Tversted Klitplantage, Jylland, Danmark
Tversted Klitplantage, Jylland, Danmark
Tversted Klitplantage, Jylland, Danmark
Portlandmosen, Lille Vildmose, Danmark
Portlandmosen, Lille Vildmose, Danmark
Portlandmosen, Lille Vildmose, Danmark
Portlandmosen, Lille Vildmose, Danmark
Skräbeåens udmunding, Nymölla, Skåne, Sverige
Skräbeåens udmunding, Nymölla, Skåne, Sverige
Skräbeåens udmunding, Nymölla, Skåne, Sverige
Videbæk, Vestjylland, Danmark
Videbæk, Vestjylland, Danmark
Videbæk, Vestjylland, Danmark
Videbæk, Vestjylland, Danmark
Videbæk, Vestjylland, Danmark
Videbæk, V-Jylland, Danmark
Lundgård, Arden, Danmark
Lundgård, Arden, Danmark
Lundgård, Arden, Danmark
This liverwort (of the 'complex thallose' type) was growing on mud banks along a small stream in open serpentine country near chaparral along Bottle Rock Road, Lake County, California, on March 28th 2012. This piece was collected and photographed (still in in its micro-habitat) at at my house later. Thanks to Martin Hutten and Dan Norris for the identification.