provided by IABIN
Chacoan regions of Argentina (Provinces of Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa, Jujuy, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe and Tucumán), Bolivia and Paraguay (Departments of Alto Paraguay, Boquerón, Central, Concepción, Presidente Hayes) , and open formations near of the rivers Beni, Madeira, Tapajos and Xingu at Amapá State, Brazil.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Molecular Biology
provided by IABIN
Cumarinas, ÓLEO ESSENCIAL (20)
Diagnostic Description
provided by IABIN
Adult morphology Head short, wide at buccal commissure, high. Loreal region sloping. Snout short, but prominent. Rostrum nearly vertical. Nostrils elongate and oblique. Cephalic crests somewhat raised, with rippled borders, but almost all the lateral crests granular. Canthal crests with smooth borders, intercanthal space rather wide. Subnasal crests distinct and projecting, with smooth borders. Suborbital crests near the lower border of the eye, not laterally expanded, nor prolonged be'ond postorbitals. Preorbital crests well marked, scarcely sloping posteriorly. Postorbital crests well marked, sloping a little anteriorly, close to the anterior border of the tympanum. Maxillary crests with smooth borders, laterally expanded, projecting in dorsal view. In ventral view, the maxillaiy crests appear as a wide rim. Supraorbital crests somewhat projecting; interorbital space concave and wide, granular and with the short divergent crests poorly marked. Parietal crests poorly marked. Orbitotympanic crests generally not well marked. Tympanum distinct, gently sloping. Parotoids thin with poorly marked borders, length 10 mm; dorsal granules conical and horny. A row of spinous granules on the inner tarsal edge. No vertebral light line; a dorsal dark reticulation. Belly yellowish, light.Size range in males 43-70 mm, in females 50-81 mm. Variation The suborbital crests may be somewhat laterally expanded and prolonged beyond postorbitals; in this character there is a resemblance to Rhinella fernandezae. Parietals sometimes scarcely visible. Parotoid dorsal granules rounded Larval morphology The presence of a cylindrical proctodeal tube, with dorsal and ventral margins of equal length, characterizes the tadpoles of the species among the Chaco Rhinella tadpoles with tthree rows of infraangular keratodonts.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta