“Family DONDERSIIDAE Simroth, 1893
Dondersiidae Simroth, 1893. Amphineura in: H.G. Bronn’s Klassen and Ordnungen der Tierreichs, 3(1): 225.
Synonyms: Myzomeniidae Thiele, 1894 (part).
Sclerites of two or more types of scales, occasionally with solid acicular spicules. Without epidermal papillae. Radula monoserial, with paired long denticles. Ventral foregut glandular organs of ducts with subepithelial gland cells (type A). Without respiratory organs.”
(García-Álvarez & Salvini-Plawen, 2007: 82)
Dondersiidae is a family of molluscs belonging to the order Pholidoskepia.[1]
Dondersiidae is a family of molluscs belonging to the order Pholidoskepia.