Figure 1.Photograph of habitus of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male, specimen number 30.
Saima Naz, Oldrich Sychra, Syed Anser Rizvi
Figures 1–10.Colpocephalum afrozeae sp. n.1 male dorsal view 2 male ventral view 3 female dorsal view 4 maxillary palp 5 antenna; 6 hypopharynx 7 prosternal plate 8 sternite IV with ctenidia 9 female terminalia ventral view 10 male genitalia
Figure 10.Drawing of hypandrium of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male; par = paraproct, ep = epiproct, trich = trichobothria; scale bar = 0.3 mm.
Saima Naz, Oldrich Sychra, Syed Anser Rizvi
Figures 11–12.Colpocephalum afrozeae sp. n. 11 penis details 12 genital sclerite.
Figure 11.Photograph of hypandrium and aedeagus of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male.
This illustration depicts the morphologic characteristics of the ventral surface of the female and male louse, Goniodes gigas.Created: 1975
Figure 12.Photograph of paraproct of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male; arrow shows the anal spine.
This illustration depicts the ventral features of the male and female louse, Lipeurus caponis.Created: 1975
Figure 2.Drawing of habitus of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male, scale bar = 0.3 mm.
This illustration of female and male lice, Goniodes dissimilis shows the ventral aspect of this species.Created: 1975
Figure 3.Photograph of hypopharynx filaments (arrows) of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male.
Figure 4.Drawing of wings of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male, scale bar = 0.3 mm.
Figure 5.Microphotograph of nodulus, arrow showing the meeting area of Cu2 and A.
This illustration depicts a female (Lt) and male (Rt) rat louse, Polyplax spinulosa from a ventral view.Created: 1975
Figure 6.Microphotograph of structure of forewing margin.
This illustration depicts the ventral features of the male louse, Hoplopleura oenomydis.Created: 1975
Figure 7.Microphotograph of hind leg coxal rasp (Pearman’s organ).
This illustration depicts a ventral view of a hog louse, Haematopinus suis, whose legs are all equivalent in morphologic stature.Created: 1975
Figure 8.Drawing of pretarsal claw of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male, scale bar = 0.03 mm.
Figure 9.Drawing of aedeagus of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male; Ep = epiproct, Hyp = hypandrium, Par = paraproct, par = paramers, Pha = phallosome, sp = anal spine, trich = trichobothria; scale bar = 0.3 mm.
This illustration depicts a female (Lt) and male (Rt) rat louse, Polyplax spinulosa from a ventral view.Created: 1975
This illustration depicts a ventral view of a dog louse, Linognathus setosus, displaying an abdomen with no segmental exoskeletal plates.Created: 1975
This illustration of the female and male lice, Menopon gallinae, shows the ventral aspect of this species.Created: 1975