Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
U.S. 101 and WA 104, Jefferson County, Washington, US
Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
U.S. 101 and WA 104, Jefferson County, Washington, US
Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
U.S. 101 and WA 104, Jefferson County, Washington, US
Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
U.S. 101 and WA 104, Jefferson County, Washington, US
Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
U.S. 101 and WA 104, Jefferson County, Washington, US
Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
U.S. 101 and WA 104, Jefferson County, Washington, US
Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
U.S. 101 and WA 104, Jefferson County, Washington, US
Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
Kongenshus Mindepark, Jylland, Danmark
Category hierarchy: Animals | InsectsDescription: A Harvestman forages on white pearly everlasting flowers. This image was taken while the photographer was participating in the 2009 Joint Annual Meeting of these leading scientific societies: Mycological Society of America, American Bryological and Lichenological Society, American Fern Society, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and the Botanical Society of America; also known as Botany/Mycology 2009. Capture device: Camera: Fujifilm FinePix F100fdOriginal date: 20090724Locality: Latitude: 4.058110000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.116590000000000e+002Life stage: Adult
we found Anaphalis margaritacea to be quite common in the heights of Mt Hotaka. As u can see the flowering heads are papery and the whole plant is silvery.
Flowers, Linzhi, Xizang, China, China, 2006
Category hierarchy: Animals | InsectsDescription: A Harvestman clasps a white pearly everlasting flower as it forages. This image was taken while the photographer was participating in the 2009 Joint Annual Meeting of these leading scientific societies: Mycological Society of America, American Bryological and Lichenological Society, American Fern Society, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and the Botanical Society of America; also known as Botany/Mycology 2009. Capture device: Camera: Fujifilm FinePix F100fdOriginal date: 20090724Locality: Latitude: 4.058110000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.116590000000000e+002