuels & M. L. Wu 2006
Trichoderma tawa P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma taxi Chu L. Zhang, F. C. Lin & C. P. Kubicek 2007
Trichoderma texanum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma thailandicum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma thelephoricola P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma theobromicola Samuels & H. C. Evans 2006
Trichoderma thermophilum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma tiantangzhaiense Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma tibetense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma tomentosum Bissett 1992
Trichoderma trachycarpum (Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma tremelloides Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma trixiae Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma tropicosinense (P. G. Liu) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma tsugarense Yabuki & Okuda 2014
Trichoderma turrialbense Samuels, Degenkolb, K. F. Nielsen & Gräfenhan 2008
Trichoderma valdunense Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma varians Sartory & Bainier 1912
Trichoderma velutinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma vermipilum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma verticillatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma victoriense (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma vinosum Samuels 2006
Trichoderma violaceum Oudem. 1904
Trichoderma virens (J. H. Mill., Giddens & A. A. Foster) Arx 1987
Trichoderma virescentiflavum (Speg.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma viridarium Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma viride Pers. 1794
Trichoderma viridescens (A. S. Horne & H. S. Will.) Jaklitsch & Samuels 2006
Trichoderma viridialbum Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma viridiflavum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma virilente Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma voglmayrii Jaklitsch 2006
Trichoderma vulpinum Fuckel 1874
Trichoderma yunnanense Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang 2007
GBIF classification
Trichoderma Persoon ex Gray 1801
(this page)
Trichoderma aeroaquaticum K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri 2012
Trichoderma aerugineum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma aethiopicum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels 2012
Trichoderma afarasin P. Chaverri & Branco-Rocha 2015
Trichoderma afroharzianum P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha & I. Druzhinina 2015
Trichoderma aggressivum Samuels & W. Gams
Trichoderma albocorneum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma albofulvum (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma albolutescens Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma alcalifuscescens (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma alni Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma alutaceum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma amazonicum P. Chaverri & Gazis 2011
Trichoderma americanum (Canham) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma andinense (Samuels & Petrini) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma appalachiense Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma applanatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma arachnoideum Kuritzina & Sizova
Trichoderma arundinaceum Zafari, Gräfenhan & Samuels
Trichoderma asperelloides Samuels 2010
Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckf. & Nirenberg
Trichoderma asterineum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma atlanticum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma atrobrunneum F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & W. Jaklitsch 2015
Trichoderma atrogelatinosum (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma atroviride P. Karst.
Trichoderma attinorum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma aurantioeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma aureoviride Rifai
Trichoderma austriacum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma austrokoningii Samuels & Druzhin.
Trichoderma avellaneum (Rogerson & S. T. Carey) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma balearicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma barbatum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma bavaricum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma bissettii Sandoval-Denis & Guarro 2014
Trichoderma brevicompactum G. F. Kraus, C. P. Kubicek & W. Gams
Trichoderma brevipes (Mont.) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma britannicum (Rifai & J. Webster) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma britdaniae (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma brunneoviride Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma caerulescens (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma caesareum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma calamagrostidis Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma camerunense P. Chaverri & Samuels 2015
Trichoderma capillare Samuels & C. P. Kubicek 2012
Trichoderma caribbaeum Samuels & Schroers
Trichoderma catoptron P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma ceciliae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma centrosinicum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma ceraceum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma ceramicum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma cerebriforme (Berk.) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma cerinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakacs
Trichoderma chlorosporum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma christiani Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma chromospermum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma cinnamomeum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma citrinoviride Bissett
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma compactum Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang
Trichoderma composticola Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma confluens W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma cordobense Speg.
Trichoderma corfecianum Sacc.
Trichoderma corneum (Pat.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma cornu-damae (Pat.) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma corrugatum (Yoshim. Doi, P. G. Liu & M. Tamura) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma costaricense (P. Chaverri & Samuels) P. Chaverri, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma crassum Bissett
Trichoderma cremeoides Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma cremeum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma croceum Bissett
Trichoderma crystalligenum Jaklitsch
Trichoderma cuneisporum P. Chaverri & Samuels 2003
Trichoderma dacrymycellum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma danicum (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma decipiens (Jaklitsch, K. Põldmaa & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma delicatulum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma deliquescens (Sopp) Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma desrochii Sartory & Bainier
Trichoderma dingleyae Samuels & Dodd
Trichoderma dorotheae Samuels & Dodd
Trichoderma effusum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakacs
Trichoderma eijii C. S. Kim & N. Maek. 2013
Trichoderma endophyticum F. B. Rocha, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma epimyces Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma erinaceum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakacs
Trichoderma estonicum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma eucorticioides (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma europaeum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma euskadiense Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma evansii Samuels
Trichoderma fasciculatum Bissett
Trichoderma fassatiae A. Nováková, Kubátová, Valinová, Hubka & Kolařík 2015
Trichoderma fertile Bissett
Trichoderma flagellatum Mulaw, C. P. Kubicek & Samuels 2012
Trichoderma flaviconidium (P. Chaverri, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma flavipes (Peck) Seifert, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma flavofuscum J. H. Miller et al.
Trichoderma floccosum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma foliicola (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma fomiticola Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma fomitopsis (P. G. Liu & Yoshim. Doi) P. G. Liu, Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma fragile (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma fujianense
Trichoderma gamsii Samuels & Druzhin.
Trichoderma gelatinosum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma ghanense Yoshim. Doi, Y. Abe & Sugiy.
Trichoderma gillesii Samuels 2012
Trichoderma glaucum E. V. Abbott
Trichoderma gliocladium Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma gracile Samuels & Szakács 2012
Trichoderma grande W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma granulosum Fuckel
Trichoderma guizhouense Q. R. Li, Mc Kenzie & Yong
Trichoderma hamatum (Bonord.) Bainier
Trichoderma harzianum Rifai
Trichoderma hausknechtii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hebeiense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma helicolixii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma helicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakacs
Trichoderma henanense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma hexasporum (Boedijn) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hispanicum (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hubeiense W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma hunua (Dingley) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma hypoxylon Jing Z. Sun, Xing Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2016
Trichoderma inhamatum Veerkamp & W. Gams
Trichoderma intricatum Samuels & Dodd
Trichoderma istrianum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma italicum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma ivoriense Samuels 2012
Trichoderma izawae (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma junci Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma konilangbra Samuels, Petrini & C. P. Kubicek
Trichoderma koningii Oudem.
Trichoderma koningiopsis Samuels, C. Suárez & H. C. Evans
Trichoderma kunigamense Yabuki & Okuda 2014
Trichoderma kunmingense
Trichoderma lacteum Bissett
Trichoderma lacuwombatense (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma lanuginosum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma latizonatum (Peck) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma leguminosarum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma lentiforme (Rehm) P. Chaverri, Samuels & F. B. Rocha 2015
Trichoderma leucopus Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma lieckfeldtiae Samuels
Trichoderma limonium W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma lixii (Pat.) P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma longibrachiatum Rifai
Trichoderma longifialidicum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma longipilis Bissett
Trichoderma luteocrystallinum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma luteoeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma lycogaloides (Berk. & Broome) Jaklitsch, Lechat & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma margaretense Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma martiale Samuels 2008
Trichoderma matsushimae (Abdullah & J. Webster) K. Yamag., Tsurumi, Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri 2012
Trichoderma mediterraneum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma medusae Samuels 2012
Trichoderma megalocitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma melanomagnum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma microcitrinum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma mienum C. S. Kim, Nakagiri & N. Maek. 2012
Trichoderma minimum (Speg.) Gunth. Müll.
Trichoderma minutisporum Bissett
Trichoderma minutum Bainier
Trichoderma moravicum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma neocrassum Samuels 2015
Trichoderma neokoningii Samuels & Soberanis
Trichoderma neorufoides Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma neorufum (Samuels, Dodd & Lieckf.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma neosinense Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma neotropicale P. Chaverri & F. Branco-Rocha 2015
Trichoderma nigrovirens Goddard
Trichoderma nothescens Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma novae-zelandiae (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma nunbergii Svilv. 1932
Trichoderma nybergianum (T. Ulvinen & H. L. Chamb.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma oblongisporum Bissett
Trichoderma ochroleucum (Berk. & Ravenel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma odoratum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma oligosporum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma olivascens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma orientale (Samuels & Petrini) Jaklitsch & Samuels 2014
Trichoderma ovalisporum Samuels & Schroers
Trichoderma pachypallidum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma parapiluliferum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma parareesei Atan., Jaklitsch, Komoń-Zel., C. P. Kubicek & Druzhin. 2010
Trichoderma pararogersonii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma paratroviride Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma paraviridescens Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma parceramosum Bissett
Trichoderma parepimyces Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma parestonicum Jaklitsch 2009
Trichoderma parmastoi (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma patella (Cooke & Peck) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma patellotropicum Samuels 2015
Trichoderma paucisporum Samuels, C. Suárez & K. Solis
Trichoderma peltatum (Berk.) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma petersenii Samuels, Dodd & Schroers
Trichoderma pezizoides (Berk. & Broome) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma phellinicola Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma phyllostachydis P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma piluliferum J. Webster & Rifai
Trichoderma pinnatum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma placentula Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma pleuroti S. H. Yu & M. S. Park 2006
Trichoderma pleuroticola S. H. Yu & M. S. Park 2006
Trichoderma pleurotum
Trichoderma polysporum (Link) Rifai
Trichoderma poronioideum (Möller) Samuels 2015
Trichoderma priscilae Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma protopulvinatum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma pseudobritdaniae W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma pseudocandidum Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2009
Trichoderma pseudogelatinosum (M. Komatsu & Yoshim. Doi) C. S. Kim 2012
Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai
Trichoderma pseudolacteum C. S. Kim & N. Maek. 2013
Trichoderma pseudonigrovirens Minnis, Samuels & P. Chaverri 2009
Trichoderma pseudostramineum (Yoshim. Doi) C. S. Kim 2012
Trichoderma psychrophilum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma pubescens Bissett
Trichoderma pulvinatum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma pyramidale W. Jaklitsch & P. Chaverri 2015
Trichoderma racemosum Mc Alpine
Trichoderma reesei E. G. Simmons
Trichoderma rhododendri (Jaklitsch) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rifaii F. B. Rocha, P. Chaverri & Samuels 2015
Trichoderma rodmanii (Samuels & P. Chaverri) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rogersonii Samuels
Trichoderma rosellum Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rossicum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakacs
Trichoderma rosulatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma rubi Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma rufobrunneum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma sambuci (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma samuelsii Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2012
Trichoderma saturnisporopsis Samuels & Jaklitsch 2012
Trichoderma saturnisporum Hammill
Trichoderma scalesiae Samuels & H. C. Evans
Trichoderma semiorbis (Berk.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sempervirentis Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma seppoi Jaklitsch 2008
Trichoderma shennongjianum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma sichuanense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma silvae-virgineae Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma simmonsii P. Chaverri, F. B. Rocha, Samuels & W. Jaklitsch 2015
Trichoderma sinense Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakács 2003
Trichoderma sinoaustrale Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma sinoluteum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma sinuosum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma solani Samuels 2012
Trichoderma songyi M. S. Park, S. Y. Oh & Y. W. Lim 2014
Trichoderma sordidum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma speciosum
Trichoderma spinulosum (Fuckel) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma spirale Bissett
Trichoderma stellatum (B. S. Lu, Druzhin. & Samuels) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma stercorarium (Barrasa, A. T. Martínez & G. Moreno) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma stilbohypoxyli Samuels & Schroers
Trichoderma stipitatum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma stramineum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma strictipile Bissett 1992
Trichoderma strigosellum
Trichoderma strigosum Bissett
Trichoderma stromaticum Samuels & Pardo-Schulth.
Trichoderma subalpinum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma subeffusum Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma subsulphureum (Syd. & P. Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma subtrachycarpum (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma succisum (Rifai) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sulawesense (Yoshim. Doi) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma sulphureum (Schwein.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma surrotundum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma sympodianum Kulik
Trichoderma taiwanense Samuels & M. L. Wu
Trichoderma tawa P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma taxi Chu L. Zhang, F. C. Lin & C. P. Kubicek
Trichoderma texanum Q. V. Montoya, L. A. Meirelles, P. Chaverri & A. Rodrigues 2016
Trichoderma thailandicum P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma thelephoricola P. Chaverri & Samuels
Trichoderma theobromicola Samuels & H. C. Evans
Trichoderma thermophilum W. T. Qin & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma tiantangzhaiense Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2015
Trichoderma tibetense K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2016
Trichoderma tomentosum Bissett
Trichoderma trachycarpum (Syd.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma tremelloides Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma trixiae Samuels & Jaklitsch 2013
Trichoderma tropicosinense (P. G. Liu) Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma tsugarense Yabuki & Okuda 2014
Trichoderma turrialbense Samuels, Degenkolb, K. F. Nielsen & Gräfenhan
Trichoderma valdunense Jaklitsch 2011
Trichoderma varians Sartory & Bainier
Trichoderma velutinum Bissett, C. P. Kubicek & Szakacs
Trichoderma vermipilum Samuels 2012
Trichoderma verticillatum K. Chen & W. Y. Zhuang 2017
Trichoderma victoriense (Overton) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma vinosum Samuels
Trichoderma violaceum Oudem.
Trichoderma virens (J. H. Mill., Giddens & A. A. Foster) Arx 1987
Trichoderma virescentiflavum (Speg.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014
Trichoderma viridarium Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma viride Pers.
Trichoderma viridescens (A. S. Horne & H. S. Will.) Jaklitsch & Samuels
Trichoderma viridialbum Jaklitsch, Samuels & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma viridiflavum Z. X. Zhu & W. Y. Zhuang 2014
Trichoderma virilente Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma voglmayrii Jaklitsch
Trichoderma vulpinum Fuckel
Trichoderma yunnanense Z. F. Yu & K. Q. Zhang
Trichoderma zeloharzianum
Trichoderma zonatum
Acrostalagmus Corda
Arachnocrea Z. Moravec
Cladobotryum Nees
Dialhypocrea Speg.
Diplocladium Bonord.
Escovopsioides H. C. Evans & J. O. Augustin 2012
Escovopsis J. J. Muchovej & Della Lucia
Gliocladium Corda
Hyphomyces C. H. Bridges & C. W. Emmons
Hypocrea Fr.
Hypocreopsis P. Karst.
Hypomyces (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul.
Leiosepium Sacc.
Lichenobarya Etayo, Diederich & Lawrey 2015
Mycogone Link
Peckiella (Sacc.) Sacc.
Podostroma P. Karst.
Protocrea Petch
Pseudohypocrea Yoshim. Doi
Rogersonia Samuels & Lodge
Sarawakus Lloyd
Sepedonium Link
Sibirina G. R. W. Arnold
Sphaerostilbella (Henn.) Sacc. & D. Sacc.
Sporophagomyces K. Pöldmaa & Samuels
Stephanoma Wallr.
Syspastospora P. F. Cannon & D. Hawksw.
Tilakidium Vaidya, C. D. Naik & Rathod
cellular organisms
(this page)
[Hypocrea] ampulliformis
[Hypocrea] coprosmae
[Hypocrea] dichromospora
[Hypocrea] mikurajimensis
[Hypocrea] muroiana
[Hypocrea] splendens
[Hypocrea] subcitrina
Trichoderma acremonioides
Trichoderma aeroaquaticum
Trichoderma aerugineum
Trichoderma aestuarinum
Trichoderma aethiopicum
Trichoderma afarasin
Trichoderma afroharzianum
Trichoderma aggregatum
Trichoderma aggressivum
Trichoderma albocorneum
Trichoderma albofulvopsis
Trichoderma albofulvum
Trichoderma albolutescens
Trichoderma album
Trichoderma alcalifuscescens
Trichoderma alni
Trichoderma alpinum
Trichoderma alutaceum
Trichoderma amazonicum
Trichoderma americanum
Trichoderma andinense
Trichoderma appalachiense
Trichoderma applanatum
Trichoderma arundinaceum
Trichoderma asperelloides
Trichoderma asperellum
Trichoderma atlanticum
Trichoderma atrobrunneum
Trichoderma atrogelatinosum
Trichoderma atroviride
Trichoderma attinorum
Trichoderma auranteffusum
Trichoderma aureoviride
Trichoderma austriacum
Trichoderma austrokoningii
Trichoderma avellaneum
Trichoderma balearicum
Trichoderma bannaense
Trichoderma barbatum
Trichoderma bavaricum
Trichoderma beinartii
Trichoderma bissettii
Trichoderma breve
Trichoderma brevicompactum
Trichoderma brevicrassum
Trichoderma britannicum
Trichoderma britdaniae
Trichoderma brunneoviride
Trichoderma byssinum
Trichoderma caeruleimontis
Trichoderma caerulescens
Trichoderma caesareum
Trichoderma calamagrostidis
Trichoderma camerunense
Trichoderma capillare
Trichoderma caribbaeum
Trichoderma catoptron
Trichoderma ceciliae
Trichoderma ceraceum
Trichoderma ceramicum
Trichoderma ceratophylli
Trichoderma cerebriforme
Trichoderma cerinum
Trichoderma chetii
Trichoderma chlamydosporicum
Trichoderma chlorosporum
Trichoderma christiani
Trichoderma chromospermum
Trichoderma cinnamomeum
Trichoderma citrinoviride
Trichoderma citrinum
Trichoderma compactum
Trichoderma composticola
Trichoderma concentricum
Trichoderma confluens
Trichoderma corneum
Trichoderma cornu-damae
Trichoderma costaricense
Trichoderma crassum
Trichoderma cremeoides
Trichoderma cremeum
Trichoderma crystalligenum
Trichoderma dacrymycellum
Trichoderma danicum
Trichoderma decipiens
Trichoderma delicatulum
Trichoderma deliquescens
Trichoderma densum
Trichoderma dingleyae
Trichoderma dorotheae
Trichoderma effusum
Trichoderma eijii
Trichoderma endophyticum
Trichoderma epimyces
Trichoderma erinaceum
Trichoderma estonicum
Trichoderma eucorticioides
Trichoderma europaeum
Trichoderma euskadiense
Trichoderma evansii
Trichoderma fassatiae
Trichoderma fertile
Trichoderma flagellatum
Trichoderma flavescens
Trichoderma flaviconidium
Trichoderma flavipes
Trichoderma floccosum
Trichoderma foliicola
Trichoderma fomiticola
Trichoderma fomitopsis
Trichoderma fujianense
Trichoderma gamsii
Trichoderma ganodermatis
Trichoderma gelatinosum
Trichoderma ghanense
Trichoderma gillesii
Trichoderma glaucum
Trichoderma gliocladium
Trichoderma gracile
Trichoderma guizhouense
Trichoderma hainanense
Trichoderma hamatum
Trichoderma harzianum
Trichoderma hausknechtii
Trichoderma hebeiense
Trichoderma helicolixii
Trichoderma helicum
Trichoderma hengshanicum
Trichoderma hirsutum
Trichoderma hispanicum
Trichoderma hongkongense
Trichoderma hubeiense
Trichoderma hunanense
Trichoderma hunua
Trichoderma hypoxylon
Trichoderma ingratum
Trichoderma inhamatum
Trichoderma intricatum
Trichoderma istrianum
Trichoderma italicum
Trichoderma ivoriense
Trichoderma junci
Trichoderma konilangbra
Trichoderma koningii
Trichoderma koningiopsis
Trichoderma koreanum
Trichoderma kunigamense
Trichoderma lacuwombatense
Trichoderma laevisporum
Trichoderma lanuginosum
Trichoderma leguminosarum
Trichoderma lentiforme
Trichoderma leucopus
Trichoderma liberatum
Trichoderma lieckfeldtiae
Trichoderma linzhiense
Trichoderma lixii
Trichoderma longibrachiatum
Trichoderma longifialidicum
Trichoderma longipile
Trichoderma longisporum
Trichoderma luteocrystallinum
Trichoderma luteoeffusum
Trichoderma lycogaloides
Trichoderma margaretense
Trichoderma martiale
Trichoderma matsushimae
Trichoderma mediterraneum
Trichoderma medusae
Trichoderma megalocitrinum
Trichoderma melanomagnum
Trichoderma microcitrinum
Trichoderma mienum
Trichoderma minutisporum
Trichoderma moravicum
Trichoderma neocrassum
Trichoderma neokoningii
Trichoderma neorufoides
Trichoderma neorufum
Trichoderma neosinense
Trichoderma neotropicale
Trichoderma nothescens
Trichoderma novae-zelandiae
Trichoderma nybergianum
Trichoderma oblongisporum
Trichoderma ochroleucum
Trichoderma oligosporum
Trichoderma olivascens
Trichoderma orientale
Trichoderma ovalisporum
Trichoderma pachypallidum
Trichoderma parapiluliferum
Trichoderma parareesei
Trichoderma pararogersonii
Trichoderma paratroviride
Trichoderma paraviridescens
Trichoderma parepimyces
Trichoderma parestonicum
Trichoderma parmastoi
Trichoderma patella
Trichoderma patellotropicum
Trichoderma paucisporum
Trichoderma peltatum
Trichoderma petersenii
Trichoderma pezizoides
Trichoderma phellinicola
Trichoderma phyllostachydis
Trichoderma piluliferum
Trichoderma pinicola
Trichoderma pinnatum
Trichoderma placentula
Trichoderma pleuroti
Trichoderma pleuroticola
Trichoderma polyalthiae
Trichoderma polypori
Trichoderma polysporum
Trichoderma poronioideum
Trichoderma priscilae
Trichoderma protopulvinatum
Trichoderma protrudens
Trichoderma pseudocandidum
Trichoderma pseudodensum
Trichoderma pseudogelatinosum
Trichoderma pseudokoningii
Trichoderma pseudolacteum
Trichoderma pseudonigrovirens
Trichoderma pseudostramineum
Trichoderma psychrophilum
Trichoderma pubescens
Trichoderma pulvinatum
Trichoderma pyramidale
Trichoderma reesei
Trichoderma restrictum
Trichoderma rhododendri
Trichoderma rifaii
Trichoderma rodmanii
Trichoderma rogersonii
Trichoderma rossicum
Trichoderma rosulatum
Trichoderma rubi
Trichoderma rufobrunneum
Trichoderma rugosum
Trichoderma rugulosum
Trichoderma sambuci
Trichoderma samuelsii
Trichoderma saturnisporopsis
Trichoderma saturnisporum
Trichoderma scalesiae
Trichoderma semiorbis
Trichoderma sempervirentis
Trichoderma seppoi
Trichoderma shennongjianum
Trichoderma sichuanense
Trichoderma silvae-virgineae
Trichoderma simmonsii
Trichoderma simplex
Trichoderma sinense
Trichoderma sinokoningii
Trichoderma sinoluteum
Trichoderma sinuosum
Trichoderma solani
Trichoderma solum
Trichoderma songyi
Trichoderma sparsum
Trichoderma sphaerosporum
Trichoderma spinulosum
Trichoderma spirale
Trichoderma stercorarium
Trichoderma stilbohypoxyli
Trichoderma stipitatum
Trichoderma stramineum
Trichoderma strictipile
Trichoderma strigosellum
Trichoderma strigosum
Trichoderma stromaticum
Trichoderma subalni
Trichoderma subalpinum
Trichoderma subeffusum
Trichoderma subiculoides
Trichoderma subsulphureum
Trichoderma subviride
Trichoderma sulawesense
Trichoderma sulphureum
Trichoderma surrotundum
Trichoderma taiwanense
Trichoderma tawa
Trichoderma taxi
Trichoderma texanum
Trichoderma thailandicum
Trichoderma thelephoricola
Trichoderma theobromicola
Trichoderma tiantangzhaiense
Trichoderma tibetense
Trichoderma tomentosum
Trichoderma tremelloides
Trichoderma trixiae
Trichoderma tropicosinense
Trichoderma tsugarense
Trichoderma turrialbense
Trichoderma undatipile
Trichoderma undulatum
Trichoderma valdunense
Trichoderma velutinum
Trichoderma vermipilum
Trichoderma verticillatum
Trichoderma victoriense
Trichoderma vinosum
Trichoderma virens
Trichoderma virescentiflavum
Trichoderma viridarium
Trichoderma viride
Trichoderma viridescens
Trichoderma viridialbum
Trichoderma virilente
Trichoderma voglmayrii
Trichoderma yui
Trichoderma yunnanense
Trichoderma zayuense
Trichoderma zonatum
unclassified Trichoderma
unclassified Hypocreaceae
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
(this page)
Trichoderma adaptatum
Trichoderma aeroaquaticum
Trichoderma aerugineum
Trichoderma aestuarinum
Trichoderma aethiopicum
Trichoderma afarasin
Trichoderma afroharzianum
Trichoderma aggregatum
Trichoderma aggressivum
Trichoderma albocorneum
Trichoderma albofulvopsis
Trichoderma albofulvum
Trichoderma albolutescens
Trichoderma alboviride
Trichoderma album
Trichoderma alcalifuscescens
Trichoderma alni
Trichoderma alpinum
Trichoderma alutaceum
Trichoderma amazonicum
Trichoderma americanum
Trichoderma andinense
Trichoderma angustum
Trichoderma appalachiense
Trichoderma applanatum
Trichoderma arachnoideum
Trichoderma arenarium
Trichoderma arundinaceum
Trichoderma asperelloides
Trichoderma asperellum
Trichoderma asterineum
Trichoderma atlanticum
Trichoderma atrobrunneum
Trichoderma atrogelatinosum
Trichoderma atroviride
Trichoderma attinorum
Trichoderma auranteffusum
Trichoderma aurantioeffusum
Trichoderma aureoviride
Trichoderma aureum
Trichoderma austriacum
Trichoderma austrokoningii
Trichoderma avellaneum
Trichoderma azevedoi
Trichoderma balearicum
Trichoderma bannaense
Trichoderma barbatum
Trichoderma bavaricum
Trichoderma beijingense
Trichoderma beinartii
Trichoderma bifurcatum
Trichoderma bissettii
Trichoderma bomiense
Trichoderma brassicae
Trichoderma breve
Trichoderma brevicompactum
Trichoderma brevicrassum
Trichoderma brevipes
Trichoderma britannicum
Trichoderma britdaniae
Trichoderma brunneoviride
Trichoderma byssinum
Trichoderma caeruleimontis
Trichoderma caerulescens
Trichoderma caesareum
Trichoderma caesium
Trichoderma calamagrostidis
Trichoderma camerunense
Trichoderma capillare
Trichoderma caribbaeum
Trichoderma carneum
Trichoderma catoptron
Trichoderma ceciliae
Trichoderma centrosinicum
Trichoderma ceraceum
Trichoderma ceramicum
Trichoderma ceratophylli
Trichoderma cerebriforme
Trichoderma cerinum
Trichoderma changbaiense
Trichoderma chetii
Trichoderma chlamydosporicum
Trichoderma chlorosporum
Trichoderma christianii
Trichoderma chromospermum
Trichoderma cinnabarinum
Trichoderma cinnamomeum
Trichoderma citrinella
Trichoderma citrinoviride
Trichoderma citrinum
Trichoderma collae
Trichoderma compactum
Trichoderma composticola
Trichoderma concentricum
Trichoderma confertum
Trichoderma confluens
Trichoderma cordobense
Trichoderma corfecianum
Trichoderma corneum
Trichoderma cornu-damae
Trichoderma corrugatum
Trichoderma costaricense
Trichoderma crassum
Trichoderma cremeoides
Trichoderma cremeum
Trichoderma croceum
Trichoderma crystallinum
Trichoderma cuenisporum
Trichoderma cuneisporum
Trichoderma dacrymycellum
Trichoderma danicum
Trichoderma decipiens
Trichoderma delicatulum
Trichoderma deliquescens
Trichoderma densum
Trichoderma desrochii
Trichoderma dimorphum
Trichoderma dingleyae
Trichoderma dorotheae
Trichoderma effusum
Trichoderma eijii
Trichoderma endophyticum
Trichoderma epimyces
Trichoderma erinaceum
Trichoderma estonicum
Trichoderma eucorticioides
Trichoderma europaeum
Trichoderma euskadiense
Trichoderma evansii
Trichoderma fasciculatum
Trichoderma fassatiae
Trichoderma fassatiovae
Trichoderma fertile
Trichoderma flagellatum
Trichoderma flavescens
Trichoderma flaviconidium
Trichoderma flavipes
Trichoderma flavofuscum
Trichoderma flavum
Trichoderma floccosum
Trichoderma foliicola
Trichoderma fomiticola
Trichoderma fomitopsis
Trichoderma fragile
Trichoderma fujianense
Trichoderma fuliginoides
Trichoderma fuscum
Trichoderma gamsii
Trichoderma gansuanum
Trichoderma gelatinosum
Trichoderma ghanense
Trichoderma gillesii
Trichoderma glaucum
Trichoderma gliocladium
Trichoderma globoides
Trichoderma globosum
Trichoderma gracile
Trichoderma grande
Trichoderma granulosum
Trichoderma gregarium
Trichoderma guizhouense
Trichoderma guttatum
Trichoderma hainanense
Trichoderma hamatum
Trichoderma harzianum
Trichoderma hausknechtii
Trichoderma hebeiense
Trichoderma helicolixii
Trichoderma helicum
Trichoderma henanense
Trichoderma hengshanicum
Trichoderma hexasporum
Trichoderma hirsutum
Trichoderma hispanicum
Trichoderma hongkongensis
Trichoderma hubeiense
Trichoderma hunanense
Trichoderma hunua
Trichoderma hypoxylon
Trichoderma ingratum
Trichoderma inhamatum
Trichoderma intricatum
Trichoderma istrianum
Trichoderma italicum
Trichoderma ivoriense
Trichoderma izawae
Trichoderma junci
Trichoderma konilangbra
Trichoderma koningii
Trichoderma koningiopsis
Trichoderma koreanum
Trichoderma kunmingense
Trichoderma lacteum
Trichoderma lacuwombatense
Trichoderma laevisporum
Trichoderma lanuginosum
Trichoderma lateritioroseum
Trichoderma latizonatum
Trichoderma leguminosarum
Trichoderma lentiforme
Trichoderma lentinulae
Trichoderma leucopus
Trichoderma liberatum
Trichoderma lieckfeldtiae
Trichoderma lignorum
Trichoderma limonium
Trichoderma linzhiense
Trichoderma lixii
Trichoderma longibrachiatum
Trichoderma longiphialidicum
Trichoderma longipile
Trichoderma longipilis
Trichoderma longisporum
Trichoderma luteffusum
Trichoderma luteocrystallinum
Trichoderma luteoeffusum
Trichoderma lycogaloides
Trichoderma mangshanicum
Trichoderma margaretense
Trichoderma martiale
Trichoderma matsushimae
Trichoderma mediterraneum
Trichoderma medusae
Trichoderma megalocitrinum
Trichoderma melanomagnum
Trichoderma microcitrinum
Trichoderma mienum
Trichoderma minimum
Trichoderma minutisporum
Trichoderma minutum
Trichoderma moravicum
Trichoderma mycophilum
Trichoderma narcissi
Trichoderma neocrassum
Trichoderma neokoningii
Trichoderma neorufoides
Trichoderma neorufum
Trichoderma neosinense
Trichoderma neotropicale
Trichoderma nigrescens
Trichoderma nigrovirens
Trichoderma nothescens
Trichoderma novae-zelandiae
Trichoderma nunbergii
Trichoderma nybergianum
Trichoderma oblongisporum
Trichoderma ochroleucum
Trichoderma odoratum
Trichoderma oligosporum
Trichoderma olivascens
Trichoderma orientale
Trichoderma ovalisporum
Trichoderma pachypallidum
Trichoderma parapiluliferum
Trichoderma parareesei
Trichoderma pararogersonii
Trichoderma paratroviride
Trichoderma paraviridescens
Trichoderma parceramosum
Trichoderma parepimyces
Trichoderma parestonicum
Trichoderma parmastoi
Trichoderma patella
Trichoderma patellotropicum
Trichoderma paucisporum
Trichoderma peberdyi
Trichoderma peltatum
Trichoderma penicillatum
Trichoderma perviride
Trichoderma petersenii
Trichoderma pezizoides
Trichoderma pezizoideum
Trichoderma phellinicola
Trichoderma phyllostachydis
Trichoderma piluliferum
Trichoderma pinicola
Trichoderma pinnatum
Trichoderma placentula
Trichoderma pleuroti
Trichoderma pleuroticola
Trichoderma pollinicola
Trichoderma polyalthiae
Trichoderma polypori
Trichoderma polysporum
Trichoderma poronioideum
Trichoderma priscilae
Trichoderma protopulvinatum
Trichoderma protrudens
Trichoderma pruinosum
Trichoderma pseudobritdaniae
Trichoderma pseudocandidum
Trichoderma pseudodensum
Trichoderma pseudogelatinosum
Trichoderma pseudokoningii
Trichoderma pseudolacteum
Trichoderma pseudonigrovirens
Trichoderma pseudostramineum
Trichoderma psychrophilum
Trichoderma pubescens
Trichoderma pulvinatum
Trichoderma purpureum
Trichoderma pyramidale
Trichoderma racemosum
Trichoderma reesei
Trichoderma restrictum
Trichoderma rhododendri
Trichoderma rifaii
Trichoderma rodmanii
Trichoderma rogersonii
Trichoderma rosellum
Trichoderma roseum
Trichoderma rossicum
Trichoderma rosulatum
Trichoderma rubi
Trichoderma rubropallens
Trichoderma rufobrunneum
Trichoderma rugulosum
Trichoderma sambuci
Trichoderma samuelsii
Trichoderma saturnisporopsis
Trichoderma saturnisporum
Trichoderma scalesiae
Trichoderma semiorbis
Trichoderma sempervirentis
Trichoderma seppoi
Trichoderma shaoguanicum
Trichoderma shennongjianum
Trichoderma sichuanense
Trichoderma silvae-virgineae
Trichoderma simmonsii
Trichoderma simplex
Trichoderma sinense
Trichoderma sinensis
Trichoderma sinoaustrale
Trichoderma sinokoningii
Trichoderma sinoluteum
Trichoderma sinuosum
Trichoderma solani
Trichoderma solum
Trichoderma songyi
Trichoderma sordidum
Trichoderma stellatum
Trichoderma stercorarium
Trichoderma stilbohypoxyli
Trichoderma stipitatum
Trichoderma stramineum
Trichoderma strictipile
Trichoderma strigosellum
Trichoderma strigosum
Trichoderma stromaticum
Trichoderma subalpinum
Trichoderma subeffusum
Trichoderma subsulphureum
Trichoderma subtrachycarpum
Trichoderma subviride
Trichoderma succisum
Trichoderma sulawesense
Trichoderma sulphureum
Trichoderma surrotundum
Trichoderma sympodianum
Trichoderma taiwanense
Trichoderma tardum
Trichoderma tawa
Trichoderma taxi
Trichoderma tenue
Trichoderma texanum
Trichoderma thailandicum
Trichoderma thelephoricola
Trichoderma theobromicola
Trichoderma thermophilum
Trichoderma tiantangzhaiense
Trichoderma tibetense
Trichoderma tomentosum
Trichoderma trachycarpum
Trichoderma tremelloides
Trichoderma trixiae
Trichoderma tropicosinense
Trichoderma turrialbense
Trichoderma undatipile
Trichoderma undulatum
Trichoderma valdunense
Trichoderma varians
Trichoderma varium
Trichoderma velutinum
Trichoderma vermifimicola
Trichoderma vermipilum
Trichoderma verticillatum
Trichoderma victoriense
Trichoderma vinosum
Trichoderma violaceum
Trichoderma virens
Trichoderma virescentiflavum
Trichoderma virgatum
Trichoderma viridarium
Trichoderma viride
Trichoderma viridescens
Trichoderma viridialbum
Trichoderma viridicollare
Trichoderma viridiflavum
Trichoderma viridulum
Trichoderma virilente
Trichoderma voglmayrii
Trichoderma vulgatum
Trichoderma vulpinum
Trichoderma xanthum
Trichoderma xixiacum
Trichoderma yui
Trichoderma yunnanense
Trichoderma zayuense
Trichoderma zelobreve
Trichoderma zeloharzianum
Trichoderma zonatum
Pachybasium candidum
World Register of Marine Species
Trichoderma Persoon ex Gray 1801
(this page)
Gliocladium Corda 1840